Tech Trends We Want to See in 2024: Better AI, Interoperability, Gaming, AR/VR, and Steam Deck Killers

5 Exciting Tech Trends We Hope to Witness in 2024

Whether you love it or love to hate it, there’s no denying that artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are here to stay, like an annoying cousin who overstays their welcome. As we brace ourselves for the continued dominance of these tech trends, it’s crucial for AI pioneers to consider the impact of these technologies on our society. Let’s ask ourselves, do we really need AI for an indoor security camera? Probably not. But incorporating AI into our daily digital assistants like Siri and Google Assistant? Now we’re talking.

So without further ado, here are the top five tech trends we’re itching to see in 2024:

1. Smarter Siri and Google Assistant: The Superheroes of Digital Assistants

Can we just take a moment to appreciate Siri and Google Assistant? They’re pretty good at following commands, but when it comes to answering our burning questions, there’s definitely room for improvement. With more advanced AI and machine learning capabilities, we can bid farewell to those frustrating responses like “Here’s what I found on the web” or the classic “Sorry, I don’t understand.” These digital heroes should level up their listening skills and become more personable, responding to us with timely and accurate information. And hey, Siri and Google Assistant, we’re still waiting for you to fix that selective hearing issue, especially on my phone. Make our lives easier, pretty please!

Siri icon

2. Better Interoperability: Can’t We All Just Get Along?

In a surprising twist, Apple announced in late 2023 that RCS support is finally coming to the iPhone in 2024, much to the relief of Android and iPhone users around the world. No longer will we suffer through janky group texts and pixelated videos between our devices. Kudos to Apple for waving the white flag and joining the RCS bandwagon. But why stop there? Android users with MacBooks also deserve an easier way to transfer data between their devices. We know it’s a long shot, considering Apple’s love for its walled-garden ecosystem, but let’s dream big and push for increased interoperability between even more devices. It’s time to break down those digital barriers!

Person holding an Android phone in front of a MacBook

3. Better Gaming for macOS: Making MacBooks a Gamer’s Paradise

Apple has been stepping up its game, quite literally, by making macOS and iOS more gamer-friendly. At the Scary Fast MacBook event, Apple unveiled the mighty M3 chips, boasting GPUs that support hardware-accelerated ray tracing and mesh shading. In plain English, this means games on MacBooks will look insanely realistic, with better reflections, shadows, water simulation, and more. These features are Apple’s chipset firsts, and we couldn’t be more excited. But let’s keep that momentum going in 2024. Apple, please continue your efforts to make MacBooks a gaming utopia. Let’s see more macOS games take the world by storm!

14-inch M3 MacBook Pro on a table

4. Sleeker AR/VR Devices: Where Function Meets Fashion

The Ray-Ban Meta Smart Glasses caused quite a stir, but some users were left disappointed by the absence of mixed-reality capabilities. We’re talking about glasses that overlay virtual information on top of your real-world environment, like a futuristic fashion statement. While we have options like Apple Vision Pro and Meta Quest 3 for mixed-reality fun, a sleek and slender Google Glass-esque pair of spectacles with augmented reality (AR) superpowers would be the cherry on top of the tech trend sundae in 2024. We want our AR experiences to be stylish, mind-blowing, and oh-so-cool!

Ray-Ban Meta Smart Glasses

5. Steam Deck Killers: Rising to Challenge the King

The Lenovo Legion Go and the Asus ROG Ally made valiant attempts, but the reigning champion of handheld gaming PCs is still the mighty Steam Deck by Valve. However, in 2024, we want to witness a showdown unlike any other. It’s time for other companies to step up, level up, and dethrone the Steam Deck from its throne. Who will seize the opportunity and become the ultimate gaming handheld of the future? Game on!

Lenovo Legion Go on a table

Final Thoughts: The Future Beckons

As we look ahead to 2024 and beyond, there are plenty more tech trends on our wishlist. We’d love to see more sophisticated health tracking in wearables like the Apple Watch Series, Samsung Watch, and Pixel Watch, helping us lead healthier lives. And hey, how about ultra-fast charging for all our devices? Imagine a world where our phones, laptops, headphones, and more can power up with lightning speed. A girl can dream, right?

Now, it’s your turn. What tech trends are you excited about in 2024? Have any bold predictions or wild dreams? Share them with us in the comments!

Read the original article here.