Bing Chat ads lead to harmful malware sites.

Bing Chat ads lead to harmful malware sites.

Bing Chat: The Good, the Bad, and the Malicious


Ever since its launch, Microsoft’s Bing Chat has been making headlines – but not all for the right reasons. This AI-powered chatbot has recently come under fire for directing users to malware-infected websites. Antivirus firm Malwarebytes discovered this issue and shared it in a blog post, shedding light on the potential dangers of using Bing Chat.

When using Bing Chat, users can ask the chatbot to find information, websites, apps, and more. In response, Bing Chat may provide links in the chat. Similar to Google, Microsoft inserts advertisements into these links to generate revenue. However, this system has a loophole that bad actors can exploit, leading users to malicious websites.

The problem arises when these malicious ads encourage unsuspecting users to click on them, expecting to be redirected to a legitimate website. In reality, they are led to a deceptive site that attempts to trick them into downloading malware. This bait and switch tactic can have severe consequences for users who unknowingly fall victim to it.

Jacob Roach / ENBLE

Malwarebytes demonstrated how this deceptive technique can be used with Bing Chat. They asked the chatbot to download a popular IP scanning app, and Bing Chat provided a link to the app’s official website. However, upon closer inspection, hovering over the link revealed two results: the genuine website and a malicious advert placed just above it.

For users who do not closely examine the link or who are unfamiliar with the app’s official URL, it can be easy to overlook the presence of the deceptive advert and click on it unknowingly. This then redirects them to a fake site with a web address similar to the real one, prompting them to download damaging malware.

The fact that Microsoft’s Bing Chat allows these malicious ads to appear raises concerns about the platform’s ability to effectively filter out harmful content. Users must exercise caution when clicking on links provided by Bing Chat. In the meantime, it may be wise to rely on a more traditional search engine and consider using an ad blocker to prevent exposure to malicious advertisements.

While this discovery highlights a significant issue with Bing Chat, it is crucial to remember that there are still many positive aspects of the AI-powered chatbot. Microsoft has made significant strides in developing this technology, and it has proven to be a valuable tool for many users. Bing Chat offers numerous features and functions that can enhance productivity and efficiency.

As with any technology, there are bound to be occasional challenges and setbacks. While the malware-infected ads in Bing Chat are concerning, they should not overshadow the potential benefits of the chatbot. By acknowledging the issue and taking appropriate precautions, users can continue to enjoy the convenience and utility of Bing Chat while minimizing any potential risks.

In conclusion, Bing Chat’s recent vulnerability to malware-infected ads serves as a reminder of the need for caution and vigilance in the digital world. While Microsoft works to address this issue, users should take measures to protect themselves, such as researching links before clicking and utilizing ad-blocking tools. By doing so, users can continue to leverage the power of Bing Chat while safeguarding their cybersecurity. Stay informed and stay safe!