AI-Generated Garbage on Amazon: The Scam Behind Kara Swisher’s New Book

(Likely) AI-generated rubbish is riding on the coattails of the release of Swisher's latest memoir.

When purchasing the Kara Swisher book from Amazon, watch out for fake copies made by AI.

📚🔥 Attention all tech enthusiasts and bookworms! Kara Swisher, the renowned tech journalist, has just released her highly-anticipated memoir, Burn Book: A Tech Love Story. But be warned, if you’re planning to buy it on Amazon, you might end up with a disappointing AI-generated knockoff. 😱

According to a report by 404 Media, numerous ripoffs of Kara Swisher’s book have flooded Amazon. A simple search for “Kara Swisher burn book” reveals the authentic version as the first result, but what follows are pages of unauthorized biographies about the journalist’s celebrity status. 📚🔍

🔥Q&A: – Q: Are these unauthorized biographies AI-generated? – A: While we can’t say for certain, the synopses of these books sound eerily similar to AI-generated text scraped from Swisher’s Wikipedia page.

This isn’t the first time Amazon has been inundated with AI-generated books either. Last August, author Jane Friedman was shocked to discover that half a dozen books had been credited to her name, even though she hadn’t written them. 😱 As an established writer, Friedman’s extensive work was readily available online, making it easy for generative AI to recreate her style and content. Now, it appears the same tactic is being used to exploit Swisher’s popularity.

One of the most questionable examples is a book titled Kara Swisher: Silicon Valley’s Bulldog (A Biography) by Jane Coelho. But here’s the catch – the cover doesn’t even feature Swisher herself, but rather a woman bearing a passing resemblance. 🚫📕

📷 a book about Kara Swisher on Amazon 👆 Um, that’s not Kara Swisher. Credit: Amazon

Another book, Kara Swisher Book: How She Became Silicon Valley’s Most Influential Journalist by the aforementioned Cheryl J. Stackhouse, features an apparent AI-generated image of Swisher on the cover. The telltale smooth and waxy appearance of the image strongly suggests it was created by AI. 😮🤖

📷 a book about Kara Swisher on Amazon featuring an AI-generated image of Swisher ✨ Wow, this book is 77 pages long! Credit: Amazon

Amidst this chaos, author Cheryl J. Stackhouse, who supposedly wrote the Swisher biography, has managed to publish a staggering 23 biographies in the span of 2024. Impressive, right? 🏆 Well, maybe not so much when the books in question raise doubts about their authenticity and quality.

✋ Fun Fact: Did you know? Generative AI tools now enable people to “write” entire books in a matter of minutes. It’s like the Wild West of content creation, where quality control seems to have gone out the window for the sake of convenience.

But hey, let’s not put all the blame on Amazon. They are undoubtedly facing an uphill battle against AI-generated garbage. It’s not just about Swisher’s books; the internet is swarming with content churned out by generative AI. The floodgates have opened, and it’s difficult to stem the tide. 🌊📚

Q&A: – Q: How can we differentiate between genuine and AI-generated books on Amazon? – A: Sadly, it’s becoming increasingly challenging. However, one way to spot potential AI-generated content is by examining the author’s name, the book’s length, cover art quality, and comparing it to established works by the actual author.

Amazon’s quality control, or lack thereof, has come under scrutiny once again. While we can’t fault them entirely for this predicament, it’s clear that more needs to be done to protect authors and readers from these scams. 😤

ENBLE reached out to Amazon for comment, and we eagerly await their response. In the meantime, there are signs that some of these books have already been taken down. Kudos to Kara Swisher for unintentionally shining a light on this issue. ✨🌟

💡💻 Impact and Future Developments: This influx of AI-generated books represents just the tip of the iceberg. As generative AI tools become more accessible and sophisticated, not only will authors and publishers be at risk, but entire industries could stumble upon a sea of counterfeit content. Content creators, platforms, and regulatory bodies must collaborate to develop robust strategies for tackling this problem head-on.

📚References: 1. Beware of shady knockoff ChatGPT apps 2. Google will now permanently ban advertisers who fake endorsements 3. How to protect yourself from bank fraud 4. Amazon’s Alexa Gets New Generative AI-Powered Experiences 5. Meta Going for Artificial General Intelligence? Says Zuckerberg. Here’s What It Matters

💬🌐 Have you come across any of these AI-generated books on Amazon? Share your experience in the comments below and let’s raise awareness about this issue! Don’t forget to like and share this article with your friends. Together, we can fight against AI-generated scams and protect the integrity of the written word. 📢💪❤️