Chinese State Security Agents and Hackers Leaking Data for Profit 💻💰

China’s hackers exposed in major cybersecurity breach.

Leaked files from a Chinese cybersecurity company reveal shocking revelations about the purchase of personal data and hacking services. It seems that state security agents are paying hefty amounts to gather information on foreign governments and other targets around the world. Meanwhile, hackers are mining vast amounts of data on individuals and organizations to cater to potential clients.

The Scope of the Leak 📚🌍

Cybersecurity experts are confident that the cache of over 500 leaked files from the Chinese company I-Soon, which was found on the Github developer website, is authentic. These files expose the extent of China’s intelligence-gathering activities and the challenges faced by the nation’s commercial hackers in a competitive market. Even NATO and the UK Foreign Office seem to have been targeted.

More than a year ago, the FBI and MI5 jointly warned about the issue of Chinese spying, pushing for enhanced security measures. They emphasized that the Chinese government was actively involved in stealing technology from corporations to gain a competitive advantage.

I-Soon and Chengdu 404: Involvement and Dispute 🤝⚔️

I-Soon, the Chinese cybersecurity company at the center of this leak, appears to have collaborated with another hacking group called Chengdu 404. However, they later found themselves in a business dispute. The US Department of Justice has already charged Chengdu 404’s hackers for launching cyberattacks against US companies and pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong, among other targets. The collaboration between I-Soon and Chengdu 404 raises questions about the larger network of hackers involved and the scale of their operations.

Targets and Data Collection 🎯🔍

In addition to NATO and the UK Foreign Office, other notable targets mentioned in the leaked files include the British research tank Chatham House, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries’ foreign affairs ministries, and public health bureaus. While some data seems to have been collected indiscriminately, other instances involve specific contracts with the Chinese Public Security Bureau to gather particular types of information.

Chatham House, one of the targets mentioned in the leaks, issued a statement expressing concern about the incident. The organization assured the public that they have implemented precautions, including regular technological updates, to protect against such threats. NATO, on the other hand, emphasized its commitment to investigating all cyberthreat allegations. The UK Foreign Office chose not to respond, leaving their stance unclear.

The Services Offered by I-Soon 💼💻

I-Soon, the Chinese cybersecurity company in question, offers a wide range of services. Notably, the Shandong City public security department paid approximately £44,000 for a one-year access to the email accounts of ten targets. Additionally, I-Soon claims to have the ability to breach various operating systems, including Mac and Android. They also boast about accessing personal data from Facebook, hijacking accounts on other platforms, and extracting data from corporate databases.

Q&A: What Else Do You Need to Know? 🤔❓

Q: How can individuals and organizations protect themselves from such cyber threats? A: Implementing strong cybersecurity measures, such as using robust passwords, enabling multi-factor authentication, and regularly updating software, can significantly mitigate the risk of falling victim to hacking and data breaches. Additionally, staying informed about the latest cyber threats and seeking professional guidance can help ensure better protection.

Q: What are the potential implications of this leak for international relations? A: The leak suggests a significant escalation in China’s cyber espionage activities. It may strain diplomatic relations with the countries affected and lead to increased scrutiny and countermeasures to prevent future attacks. This incident highlights the urgent need for international cooperation on cybersecurity to combat such threats effectively.

Q: Could this leak impact the global economy? A: While the leak itself may not have an immediate impact on the global economy, it underscores the vulnerability of tech infrastructure and the potential consequences of data breaches. It emphasizes the importance of reinforcing cybersecurity measures to protect intellectual property, sensitive information, and economic interests.

The Future of Cybersecurity and International Relations 🔒🌐

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the evolving landscape of cyber threats and the challenges faced by governments and organizations worldwide. It emphasizes the need for continuous innovation in cybersecurity technologies and techniques. International collaborations and robust regulations are crucial to preventing future incidents that could have far-reaching consequences.

As technology advances and cyber criminals become more sophisticated, it is imperative for governments, corporations, and individuals to remain vigilant and proactive in safeguarding their digital assets.


  1. Microsoft Expands EU Data Localization Efforts to Cover System Logs – TechCrunch
  2. CBS Paramount’s Parent Company Reports Hack Affecting 80,000 People – ENBLE
  3. Cloud-native cybersecurity startup Aqua Security raises $60M, remains a unicorn – TechCrunch

✨Deanna Ritchie – Managing Editor at ENBLE > Deanna is an editor at ENBLE with over 20+ years of experience in content management and development. She has a knack for making complex topics engaging and enjoyable to read.

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