Apple Watch Series 9 and Apple Watch Ultra 2 Indefinitely Paused Due to Patent Dispute

Apple Halts Sales of Apple Watch Series 9 and Ultra 2 Amid Patent Dispute

Apple halts sales of Apple Watch Series 9 and Ultra 2 amidst patent disagreement.

Hold your horses, folks! Apple has pressed the pause button on the sales of its highly anticipated Apple Watch Series 9 and Apple Watch Ultra 2. Why, you ask? Well, it seems that Apple has found itself in a bit of a patent pickle with medical technology company Masimo. This isn’t just any pickle, mind you—it’s a years-long patent dispute that is now coming to a head.

According to our friends at 9to5Mac, the Apple website will stop selling the newest generations of its smartwatches on December 21st after 3 p.m. ET, with physical stores following suit on December 24th. So, if you were planning to pick up one of these sleek timepieces as a last-minute holiday gift, you might have to find an alternative.

The crux of the matter is the blood oxygen sensor technology, and the International Trade Commission recently weighed in on the issue. It turns out that Apple has, indeed, infringed on Masimo’s patents. Ouch! The ruling took place in October, and now it’s in the hands of the Biden administration for a 60-day review period that ends on December 25th. Will the president veto the decision, or will it stand? Santa himself couldn’t tell you, my friends.

In any case, Apple is playing it safe. In a statement to 9to5Mac, they admitted that while the review period isn’t officially over until December 25th (talk about adding suspense to the holiday season), they’ve decided to pull both the Apple Watch Series 9 and Apple Watch Ultra 2 from the shelves. Just like that, the Apple Watch fairies have vanished!

But don’t worry, my tech-savvy friends. The watches won’t disappear completely from the market. While Apple is barred from selling these babies directly, third-party retailers like Best Buy and Amazon can still offer them up to eager customers. However, there’s a slight catch—Apple can’t import any more watches into the U.S., which could potentially impact the availability of these devices from other retailers. It’s like hiding the keys to the candy store from the store owner!

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room. What if this ruling is upheld? What will Apple do? Well, my crystal ball is a bit cloudy on this one. Apple still has a few options up its sleeve—they can appeal the decision, make nice with Masimo and settle, or even strike a licensing deal for the coveted technology. The ball is in Apple’s court, but the timeline for their triumphant return to the market remains uncertain.

So, my dear technology aficionados, buckle up and stay tuned. The drama isn’t over yet, and the Apple Watch Series 9 and Apple Watch Ultra 2 could still make a glittering comeback. As for now, if you’re desperate to get your hands on one of these timekeeping marvels, hop over to Best Buy or take a dip into the digital Amazon realm. Don’t fret, dear readers, for all tech stories have twists and turns, and this one is keeping us on the edge of our seats.