The Apple Watch is Bringing Back the Swipe for Changing Watch Faces!

Popular feature to be reintroduced on Apple Watch | ENBLE

Apple Watch to bring back popular feature soon.

The Apple Watch is about to restore a beloved feature that was unceremoniously ditched with the launch of watchOS 10. Yes, you heard it right – the ability to change your watch face with a single, glorious swipe is making a comeback, thanks to watchOS 10.2!

News of this long-awaited return came from an eagle-eyed Apple fanatic known as Aaron, who spotted the feature in watchOS 10 beta 3 and couldn’t contain his excitement. And who can blame him? The convenience of a simple swipe is akin to effortlessly flicking open a treasure chest filled with endless possibilities!

Now, let’s take a moment to ponder why Apple ever decided to bid farewell to this intuitive feature in the first place. We may never know their rationale, but what we do know is that they replaced the swipe with a clunkier, more time-consuming method. Imagine having to long-press the Apple Watch display, then engage in a series of swipes and rotations using the digital crown just to change your watch face! Talk about turning a simple pleasure into an arduous expedition.

Needless to say, countless Apple Watch users took to the internet to express their dismay when this change became apparent. One user summed it up perfectly, saying, “If that’s intentional, that sucks. I use four neighboring faces for different purposes and am swiping between them constantly. This will make using the watch very laborious for me.” And let’s not forget the irony of swiping now resulting in… absolutely nothing. It’s like swiping into the void, a path leading nowhere.

However, before we jump to conclusions, it’s worth acknowledging that the current long-press method does have a couple of advantages. Alongside the option to swipe to your desired watch face, you also get the chance to customize them on-device with a simple edit button. No more dependency on your iPhone for this delightful task! And if you’re feeling extra generous, there’s even a button to share your meticulously crafted watch face designs with others. It’s like a digital art exhibit on your wrist!

But let’s not lose hope, fellow Apple Watch enthusiasts, for watchOS 10.2 is here to save the day. With this new update, the swipe feature will be back in all its glory. However, it’s important to note that at the moment, it’s not enabled by default. Fear not, though! All you need to do is venture into your Settings and Clock to select the swipe method. Apple is graciously offering both the current method and the old, beloved swipe. The choice is yours, my friends.

So, get ready to embark on a seamless journey between watch faces with just a flick of your finger. Prepare to revel in the joy of personalization and efficiency without unnecessary detours. It’s like having a magic wand for your wrist, effortlessly transforming your Apple Watch to suit your every mood and occasion.

Now, let’s hear from you! Are you excited about the return of the swipe feature on the Apple Watch? Or are you content with the current long-press method? Share your thoughts in the comments below and let’s keep the conversation going!