6 AI tools for work and everyday life enhancement

6 AI tools for work and everyday life enhancement

The Rise of AI: Tools That Are Revolutionizing Our Lives

AI Tools

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has evolved from a futuristic concept to a practical and powerful tool that is changing the way we live and work. From AI-generated art to chatbots capable of human-like conversations, the possibilities seem endless. According to Gartner Analyst and AI expert Whit Andrews, AI has a leveling effect that is only getting stronger. This surge in AI applications has brought forth a wave of innovative tools that have the potential to make our lives easier and more efficient.

AI Tools: Making an Impact

A new breed of AI tools has taken the world by storm, offering us a glimpse into a future where work and information discovery are streamlined. ChatGPT and other generative AI software are leading the way in this revolution, shaping the future of work and productivity. These tools have not only simplified tasks that were once complex but have also advanced equality by making it easier for individuals to express themselves in unfamiliar contexts.

“Think of all the people who find it daunting to express themselves in unfamiliar idioms: that could be drawing a picture, or drawing a map, or explaining a concept,” Andrews said. “Generative AI and other AI applications now make that easy, and it has really advanced equality.”

The proliferation of AI chatbot apps further emphasizes the intensification of AI’s influence in everyday life. More than 150 AI chatbot apps have been launched in 2023 alone. While big-name apps like ChatGPT are widely recognized, there are several lesser-known apps that are equally deserving of attention. These apps have proven to be invaluable when it comes to managing time, budget, fitness, and mindfulness.

Reclaim.ai: Mastering Time Management


Time management is a challenge for many individuals, but Reclaim.ai aims to make it easier. This AI-powered Google Chrome extension helps users find time in their busy schedules to weave in tasks and healthy habits. Reclaim.ai automatically schedules meetings, blocks off time for specific projects, and builds flexibility into your schedule to accommodate unexpected events. By automatically creating a schedule that aligns with your priorities, Reclaim.ai ensures that you stay on track with your work tasks and personal habits.

Cleo: A Budget Manager with Personality


Budgeting can be tedious and challenging, but Cleo makes it fun. This AI app communicates with users through chatting and uses emojis, memes, and GIFs to provide budgeting advice. Cleo’s tough love humor, or “Roast Mode,” playfully shames you for overspending or not saving enough. The app can also help negotiate bills, fees, and interest rates, providing users with potential savings opportunities. By creating a budget tailored to your needs and spending habits, Cleo sets you up for financial success.

Breathhh: Mindfulness in the Digital World


In today’s digital age, taking breaks and practicing mindfulness is crucial. Breathhh, a Google Chrome extension, helps you do just that. By analyzing your browsing history and learning your habits, Breathhh suggests breaks and mindfulness exercises at the right time. This AI extension reminds you when to take a break and reset your mind, helping you avoid burnout.

ActiveFence Video Content Moderation: Keeping the Internet Safe


The rise in online violence and abusive content necessitates robust moderation tools. ActiveFence, in partnership with Agora, has developed an AI tool that works behind the scenes of live streaming apps to manage cyberbullying. This content moderation technology takes screenshot snippets in real-time, identifies illicit content, and can even remove users. With this tool, the internet becomes a safer place, free from hate speech, terrorism, and other forms of abuse.

Gymbuddy: Your Personal Fitness Trainer


Finding the right workout routine can be overwhelming, but Gymbuddy simplifies the process. This AI-powered app analyzes your fitness level and body composition to curate a personalized workout plan in just 24 seconds. Gymbuddy tracks your progress, adjusts difficulty levels, and builds time into your schedule for workouts. With Gymbuddy, achieving your fitness goals becomes more accessible and tailored to your individual needs.

Wordtune: Summarizing Content for Efficiency


With the constant flow of information, finding time to read can be challenging. Wordtune, a Chrome extension, uses AI to summarize articles and videos, providing users with critical points. Whether it’s an article or a social media trend, Wordtune condenses the information, saving you time while ensuring you stay informed. The mobile version of Wordtune generates content for various purposes, including emails, text messages, and cover letters.

The Future of AI

These six AI tools discussed above are just the tip of the iceberg. AI applications continue to evolve and offer solutions for productivity, skill development, and creative endeavors. The full extent of AI’s capabilities is yet to be seen, but it is clear that AI has the potential to revolutionize various aspects of our lives.

“A generation from now, people will not remember life before this moment when AI made so many things more equitable,” Andrews said. “There are all kinds of things that we’ll be able to do, and I love that about AI.”