Apple invites researchers to apply for a special iPhone designed for vulnerability detection.

Apple invites researchers to apply for a special iPhone designed for vulnerability detection.

Apple Announces iPhone Security Research Device Program, Calling All Researchers!

Apple Security Research Program

In an exciting announcement, Apple revealed that it is now accepting applications for its highly anticipated 2024 iPhone Security Research Device Program. This program provides security researchers with specialized Apple devices that are specifically designed to simplify the process of discovering critical iOS vulnerabilities. Since its launch in 2019, the iPhone Security Research Device Program (SRDP) has been instrumental in locating 130 high-impact security vulnerabilities, enabling Apple to implement “novel mitigations” for enhanced protection across iOS devices.

Unveiling the Impact

Over the past six months, researchers participating in the program have made remarkable contributions, receiving 37 CVE credits for their invaluable findings. These researchers have been instrumental in improving the highly regarded XNU kernel, as well as kernel extensions and XPC services. Through their hard work and dedication, they have assisted Apple in implementing important security enhancements.

Rewards and Recognition

Researchers who actively engage in the SRDP are eligible for the highly coveted Apple Security Bounty payouts. Apple has already rewarded over 100 reports from SRDP researchers, with some of these individuals receiving “multiple awards” surpassing an impressive $500,000. The median award stands at nearly $18,000, making it a lucrative opportunity for researchers to showcase their skills and contribute to building a more secure iOS ecosystem.

Introducing the iPhone 14 Pro Research Devices

Participants accepted into the program will be provided with the latest iPhone 14 Pro research devices, specially equipped with unique hardware and software tailored for security research. These devices offer researchers the ability to configure or disable iOS security protections, allowing them to manipulate the software in ways that would not be possible on a standard iPhone. This advanced functionality fosters innovative exploration and invaluable insights into iOS security.

Open to Security Research Experts and Educators

The SRDP is not limited to only seasoned security researchers. Apple extends its invitation to individuals who have a remarkable track record in security research, both on the iPhone and other platforms. This inclusive approach aims to cultivate a diverse community of experts, ensuring a wealth of perspectives and experiences to safeguard the iOS platform. Additionally, Apple is also making these research devices available to university educators who wish to utilize them as teaching tools for computer science students. This move promotes the development of the next generation of security researchers and positions Apple as a key player in fostering education around digital security.

How to Apply

Apple curates a select group of participants each year to receive a research device, ensuring a focused and collaborative research environment. Applications for the program are open until October 31, 2023, with notifications sent to selected participants in early 2024. If you are passionate about security research and have the desire to contribute to the ever-evolving landscape of iOS security, now is the time to take action.

So, if you are ready to join the ranks of esteemed researchers, don’t miss out on this golden opportunity. Apply today to be a part of the iPhone Security Research Device Program, and and unlock your potential to make a lasting impact on the world of digital security!