The Rise and Fall of BeReal: Can it Regain its Glory?

BeReal launches 'RealBrands' and 'RealPeople' to attract influencers, in an effort to increase market share despite struggles with user retention.

BeReal is adding an influencer feature to increase engagement.

By Suswati Basu – Last Updated: Jan 24, 2024

BeReal introduces influencer feature in bid to boost engagement. Group of people sit on bench looking at phone with screenshot of BeReal app in front.

Brands and celebrities will be able to join BeReal as influencers, as the beleaguered social media platform attempts to regain its market share. From February 6, “RealBrands” or “RealPeople” will be introduced, allowing fans to have access to stars in a way that is supposedly less curated.

The French social media app encourages users to share a photo of themselves and their immediate surroundings given a randomly selected two-minute window every day. Billed as the anti-Instagram, it emerged in 2020, out of a growing call for less artificial content online. However, BeReal is altering its fundamental features by introducing well-known yet unfamiliar individuals.

“RealPeople isn’t about influencing, amassing likes or comments, or promoting brands. You won’t see photoshopped pictures, product recommendations or ads disguised as posts,” the platform stated last year, according to Benzinga.

On its website, the company added, “To qualify for a RealPeople or RealBrand account, you must be a notable person or brand and have an existing BeReal account.” According to ENBLE, BeReal announced an increase in its daily active users to 23 million, up from 20 million in August, indicating an incremental rise. However, with its growth slowing down, BeReal faces the challenge of user engagement and retaining its audience.

Is BeReal on the decline?

The app achieved remarkable success, with 53 million downloads in October 2022, according to research from Sensor Tower. However, its daily active users significantly declined, with Vogue claiming that it dropped from 20 million in October 2022 to 6 million by March 2023.

In the past year, BeReal also introduced several new features, including groups, mentions, the ability to post multiple times a day, pinned posts, and a “friends of friends” feed. A Pew study estimated that about 13% of U.S. teenagers are using the app.

Around 90% of teenagers use YouTube, making it the most popular platform in the Pew survey. Likewise, TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram continue to be favorites among teens. A significant portion of youths aged 13 to 17 report using TikTok (63%), Snapchat (60%), and Instagram (59%). Hence, BeReal seems to be facing challenges in sustaining its initial success.

On top of this, BeReal has been struggling to make money from this model. With RealBrands and RealPeople, users are still required to post spontaneously at the designated time. However, this move towards incorporating brands could be seen as BeReal’s initial step towards generating revenue.

ENBLE has reported a statement from the company, noting: “For those of you concerned that this is changing our focus, we can assure you that BeReal will always be about friends and close connections first.”

So, what does this mean for BeReal? Can it ever reclaim its glory days?

The Future of BeReal

BeReal is at a crucial juncture, where it needs to make significant changes and address the concerns of its declining user base. The introduction of influential brands and individuals could offer a fresh perspective and attract new users. However, BeReal needs to ensure that it strikes a balance between maintaining its core values and incorporating these new features.

To rebuild trust and engagement, BeReal must focus on fostering a sense of authenticity and connection on the platform. By providing a space free from excessive commercialization and curated content, the app has the potential to offer a unique and valuable experience for users who are seeking a break from the polished facade of other social media platforms.

Additionally, BeReal can benefit from learning from the successes and failures of similar platforms that faced similar challenges. Researching and analyzing the strategies and outcomes of these platforms, such as Ello, Vero, and Peach, can provide valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t in the ever-evolving landscape of social media.

But BeReal must also address the following concerns and questions from its users:

Q&A: What Users Want to Know

1. How will BeReal ensure the authenticity of RealBrands and RealPeople? With the introduction of influencers, there is a potential risk of appealing to a broader audience while compromising the authenticity of the platform. BeReal must have strict verification procedures in place to ensure that the account holders are indeed notable and align with the app’s values.

2. Will the introduction of influential individuals change the user experience? Users might be concerned about how the inclusion of well-known individuals will impact the app’s overall atmosphere. BeReal needs to strike a balance and maintain the sense of community that initially attracted users to the app.

3. How does BeReal plan to address the decline in daily active users? The significant drop in daily active users raises concerns about the app’s future viability. BeReal needs to communicate its plans for addressing this decline and regaining user engagement.

4. Can BeReal generate revenue without compromising its core values? As BeReal explores ways to monetize its platform, users may wonder if this will result in an influx of ads or sponsored content that goes against the app’s commitment to authenticity. BeReal must find innovative revenue streams that align with its core values and enhance the user experience.

5. What lessons can BeReal learn from other social media platforms? Considering previous platforms that faced similar challenges and either succeeded or failed, BeReal should actively study their strategies and outcomes. Learning from these experiences can provide valuable insights for the future direction of the app.

By addressing these concerns and providing clear strategies for the future, BeReal can work towards regaining its position as a unique and authentic social media platform.



About the Author

Suswati Basu is a multilingual, award-winning editor and the founder of the intersectional literature channel, How To Be Books. She has significant experience in the media industry, including roles at NationalWorld news, Channel 4 News, and ITV News. Her areas of expertise range from technology and social politics to mental health and nonfiction books.

Dear readers, what are your thoughts on BeReal’s introduction of influencers? Do you believe it will help the platform regain its popularity? Share your opinions and experiences in the comments below!

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