The Evolving Role of Data Scientists: Challenges and Opportunities 🚀💻🔍

Survey Finds that Only 20% of Machine Learning Models Developed by Data Scientists Actually Make it to Deployment What is the Issue?

Data scientists The coolest job nobody listens to

Do you remember when being a data scientist was considered the “sexiest job of the 21st century”? 🤩 Well, that declaration was made by Harvard Business Review back in 2012, and since then, the role has only become more vital in the age of artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML). 📈

The Changing Landscape of Data Science 👥📊

Data scientists are no longer just pulling stories and making discoveries out of data. The job has evolved, for better and for worse. According to Thomas H. Davenport and DJ Patil, the authors who initially declared the role as the “sexiest job”, significant changes have taken place. The job now has greater institutionalization, a redefined scope, and improved technology. Plus, non-technical expertise such as ethics and change management have become more important. 📚💼

But here’s the catch. Despite these advancements, data scientists still find themselves spending a significant amount of time cleaning and wrangling data. 😩 Moreover, many organizations don’t have data-driven cultures, which means they don’t fully utilize the insights provided by data scientists. This leads to frustration and high turnover among these professionals. It’s like having a superpower but not being able to use it! 🦸‍♂️💪

The Data Scientist’s Dilemma: Recommendations Ignored 😔❗

According to a recent survey by Rexer Analytics, data scientists feel that their recommendations and insights are often ignored by decision-makers. 😞 Only 22% of data scientists claim that their initiatives actually make it to deployment. In fact, a staggering 43% of new models fail to be deployed, and even when tweaking existing models, the success rate is just 32%. These numbers are bound to make any data scientist question the impact of their work. 📉💔

The problem lies in the lack of interaction between the business and data science teams. The objectives of data science projects are usually not well-defined before they begin, and decision-makers often lack the necessary knowledge to make informed decisions on model deployment. It’s no wonder that data scientists face obstacles in getting their work implemented. 🚧😫

The Top Reasons for Failed Model Deployment 🚫🤷‍♀️

Why do so many machine learning models fail to be deployed? The survey highlights the following reasons:

  1. Decision makers are unwilling to approve changes to existing operations.
  2. Lack of proactive planning.
  3. Lack of understanding about how to execute deployment.
  4. Problems with data availability required for scoring models.
  5. No assigned person to manage deployment.
  6. Staff unwilling or unable to effectively work with model output.
  7. Technical hurdles in calculating scores or implementing/integrating the model.

These issues create a struggle for data scientists who are trying to make a difference with their models. But fear not, there are solutions to overcome these challenges! 💪✅

Bridging the Gap: How to Achieve Successful Model Deployment 👥🔗

The key to overcoming these challenges lies in better collaboration between data professionals and business leaders. Both parties need to recognize that detailed planning and clear visibility into the operationalization of machine learning models are crucial. Business leaders must understand how ML will improve their operations and the value it will deliver. This will allow them to greenlight model deployment and play a more active role throughout the project’s execution. 🤝📈

Moreover, measuring the performance of ML projects using business metrics, such as ROI, is vital. Too often, technical metrics take precedence over the true impact on business operations. By focusing on metrics that align with business goals, data scientists can better demonstrate the value of their work to decision-makers. 💼📊

Data Scientist Job Satisfaction: It’s Getting Better 😄👍

Despite the challenges, being a data scientist is still a fantastic job! According to the Rexer survey, job satisfaction among corporate data scientists has increased significantly. In 2020, only 23% reported high levels of satisfaction, but in this recent survey, that number has jumped to 41%. Dissatisfaction has also decreased from 12% to just 5%. This indicates that, despite the hurdles, data scientists are finding fulfillment in their work. It’s a job that keeps getting better! 👌🎉

The demand for data science skills is also growing. Organizations are recognizing the value of data scientists and are actively investing in internal training and collaborations with universities to promote interest in the field. So, if you’re considering a career as a data scientist, now is the perfect time to embark on this exciting journey! 🚀💡

Q&A: Your Burning Questions Answered ❓🔥

Q1: How can data scientists convince decision-makers to approve model deployment?

A1: Data scientists can increase their chances of convincing decision-makers by clearly demonstrating the potential impact of their models on business operations. By using business metrics, such as ROI, and aligning their work with organizational goals, they can make a compelling case for model deployment.

Q2: What can organizations do to foster a data-driven culture and make the most of their data scientists’ insights?

A2: Organizations need to prioritize creating a data-driven culture from top to bottom. Decision-makers should actively seek out and act on the recommendations and insights provided by data scientists. This requires investing in data literacy training for all employees and fostering a collaborative environment where data-driven decision-making is valued.

Q3: How can data scientists overcome the challenges of data cleaning and wrangling?

A3: While data cleaning and wrangling are time-consuming tasks, advances in AI and automation are making them more manageable. Data scientists should leverage tools and technologies that can help streamline these processes. Additionally, organizations should recognize the importance of clean and high-quality data and allocate resources accordingly.

Q4: What skills are essential for aspiring data scientists?

A4: Apart from technical skills in programming and statistics, aspiring data scientists should also develop strong communication and business acumen. The ability to effectively communicate complex findings and insights to non-technical stakeholders is crucial. Additionally, understanding the business context and how data science can drive value is essential for success.

A5: The future of data science will be shaped by advancements in AI, automation, and ethical considerations. As AI technologies evolve, data scientists will need to adapt and develop expertise in areas such as explainable AI and fairness in algorithms. Additionally, the increasing focus on data privacy and ethics will require data scientists to navigate complex legal and social considerations.

Stay Tuned for the Exciting Journey Ahead! 🚀🌟

The world of data science is ever-evolving, presenting both challenges and opportunities. By bridging the gap between data professionals and business leaders, organizations can unlock the true potential of their data scientists. So, whether you’re already a data scientist or aspiring to become one, keep embracing the exciting journey as this field continues to transform our world! 🔍💡


  1. Davenport, T. H., & Patil, D. J. (2012). Data scientist: The sexiest job of the 21st century. Harvard Business Review. Link
  2. Siegel, E. (2021). Implementing models and making metrics matter in machine learning development. KDNuggets. Link
  3. Rexer Analytics. (2021). 2021 Data Science Survey Results. Rexer Analytics. Link
  4. Davenport, T. H., & Patil, D. J. (2014). Data scientist: The cornerstone of digital transformation. Harvard Business Review. Link
  5. Kaiser, L. (2020). 4 things business leaders expect from data scientists. Enble. Link

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