Apple launches Tap to Pay on iPhone in Brazil.

Apple launches Tap to Pay on iPhone in Brazil.

Apple Launches Tap to Pay on iPhone in Brazil, Revolutionizing Payment Experiences for Merchants

Apple is once again pushing boundaries with its latest announcement: Tap to Pay on iPhone is now available in Brazil. This feature allows independent sellers, small merchants, and large retailers in the country to use their iPhones as a payment terminal, revolutionizing the way businesses accept payments.

Introduced in February 2022, Tap to Pay on iPhone enables compatible iPhones to accept payments via Apple Pay, contactless credit and debit cards, and other digital wallets, all without the need for additional hardware or credit card machines. Utilizing NFC technology, this feature securely authenticates contactless payments and even supports PIN entry, including accessibility options.

Jennifer Bailey, Apple’s vice president of Apple Pay and Apple Wallet, expressed excitement over bringing this easy, secure, and private payment solution to Brazilian merchants. Highlighting the entrepreneurial spirit of the nation, Bailey said, “Brazil is a nation of great entrepreneurship, and now companies will have the possibility to accept payments by approach in all places of operation.”

The rollout of Tap to Pay on iPhone in Brazil will begin with Cloudwalk, which is the first payment platform to offer this functionality to its business customers. In the near future, other major players such as Stone, Nubank, SumUp, and Granito will also join the fray, providing their customers with the convenience of Tap to Pay on iPhone.

To utilize this feature, businesses in Brazil will need an iPhone XS or newer model. Once registered on the app, sellers can easily complete transactions by presenting their iPhone to the buyer, who can then make a contactless payment using their preferred method.

Tap to Pay on iPhone is not limited to Brazil alone. It is already available to over 700,000 businesses across the United States, with Apple Stores in the U.S. already incorporating the feature into their operations. Brazil is now the sixth region to benefit from Tap to Pay, following successful rollouts in the U.K., Australia, Taiwan, and the Netherlands earlier this year.

This latest move by Apple demonstrates the company’s commitment to innovation and enhancing the payment experiences of both merchants and customers. With Tap to Pay on iPhone, businesses of all sizes can offer convenient and secure payment options to their customers, paving the way for a more seamless future of commerce.