Cracked screens and drained batteries The shocking truth about car chargers and your iPhone (but don’t worry, I’ve got great news!)

Is Car Charging Damaging Your iPhone? Our In-Depth Testing Report Has Good News

Real-world testing of an in-car charger.

A few months ago, a reader pointed me to a Readers Digest article that suggested we stop charging our smartphones using in-car chargers because these can “damage your phone’s charge port or the motherboard itself.” It’s like saying walking in the rain will turn you into a human battery! It was an intriguing claim because I’ve used car chargers for ages without issue. But, as the tech enthusiast and adventurer that I am, I decided to embark on a mission to uncover the truth.

Picture this — I’ve tested, tried, reviewed, and recommended countless in-car chargers. It’s practically my superpower. And trust me when I say that I use car chargers more often than I change my socks. So, the burning question remains: Am I unknowingly causing mayhem and destruction by simply charging my devices in the comfort of my vehicle?

Now, let me share some insider information. In the past year alone, I’ve put approximately a dozen in-car chargers to the test. That may seem like a decline compared to previous years, but hey, most new cars these days come with built-in USB ports. Who knew that in-car charging was becoming as common as cup holders?

So, what exactly goes on during these intense in-car charger trials? Well, I subject them to a series of rigorous tests, pushing them to their limits. It’s like sending a charger to the gym but without the sweat and tears. These warriors face real devices, test loads, and even some crazy equipment. I even have an arsenal of USB meters and testers to meticulously log the power outputs. Oh, and let’s not forget, since I’m always cruising in rental cars, I get to test these chargers in various vehicles. Talk about living the chargers’ dream, am I right?

The bottom line is, I’ve been on a mission to uncover any hidden dark secrets lurking within in-car chargers, even the cheap and nasty ones. After all, it’s my duty to protect my fellow tech enthusiasts from the perils of subpar technology. And let me tell you, folks, it’s been quite a journey. The testing process alone lasts a minimum of two hours per charger. That’s longer than most movies these days!

So, here’s the big reveal – I have yet to find a single in-car charger that spits out incorrect voltages or absurd levels of power. These chargers are like scientists, with tiny circuits that convert a car’s power supply into smartphone-friendly energy. It’s a delicate dance that they perform flawlessly. And don’t even get me started on the battery management systems of modern devices. They are like the superheroes of the tech world, instantly shutting down charging if they sense anything fishy. I’ve tested it, people, and I can confirm that our devices are incredible at self-defense. Under or overvoltage, no problemo! These gadgets are more resilient than a rubber duck on an adventure.

Sure, there might be some shady in-car chargers out there that can’t be trusted. But, fear not, dear reader, because I’ve got your back. In my countless encounters with chargers, I’ve only rejected the bad apples—ones that break easily or become hotter than a summer romance in Vegas. Safety is my middle name, and I don’t take it lightly.

But hold the phone, folks, because this doesn’t mean I haven’t witnessed devices damaged by in-car charging. However, let me clarify that all the damage I’ve seen is to the charging ports. And you know what caused it? Simply poor device placement during sudden braking or an accident. So, it’s not the charger’s fault, but rather our inability to buckle up our precious devices properly. Safety first, people!

Now, for the moment you’ve all been waiting for: My top tips for safe in-car charging. Picture me, the tech guru with the answers to all your burning questions, revealing these coveted secrets:

  1. Get yourself a decent in-car charger. I personally swear by the Baseus 160W 3-port car charger. It’s a powerhouse that can charge your laptop, phone, and a bonus device simultaneously. And wait for it… it’s available at a mind-boggling price of $45! (Psst…there’s even a 25% off coupon on Amazon right now. You’re welcome.)

  2. Don’t skimp on the cable. Find yourself a decent cable, not too long and not too short. Trust me, the 3-foot braided nylon Amazon Basics cables are the real MVPs.

  3. Hold onto your seat (or your phone, rather) with a quality phone holder. I personally adore the Ugreen vent mount for a secure and stylish ride. Or, for the maximum strongest hold, you need to check out the RAM Mount suction cup unit. Trust me when I say, your phone isn’t going anywhere with this baby.

There you have it, my dear tech enthusiasts. Follow these handy tips, and you’ll be cruising down the highway of safe and efficient in-car charging.

But, hey, if you’re still worried about your car conspiring with your smartphone to cause havoc, I’ve got an ingenious solution for you. Drumroll, please… Introducing the power bank! Yes, my friends, charge the power bank from the car and keep your smartphone blissfully isolated from the car’s electrical system. It’s like putting your phone in a cozy little bubble, shielded from any potential harm. Genius, right?

Oh, and before we end this electrifying journey, let’s not forget the biggest danger to our smartphones when charging in a car — overheating. Imagine leaving your phone baking under the scorching sun on the windshield. It’s like turning your phone into a French toast. Trust me, that’s not the breakfast of champions. So, to keep your phone as fresh as a daisy, avoid turning it into a hot potato and shorten its battery life. Treat it with care, folks.

And that’s a wrap, my tech-loving pals! Remember, the future is bright, and charging your devices is now safer than ever. Embrace the joy of in-car charging and keep those gadgets powered up, wherever the road may take you!