75% of businesses considering ChatGPT bans.

75% of businesses considering ChatGPT bans.

The Evolution of Generative AI: From Craze to Caution

Image source: ZDNet

Remember the days when generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools were all the rage? It seems like organizations have now shifted their stance from excitement to skepticism, with many considering a ban on such applications. According to a study conducted by BlackBerry, 75% of businesses worldwide are either implementing or contemplating the prohibition of generative AI tools like ChatGPT in their workplace. Disturbingly, 61% of these organizations plan to enforce these measures permanently or in the long run.

Data security, privacy, and brand reputation are cited as the primary reasons for the ban. A staggering 83% of respondents expressed concerns about the security threats posed by unsecured generative AI applications to their IT environment. While 80% acknowledged the rights of organizations to control the applications used by their employees, 74% believed that these bans were excessive and infringed upon business flexibility and the concept of “bring-your-own devices” (BYOD).

Despite the apprehension towards generative AI, most organizations recognize the immense potential it holds. About 55% of respondents believe that generative AI can significantly enhance operational efficiency. Moreover, 52% are of the opinion that this technology can drive innovation, while 51% believe it can boost creativity.

Interestingly, 81% also agreed that generative AI could play a crucial role in bolstering cybersecurity defense. Shishir Singh, BlackBerry’s CTO for cybersecurity, emphasized that banning generative AI applications in the workplace could result in missed business opportunities. Instead, companies should focus on adopting “enterprise-grade” generative AI, which prioritizes value over hype. There should also be a cautious approach when dealing with consumer generative AI tools that may lack adequate security measures.

Gartner, a renowned research firm, has further shed light on the concerns surrounding generative AI. Their research revealed that generative AI is now a primary worry for enterprise risk executives, making it the second most-cited risk in the second quarter of 2023. Conducted among 249 senior enterprise risk executives, Gartner’s survey highlights the rapid growth in public awareness and usage of generative AI tools. The comprehensive nature and the numerous potential use cases of these tools contribute to the concerns associated with their implementation.

Ran Xu, the director of research for Gartner’s risk and audit practice, explains, “This reflects both the rapid growth of public awareness and usage of generative AI tools, as well as the breadth of potential use cases and, therefore, potential risks that these tools engender.”

In light of these findings, it is crucial for organizations to strike a balance between caution and innovation. While there may be concerns surrounding generative AI, it is equally essential to explore its capabilities to drive efficiency, creativity, and cybersecurity defense. As the technology matures and regulations come into effect, organizational policies can evolve to incorporate the right tools for monitoring and managing generative AI applications.

Let’s embrace the potential of generative AI while navigating the risks associated with its usage. By doing so, we can unlock the numerous benefits it offers and pave the way for a more secure and innovative future.
