Apple and Goldman Sachs planned iPhone stock trading feature launch in 2020

Apple and Goldman Sachs planned iPhone stock trading feature launch in 2020

Apple and Goldman Sachs: A Potential Stock Trading Feature for the iPhone


Apple and Goldman Sachs had a grand plan to introduce a built-in stock trading feature for the iPhone, according to an exclusive report by CNBC. This remarkable collaboration was aimed at providing iPhone users with a convenient and user-friendly way to buy and sell stocks directly from their beloved devices. The feature, which was set to rival popular trading apps like Robinhood, was even rumored to allow users to invest in Apple shares using their spare cash. It would have been the next step in the ever-expanding partnership between Apple and Goldman Sachs, which already includes successful offerings like the Apple Card, Apple Pay Later, and Daily Cash Savings.

It was back in 2020 when work on this ambitious project commenced. At that time, interest rates were at an all-time low, and there was an extraordinary surge in the number of people investing in stocks. Apple diligently developed the stock trading feature over the course of the year, with plans for its highly-anticipated launch in 2022. Unfortunately, as market conditions deteriorated, Apple and Goldman Sachs made the difficult decision to put the project on hold. They were apprehensive about potential backlash if users incurred losses in the stock market. Instead, the focus shifted towards introducing a high-interest savings account for Apple Card users.

Despite the setback, it is worth noting that the infrastructure for the innovative investing feature is reportedly mostly built and ready to launch whenever Apple decides to proceed. However, there are no immediate indications that Apple has plans to roll out the stock trading feature in the near future.

This development would have been yet another groundbreaking advancement in the world of finance and technology. It is a testament to Apple’s commitment to providing its users with seamless and integrated experiences, placing financial endeavors at their fingertips. The combination of Apple’s cutting-edge technology and Goldman Sachs’ financial expertise would undoubtedly have delivered an unparalleled stock trading experience. While the project has been shelved for now, the possibility of its revival in the future remains open.

As Apple continues to pave the way in technological innovation, we eagerly await the next big thing they have in store for us. Whether it’s in the realm of mobile devices, computational power, or now even finance, Apple never fails to surprise and captivate its global audience. Stay tuned for more exciting developments to come from this technology giant.