AliExpress Faces Formal Probe by EU Under the Digital Services Act

The European Union has launched its third official probe against a major platform under the Digital Services Act, targeting AliExpress from China.

AliExpress is the first online marketplace under EU investigation by DSA | ENBLE.

The European Union has announced its third formal investigation into a major online platform under the Digital Services Act (DSA). This time, it’s AliExpress, a popular online marketplace based in China, that has the dubious honor of being the first one to face an official probe by the Commission. The DSA is the EU’s revamped set of ecommerce rules, which require larger platforms to conduct risk assessments and implement mitigations to avoid violations. Failure to comply can result in hefty penalties, amounting to up to 6% of their global annual turnover.

AliExpress joins two other social media platforms, X and TikTok, in being investigated under the DSA. These probes have been ongoing since December and February, respectively. But what exactly has AliExpress done to catch the attention of the EU? In a press release, the Commission outlined several areas where the marketplace is suspected of breaching DSA rules:

  1. Management and mitigation of risks: AliExpress needs to demonstrate that it has effective systems in place to identify and address potential risks associated with the products and services offered on its platform.
  2. Content moderation and complaint handling: The marketplace is expected to have robust mechanisms for moderating and handling user-generated content to prevent the dissemination of illegal or harmful material.
  3. Transparency of advertising and recommender systems: AliExpress must ensure that its advertising practices are transparent and that its recommender systems are fair and unbiased.
  4. Traceability of traders and data access for researchers: The marketplace needs to provide clear information about its traders and enable access to data for researchers to monitor and analyze marketplace activities.

These are not the only issues of concern. AliExpress’s status as a very large online platform (VLOP) has put it under scrutiny for various safety-related matters, such as the distribution of non-compliant medicines and foods, child safety risks linked to the sale of pornography and toys, and safety concerns regarding the activities of social media influencers who promote AliExpress products. The Commission suspects that these influencers may be responsible for the sale of non-compliant and potentially risky goods.

It’s worth noting that the EU’s enforcement priorities include ensuring the safety of ecommerce marketplaces, combating illegal hate speech, protecting children, and ensuring election security. The regulators are taking a comprehensive approach to tackle these issues.

The investigation into AliExpress will be carried out in-depth and as a matter of priority. It’s important to emphasize that this formal proceeding does not confirm any violations of the DSA at this stage. However, it grants the EU additional powers, including the ability to impose interim measures if necessary. Although there is no fixed timeline for the conclusion of a DSA investigation, the Commission will thoroughly examine the matter.

Alibaba, the parent company of AliExpress, has been contacted for comment on the investigation.

Additional Q&A

Q: Should consumers be concerned about shopping on AliExpress during this investigation?

A: While the EU’s investigation into AliExpress is ongoing, consumers should remain vigilant and exercise caution when making purchases. It’s important to remember that this investigation does not automatically imply guilt. However, the EU is scrutinizing various aspects of AliExpress’s operations to ensure compliance with the DSA. In the meantime, consumers can protect themselves by thoroughly researching products, reading reviews, and relying on trusted sellers with good track records.

Q: How does the EU’s probe into AliExpress affect other online marketplaces?

A: The investigation into AliExpress sets an important precedent for other online marketplaces. It highlights the EU’s commitment to enforcing the DSA and maintaining a safe and transparent online ecosystem. Other platforms, both large and small, should take note of the scrutiny and use this opportunity to review their own risk management systems, content moderation processes, and transparency practices. This investigation serves as a wake-up call to the entire industry.

The Impact and Future Developments

The EU’s investigation into AliExpress reflects a broader global trend of governments closely monitoring online platforms and taking proactive steps to regulate them. As platforms continue to play an increasingly significant role in the digital economy, policymakers and regulators are keen to address issues of safety, consumer protection, and fair competition.

Platforms like AliExpress have a responsibility to ensure that they provide a secure and trustworthy environment for both buyers and sellers. Compliance with regulations, such as the DSA, is crucial to maintaining consumer trust and maximizing business opportunities. By strengthening their risk assessment procedures, enhancing content moderation practices, and improving transparency, platforms can foster a healthier and more sustainable digital marketplace.

Looking ahead, it’s likely that more investigations and regulatory actions will follow as governments worldwide seek to strike the right balance between innovation and accountability in the tech industry. As the online landscape continues to evolve, it’s essential for platforms and policymakers to collaborate and adapt to ensure the protection of users and the promotion of fair business practices.


  1. Elon Musk’s X faces first DSA probe in EU over illegal content risks, moderation, transparency, and deceptive design
  2. EU opens formal probe of TikTok under Digital Services Act, citing child safety, risk management, and other concerns
  3. Digital Services Act (DSA)
  4. AliExpress
  5. Alibaba

Hey, readers! Have you ever shopped on AliExpress? 🛍️ The popular online marketplace has recently come under the spotlight as the European Union (EU) investigates its compliance with the Digital Services Act (DSA). 🕵️‍♂️ Let’s dive deeper into the juicy details of this probe.

The DSA, which demands risk assessments and mitigations by larger platforms, has the power to make even the biggest tech giants tremble. And AliExpress is no exception! 👀 In fact, this investigation marks the third formal inquiry by the EU, with social media platforms X and TikTok already in the hot seat. 🔥

Now, you might be wondering, what exactly did AliExpress do to grab the EU’s attention? According to a press release from the Commission, there are several areas where the marketplace is suspected of breaking the rules. 🚫 These include managing and mitigating risks, content moderation, transparency in advertising and recommender systems, and the traceability of traders and data access for researchers. Quite the list! 📜

But that’s not all! As a very large online platform, AliExpress faces additional concerns related to safety and compliance. 🚨 The EU is particularly worried about non-compliant medicines and foods, child safety risks, and the sale of potentially dangerous products through social media influencers promoting AliExpress. 🧪🚼

Although this investigation is cause for attention, let’s not jump to conclusions just yet. The EU is conducting an in-depth examination to uncover any violations, and the outcome remains uncertain. But trust me when I say, the EU has got some tricks up its sleeve! With the ability to impose interim measures, they’ve got the power to keep the heat on AliExpress. 🔥

Now, I know you’re itching to ask some burning questions. 🔥 So, let me tackle a couple for you!

Q: Should I be worried about shopping on AliExpress while this investigation is ongoing? 🛒

A: While the investigation is underway, it’s always good to stay cautious. Remember that this doesn’t automatically mean AliExpress is guilty. Nonetheless, it’s essential to do your due diligence. Research the products, read reviews, and stick with reputable sellers. Safety first, my friend! 👍

Q: How does this investigation affect other online marketplaces? 🌐

A: Ah, great question! The EU’s investigation is not just about AliExpress. It sets a precedent for all online marketplaces. The message is clear—safety and transparency are key. So, expect stricter regulations for the entire industry. It’s a wake-up call for platforms big and small. ☕

Now, let’s take a moment to consider the wider impact and future developments. 🔮

This investigation is part of a global trend in which governments are keeping a close eye on online platforms and taking active measures to regulate them. As these platforms continue to shape the digital economy, it’s paramount to address issues of safety, consumer protection, and fair competition.

So, let’s challenge platforms like AliExpress to step up their game! Compliance with regulations, such as the DSA, is not just a legal requirement—it’s essential for building trust and ensuring a thriving online marketplace. By prioritizing risk assessment, improving content moderation, and enhancing transparency, platforms can create a healthier and more trustworthy environment. 🌱

Looking forward, we can expect more investigations and regulatory actions as governments worldwide strive to strike the right balance in the tech industry. It’s an exciting—and challenging—time for both platforms and regulators. Collaboration and adaptation will be key to guaranteeing user protection and fostering a fair digital landscape. Let’s watch this space! 👀

That’s all for now, folks! If you found this article informative, don’t be shy—share it with your friends on social media. Let’s spread the knowledge! 🚀📢