AI The ‘Word of the Year’ and How Other Tech Terms Stacked Up!

AI The Most Talked About Term of the Year. A Look Back at How Previous Tech Buzzwords Fared.

AI: The Word of the Year that Won’t Fade Away

Finally, the moment we’ve all been waiting for: Collins Dictionary has officially crowned AI as its Word of the Year. Cue the confetti and applause! But what exactly does AI mean? According to the gracious folks at Collins, AI stands for “the modelling of human mental functions by computer programs.” Hmm, quite the mouthful, isn’t it?

Now, before you start rolling your eyes and muttering “not another buzzword,” let’s take a moment to appreciate the significance of this announcement. The usage of AI has quadrupled in the past year alone. You can’t throw a stone without hitting someone discussing AI in pitch decks or over pints at the pub. But don’t be fooled by the hype, my friends. History has shown us that not all tech terms hailed as words of the year achieve enduring success.

Let’s take a stroll down memory lane and see how previous contenders fared in the game of linguistic fame.

Phablet: Caught in Size Limbo

First up, we have the not-so-glorious phablet. A portmanteau of phone and tablet, this word represents those indecisive mobile devices that can’t quite commit to a size. While it once roamed freely in the tech lexicon, its presence now reeks of shame and embarrassment. Phablet, we hardly knew ye.

Bitcoin: A Wild Ride

Ah, Bitcoin. This cryptocurrency has taken investors on a rollercoaster of emotions since its shortlisted days. It reached the lofty heights of €65,000 in November 2021, only to come crashing down to around €32,500 today. Talk about a nail-biting ride! But here’s a fun fact: had you invested back when Bitcoin was a word of the year contender, you could have snagged one for a mere €705. Hindsight, huh?

Cybernats: Political Momentum

Now, here’s a tech term with a political twist. Cybernats, as they’re informally known, are ardent supporters of the Scottish National Party who wage online campaigns for Scottish independence. With renewed cries for a second referendum in the air, cybernats are gaining momentum once again. Scottish independence may still be a pipe dream, but these cyber warriors are not to be underestimated.

Tinder: The Matchmaker Extraordinaire

Swipe right for Tinder! This online dating app has established itself as the undisputed leader in the world of virtual romance. With over 6 million monthly downloads in July, it has captured the hearts (and loins) of many. However, Tinder is no longer the sole player in this game of love. Competitors have emerged, eager to challenge its reign. The quest for true love just got a little more crowded.

Contactless: Tapping into the Future

Remember the dark ages when we had to fumble for cash or cards to make payments? Thank goodness for the marvel that is contactless payments. This technology has revolutionized the way we transact, sparing us the endless agony of digging through our wallets. But let me tell you, my friends, on a recent European road trip, I discovered that not everyone has embraced the wonders of contactless. There’s still room for growth, people! Let’s tap into a future of seamless transactions without the hassle.

Uberization: Disrupting Markets, One App at a Time

Uberization, oh how you’ve permeated our lives since 2016. This term signifies the adoption of groundbreaking methods to supply products and services, forever changing the game. As mobile usage continues to soar, so does the ubiquity of Uberization. Prepare yourself for a world where the traditional way of doing things is turned upside down, leaving us wondering, “What’s next?”

The Echo Chamber: Social Media’s Impact

While not strictly a tech term, the echo chamber owes its place on this illustrious list to the influence of social media. These digital bubbles have shaped public discourse, leaving some fearing the polarization they may instigate. However, recent research suggests that the echo chamber’s effects may not be as divisive as anticipated. Perhaps we’re not trapped in an endless cycle of like-mindedness after all. Food for thought, my dear readers.

Deepfake: The Dark Side of Realism

Beware, for in the depths of the internet lurk the deepfakes. These digital replicas have yet to unleash the disinformation maelstrom experts predicted years ago. They have, however, found quite the niche in one particular realm: adult entertainment. Shockingly, a staggering 98% of all deepfake videos online cater to the more provocative side of life. Looks like our obsession with technology knows no bounds.

Influencer: The Rise of the Gram

Ah, influencers. The bane of every marketer’s existence. Instagram’s defining legacy has given rise to this infuriating “profession,” where the sole qualification seems to be the ability to grab attention. But fear not! We’ll give influencers as little attention as humanly possible. Let’s shift our focus to more meaningful endeavors, shall we?

TikTokers: Kings and Queens of the Byte-Sized World

Enter the era of TikTokers, the darlings of social media in 2020. With their captivating dance routines and viral challenges, these content creators have captured the hearts of millions. They’ve even managed to convert some staunch boomers to their addictively short-form videos. With a 16% increase in users, reaching a staggering 1.5 billion in 2023, it would be sheer madness to ignore their global influence. Brace yourselves, my friends, for the reign of TikTokers shows no signs of slowing down.

Metaverse: From Hype to Reality and Back Again

The metaverse, a grand concept that burst into the limelight with Facebook’s rebranding, only to fade into temporary obscurity. It turns out jaw-dropping financial losses, laughable technologies, and a dash of generative AI can bring even the most awe-inspiring ideas back down to Earth. The metaverse may have stumbled on its journey, but who knows what the future holds? Perhaps a renaissance is on the horizon.

Crypto: Riding the Rollercoaster of Speculation

Cryptocurrency prices, like the waves of the sea, have risen to dizzying heights in the past, only to crash down like a shipwreck in a crypto winter. But don’t lose hope just yet! There are whispers in the wind, signs that the bear market may finally be hibernating. Will the world of crypto see a long-awaited revival? Only time will tell, my friends.

Pingdemic: The App-Dependent Countdown

Ah, the pingdemic! Who could forget the buzz around this term during the height of the pandemic? COVID-19 apps would incessantly advise us to self-isolate, leaving us constantly on edge. But fear not, my fellow humans, for the pandemic eventually subsided, and this word faded into a distant memory – at least for now.

NFT: The Token on a Rollercoaster

And last but not least, we have NFTs. Ah, NFTs, once the subject of our mocking, now named Word of the Year by Collins. Who could have predicted this twist of fate? Trading of non-fungible tokens plummeted by a whopping 81% between January 2022 and July 2023. Oh, how we chuckle at our fickle ways. But fret not, AI enthusiasts, for your beloved word of the year is unlikely to face a similar fate. AI is rapidly evolving, finding its way into an ever-expanding range of applications. So, while the hype may fade, the resilient spirit of AI will undoubtedly prevail.

But let us not dwell on the past. Collins will soon return with another word of the year, and the tech world is bound to make its voice heard once again. What future tech term do you predict will take the crown? Share your thoughts with us through the usual channels. After all, the world of technology is an ever-evolving landscape, and it’s our duty to explore, embrace, and, of course, poke fun along the way.