Apple Watch Series 9 review Touch-free freedom

Apple Watch Series 9 review Touch-free freedom

Apple Watch Series 9: Hands-Free Interaction and Improved Siri

Have you ever found yourself struggling to use your phone or smartwatch while juggling multiple things in your hands? If so, you’re not alone. Many people face this challenge, which is why voice-controlled assistants and hands-free gestures are becoming increasingly popular. With the release of the Apple Watch Series 9, the company has introduced a new method of interaction and improved Siri functionality, making this wearable device even more appealing.

Hands-Free Interaction with Double Tap

One of the new features on the Apple Watch Series 9 is Double Tap, a gesture that allows for hands-free interaction. Although this feature is not available on the watches shipping on September 22, Apple has provided supplemental units to reviewers with Double Tap enabled for testing purposes. By pinching your thumb and index finger together twice, you can trigger Double Tap and access various functions on the watch.

Double Tap proves to be useful in situations where your hands are occupied but you still need to interact with your watch. For example, while cleaning, exercising, or holding objects, you can easily scroll through notifications or perform actions without having to put down your phone or smartwatch. The Series 9 uses data from the accelerometer, gyroscope, and optical heart rate monitor to accurately detect the Double Tap gesture.

It’s important to note that Double Tap is different from Assistive Touch, which is an accessibility feature available in watchOS. Assistive Touch allows users to navigate the operating system using pinching and clenching gestures. Double Tap, on the other hand, is a convenience feature that provides a specific action, such as starting a timer or replying to messages. Although Double Tap is not available in all parts of watchOS, it still offers a convenient way to interact with your device.

Improved Siri with On-Device Processing

The Apple Watch Series 9 also introduces on-device Siri processing, which brings several benefits to the user. Siri requests on the new watches, including the Ultra 2, are processed directly on the device, making the assistant faster and more reliable. Additionally, you can now use Siri even when your watch is offline or disconnected from your iPhone. This feature comes in handy in situations where you may not have immediate access to your phone, but still need to rely on Siri for assistance.

Furthermore, on-device processing allows Siri to provide you with personalized health data. You can ask Siri about your sleep duration, step count, or even log specific activities. Although the current responses from Siri are not always as direct or informative as we would like, Apple has promised software updates to address these issues. The ability to access and edit health data using voice commands is a unique feature that sets Apple ahead of its competitors in the smartwatch market.

Apple has also improved the Raise to Speak feature on the Series 9. By leveraging the power efficiency of the S9 SiP (system-in-package) and the always-on microphone, the watch captures a rolling 2-second audio buffer to anticipate your “Hey Siri” request before you raise your wrist. While the consistency of this feature may vary in practice, it offers a convenient alternative to using the Digital Crown or saying “Hey Siri” every time.

UWB Precision Finding and Battery Life

Another notable feature of the Apple Watch Series 9 is the second-generation ultra-wideband (UWB) chip. This chip enables a new interface for locating your paired iPhone if it goes missing. With the Series 9, you not only have the ability to make your phone ring using your watch but also see the distance and direction to your misplaced device. This feature can be a lifesaver in situations where you’re uncertain about the whereabouts of your phone.

In terms of battery life, the Series 9 offers approximately 18 hours of runtime, which is consistent with previous Apple Watches. However, it’s worth noting that battery life may vary depending on the watch size. Smaller watch sizes may require daily charging, while larger sizes tend to last longer. It’s important to manage your expectations and plan for charging your device accordingly.


The Apple Watch Series 9 is a capable smartwatch that further enhances the user experience with hands-free interaction and improved Siri functionality. The Double Tap gesture provides a convenient way to control your watch when your hands are occupied, while on-device Siri processing enables offline access to Siri and the ability to request and modify health data. Additionally, the UWB chip and the Raise to Speak feature offer added convenience and functionality.

While the Series 9 may not introduce groundbreaking changes, it solidifies Apple’s position as a leader in the smartwatch market. The company’s commitment to minimizing its carbon footprint is also commendable, as the Apple Watch Series 9 is one of its first carbon-neutral products. Whether you prioritize environmental sustainability or focus on features, performance, and battery life, the Series 9 is worth considering for its comprehensive functionality and the potential it demonstrates for future innovations in the wearable technology space.