Apple’s “Project Titan” shifts gears: A self-driving car becomes an EV with limited autonomous features 🍏🚗

Apple has reportedly reduced its ambitions in the automotive industry, at least for the time being. The company's long-standing vehicle project has reportedly shifted from developing a completely autonomous car to an electric vehicle similar to Tesla's.

The Apple car is said to be real and may come out in 2028, but with less self-driving capabilities.

As reported by Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, Apple has made a significant pivot in its secretive project for a self-driving car. What was once envisioned as a fully autonomous vehicle without a steering wheel or pedals has now transformed into an electric vehicle (EV) with limited self-driving capabilities, similar to Tesla’s offerings. This shift is seen as a crucial turning point for Apple, as it could either be a step towards success or a prompt for top executives to reconsider the entire project’s existence.

From Level 5 to Level 2+: Downgrade in autonomous features, but still impressive 🤖

The car’s autonomous features have been downgraded from a Level 5 system, which represents full automation, to a Level 4 system, offering full automation in certain circumstances. However, the most recent update suggests that the Apple Car will now fall under the informal designation of “Level 2+,” which indicates partial automation. This means the car will provide limited self-driving features like lane centering and braking/accelerating support, while still requiring the driver’s full attention.

It’s interesting to note that Tesla’s Autopilot system is categorized as Level 2. While Level 2+ isn’t an official designation, it is often informally used to describe a more advanced version of Level 2. So, although Apple has scaled back its original aspirations, the Level 2+ automation is still quite impressive.

Tesla Model 3 sitting on a country driveway. Tesla’s Model 3 (Photo by Roberto Baldwin / ENBLE)

The Apple Car’s new strategy: A Tesla-like market entrance 🚀

What was once an ambitious project is now taking on a more grounded approach, resembling Tesla’s market entrance. Apple has reportedly engaged in discussions with potential manufacturing partners in Europe to execute this updated strategy. Although the current plan focuses on delivering a pared-down version of the Apple Car, the company still aims to offer a Level 4 autonomous system at some point in the future.

Bloomberg describes the decision-making process leading up to this shift as “frenzied,” involving CEO Tim Cook, the Apple board, and project head Kevin Lynch. Lynch took over as the project leader after former Tesla engineering head Doug Field left in 2021. As a result, the Apple board has actively pushed for clarity and progress regarding the car plan throughout 2023.

Lessons from a challenging year for self-driving cars, and the role of government standards 🔧🚘

The year 2023 proved to be a challenging period for the self-driving car industry. Cruise, GM’s robotaxi division, experienced setbacks as it laid off 24% of its workforce after one of its vehicles pinned and dragged a pedestrian who had already been hit by another car. This incident prompted the California DMV to suspend Cruise’s driverless permits, citing safety concerns. Despite these setbacks, Waymo, a leading player in the autonomous vehicle space, seems to be doing well.

In the case of Apple, it’s possible that the company observed the unpredictable nature of government standards in this evolving field, prompting them to exercise caution. It’s no secret that government regulations play a significant role in shaping the trajectory of self-driving car technology. Apple may have sensed the wind blowing in a direction that warranted a more prudent approach.

The ever-changing “Project Titan” and what lies ahead for Apple 🍏🔧

Apple’s secretive “Project Titan” has been the subject of rumors since at least the mid-2010s. The company has invested hundreds of millions of dollars into various areas such as powertrains, self-driving hardware and software, car interiors and exteriors, and other key components. However, given the numerous changes the project’s details have undergone, it wouldn’t be surprising if Apple decides to take another twist in the future.


Q: What motivated Apple to scale back its self-driving car aspirations?

A: Apple’s decision to shift from a fully self-driving car to an EV with limited autonomous features likely stems from the challenges faced by the self-driving car industry in recent years. Safety concerns, regulatory issues, and the unpredictability of government standards may have prompted Apple to recalibrate its approach and take a more cautious stance.

Q: How does the Level 2+ automation of the Apple Car compare to Tesla’s Autopilot?

A: While Tesla’s Autopilot system falls under Level 2 automation, the Apple Car’s Level 2+ automation represents a more advanced version of this technology. While both systems offer limited self-driving capabilities such as lane centering and braking/accelerating support, the Level 2+ designation suggests that Apple’s system provides enhanced functionality and performance.

Q: Will Apple eventually offer a Level 4 autonomous system?

A: Yes, Apple still aims to provide a Level 4 autonomous system, which would offer full automation in certain circumstances. Although the current iteration of the Apple Car will not have this capability at launch, the company intends to develop and implement it in the future. Apple’s vision for the ultimate evolution of its autonomous features remains intact despite the recent pivot.


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  8. Waymo to Start Testing Robotaxis on Phoenix Highways

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