5 AI tools for school use by students, teachers, and parents

5 AI tools for school use by students, teachers, and parents

Embracing the Power of AI in Education: Tools to Enhance Learning


During last year’s back-to-school season, generative AI wasn’t as popular as it is now. But with the introduction of ChatGPT and the continuous release of new AI tools, the topic has gained significant attention. While concerns have been raised that generative AI may promote cheating, when used properly, these tools have the potential to enhance the learning experience. They can assist students with their projects, homework, and studying, and provide valuable support for parents and teachers.

As a technology enthusiast and former student, I often find myself wishing I had access to these AI tools during my school days. The key to harnessing the power of AI in education lies in identifying the right tools and use cases among the plethora of options available. After months of testing, I have compiled a list of the top AI tools that can make your life as a student easier and more productive.

1. Bing Chat: Your Ultimate AI Assistant


Bing Chat deserves the top spot on my list due to its multiple use cases that can significantly improve a student’s workflow. Similar to ChatGPT, Bing Chat is an AI chatbot powered by OpenAI technology. However, what sets it apart is its utilization of OpenAI’s most advanced large language model (LLM), GPT-4, which is available for free. In contrast, ChatGPT Plus, another GPT-4-based chatbot, requires a monthly subscription fee of $20.

Additionally, Bing Chat is connected to the internet, providing access to up-to-date information on various topics. It not only answers questions but also cites the sources as footnotes, ensuring accuracy and credibility. The chatbot possesses advanced writing, coding, and mathematical abilities, making it an excellent assistant for tasks such as essay writing, math problem-solving, and code generation.

Some practical ways to utilize Bing Chat in your studies include researching for papers, finding answers for assignments, explaining complex topics in a more digestible manner, and even planning vacation itineraries (because breaks are essential too!). To unlock the full potential of Bing Chat, I recommend exploring these use cases and experimenting with different applications.

2. Quizlet: Elevating Your Study Experience


Quizlet has long been a go-to study tool for students at all academic levels. It allows users to create study sets with terms and definitions, offering various learning methods such as flashcards and matching columns. One of the remarkable aspects of Quizlet is the extensive collection of study sets created by other users. Whether you need help with a specific topic or textbook, chances are someone has already created a study set for it.

While Quizlet has been leveraging AI for over six years to enhance its study features, it recently took a step further by integrating OpenAI’s ChatGPT API to create an AI-enabled tutor called Q-Chat. This AI tutor engages users in natural language conversation to teach or test their knowledge. With other AI features like Magic Notes, Memory Score, Quick Summary, and AI-enhanced Expert Solutions, Quizlet provides a comprehensive learning experience.

Whether you’re preparing for a test or seeking additional practice outside the classroom, Quizlet empowers learners of all ages with its vast range of study materials and AI-driven features.

3. ChatPDF: Redefining PDF Interaction


PDFs play a significant role in students’ academic lives, often containing essential class readings, research papers, and syllabi. ChatPDF revolutionizes how you engage with PDFs for study purposes. By simply uploading your PDF, ChatPDF processes the file within seconds and presents you with a chatbot interface, enabling you to ask any question regarding the PDF.

Whether you need a summary of the document or want to understand specific terms within the text, ChatPDF can provide instant answers, indicating the corresponding location in the document. This tool proves invaluable when you encounter complex research papers or need quick information for an assignment. Even as a working professional, I rely on ChatPDF to comprehend intricate concepts and verify my findings.

Unleash the power of ChatPDF to transform your study experience and conquer any PDF-related challenges you encounter along the way.

4. Duolingo: Your Language-Learning Companion


Learning a new language often forms an integral part of students’ education, but it can be a daunting task. Duolingo offers an exceptional language-learning experience by gamifying the process through bite-sized lessons resembling individual quests. With features like streaks, leaderboards, leagues, and a point system, Duolingo motivates learners to make progress and stay engaged.

Foreign language courses in schools can sometimes lack resources and effective teaching methods. Duolingo bridges that gap by providing a fun and interactive platform for out-of-classroom practice. By supplementing your language courses with Duolingo, you can reinforce your understanding, test yourself before exams, and gain a competitive edge in language proficiency.

Whether you’re a student seeking additional language practice or a working professional attempting to expand your skills, Duolingo offers a user-friendly and enjoyable language-learning experience.

5. Socratic: A Google-powered Learning Companion


For younger learners who may not have unrestricted access to the internet, Socratic by Google presents a fantastic alternative. This app allows students to ask questions related to their schoolwork or upload their worksheets. In return, Socratic generates conversational, human-like responses along with relevant graphics and YouTube video links.

Unlike simple question-answer platforms, Socratic provides step-by-step explanations, transforming it into an intelligent learning tool. Parents can rest assured knowing that the app blocks inappropriate questions from being answered. Although Google positions Socratic as a learning app for high school and university students, its functionality and engaging graphics make it suitable for younger learners as well.

Embrace the power of Socratic to enhance your learning journey and gain valuable insights through interactive and instructive responses.

Embracing AI in education doesn’t have to be daunting. With the right tools, students can unlock their full potential, expand their knowledge, and discover new ways to excel in their academic endeavors. Bing Chat, Quizlet, ChatPDF, Duolingo, and Socratic represent just a fraction of the vast landscape of AI tools available. By incorporating these tools into their routine, students can embark on a transformative learning experience powered by AI.