AMD’s RX 7600 XT: A Missed Opportunity for the Underdog

Despite AMD likely not intending to, it inadvertently helped Nvidia by launching the RX 7600 XT.

AMD just gave Nvidia a big favor | ENBLE

The RX 7600 XT graphics card on a pink background.

AMD and Nvidia are constantly battling it out to release the best graphics card of the year. However, it seems like AMD’s latest attempt, the RX 7600 XT, might just backfire on them. Let’s dive into the details and see why this could be the case.

AMD Repeated Nvidia’s Mistakes

Nvidia’s RTX 40-series has been largely successful. The addition of DLSS 3.0 made the lower-tier cards shine, and the flagship RTX 4090 offered a substantial generational improvement. However, Nvidia made a couple of mistakes with this generation, and surprisingly, AMD repeated them with the RX 7600 XT.

For starters, some of Nvidia’s RTX 40 graphics cards are priced quite poorly. The RTX 4080, for example, was a $1,200 GPU that should have been priced around $800 to $900. While Nvidia addressed this issue with the RTX 4080 Super, it remains an exception rather than the norm. In general, Nvidia’s GPUs could be more affordable, including cards like the RTX 4070 Ti and RTX 4060 Ti. Surprisingly, the $330 RX 7600 XT suffers from the same problem.

It’s a budget graphics card, but the price hike compared to its predecessor is hard to justify. At $60 more, the RX 7600 XT doesn’t bring enough improvements to warrant such an increase. AMD could have bumped up the price a bit with the XT model, but even $300 would have seemed excessive considering the lack of significant upgrades.

Furthermore, the specifications of the RX 7600 XT leave a lot to be desired. It’s essentially the same graphics card as the $270 RX 7600, with the same number of stream multiprocessors (SMs) and compute units (CUs). The only notable differences are a slight boost in game clock speed, an increase in TDP, and twice the amount of VRAM. Unfortunately, AMD chose to keep the same narrow 128-bit memory bus, limiting the card’s bandwidth.

This brings us to Nvidia’s mishap with the RTX 4060 Ti, which bears resemblance to AMD’s error. Despite a controversial $400 price tag and underwhelming performance, the GPU received a second version with the same specifications, except for the doubled VRAM—also distributed across a narrow 128-bit interface.

By adding these two blunders together, AMD has created a disappointing card that only ends up making Nvidia’s mediocre offerings look better.

Too Much Competition

RTX 4060 Ti sitting next to the RTX 4070.

We’ve extensively tested the RX 7600 XT and compared it to its rivals. Unfortunately, it seems like AMD has deviated from what worked for them in the past.

Let’s take the RTX 4060 as an example. It costs $30 less than the RX 7600 XT, but in our benchmark suite, it only outperforms AMD’s card by an average of 2% in 1080p gaming. Considering that the RTX 4060 is already underwhelming compared to the previous-gen RTX 3060 Ti, positioning it at a higher price point is nothing to be proud of.

In terms of actual gameplay, the RX 7600 XT and the RTX 4060 are comparable in most titles. However, in specific games like Red Dead Redemption 2 and The Last of Us Part I, the extra VRAM surprisingly gives the AMD card an edge. On the other hand, the RTX 4060 excels in Resident Evil, boasting a substantial 125-frame margin.

Moving on to 1440p, the RX 7600 XT catches up to Nvidia’s RTX 4060 in terms of performance. It even wins in certain games that benefit from the 16GB of VRAM. However, it’s not a sweeping victory. In fact, it proves that the RTX 4060 performs surprisingly well with just 8GB of VRAM.

When it comes to ray tracing, AMD still falls behind Nvidia. This deficiency comes as no surprise, but it does make you question what the extra $30 for the RX 7600 XT is actually getting you.

Moreover, the RX 7600 XT faces tough competition from other GPUs in the market, such as the RTX 4060 Ti and the Arc A770, which offer similar performance. Even AMD’s last-gen RX 6700 XT, priced only around $20 higher, poses a viable option.

AMD Should Have Won This Battle

Radeon logo on the RX 7600 XT graphics card.

Nvidia’s midrange GPUs in this generation haven’t been particularly impressive. With mediocre performance gains and inflated prices, the 60-level cards are no longer the go-to options they once were. The only exception is the RTX 4070 Super, which offers great value and performance for $600. Everything below that price point should have been AMD’s domain, but Intel’s cards are also taking a slice of the market.

Not every GPU needs to be a masterpiece to be remembered for years, but all AMD had to do with the RX 7600 XT was price it reasonably. While the design choices raise some questions, it could have still been a decent alternative to Nvidia’s overpriced GPUs if AMD had followed its usual performance-per-dollar strategy. The RX 7800 XT, priced at $500, is a fantastic deal, and the RX 7600, priced at $270 and below, is a solid 1080p option.

AMD’s claim to fame has always been offering more for less, along with providing more VRAM than Nvidia. It’s hard to understand why they deviated from that winning formula by overpricing the RX 7600 XT and failing to match the interface with the increased VRAM.

As someone who likes to root for the underdog, I find it challenging to come up with many reasons to choose the RX 7600 XT over an RTX 4060 right now. Unless you specifically need the 16GB of VRAM for memory-intensive tasks or for a handful of games where it truly makes a noticeable difference, there’s no point in spending that extra $30. Unfortunately, AMD has unintentionally given Nvidia a boost by creating a card that fails to live up to expectations.


Q: How do AMD’s midrange graphics cards compare to Nvidia’s offerings?
AMD’s midrange graphics cards, such as the RX 7600 XT, have fallen short when compared to Nvidia’s counterparts. The price-to-performance ratio and overall value aren’t as compelling as they should be, making Nvidia a more attractive option for many users.

Q: What is the impact of AMD’s pricing strategy on the market?
AMD’s decision to overprice the RX 7600 XT has led to missed opportunities to capture a larger market share. It has inadvertently pushed buyers towards Nvidia’s offerings, ultimately benefiting their competitor.

Q: Does the RX 7600 XT perform well in ray tracing?
While the RX 7600 XT does support ray tracing, it falls behind Nvidia’s GPUs in this aspect. Nvidia’s ray tracing technology is more robust and performs better overall.

Q: Are there alternative options to the RX 7600 XT in the market?
Yes, there are several alternatives available, including Nvidia’s RTX 4060 and 4060 Ti, as well as Intel’s Arc A770. These GPUs offer similar performance, and some even provide better value for the price.

Looking Ahead

Benchmarks of the RX 7600 XT at 1080p.

With the RX 7600 XT, AMD had the opportunity to dominate the midrange graphics card segment, but unfortunately, they missed the mark. This setback shouldn’t overshadow AMD’s ability to produce remarkable GPUs in other price ranges, such as the RX 7800 XT.

Moving forward, it is crucial for AMD to revert to its core strengths of offering great performance-per-dollar and providing sufficient VRAM. By doing so, they can regain their reputation as the underdog that offers more for less.

In conclusion, the RX 7600 XT, while not a terrible GPU, fails to justify its higher price tag compared to its rivals. Unless you have specific requirements that demand the additional VRAM, it’s difficult to justify choosing this card over Nvidia’s alternatives. AMD must reassess their pricing strategy and focus on delivering exceptional value to regain their competitive edge.


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