Are Physical Game Collections Becoming Obsolete? Ubisoft Executive Thinks So!

Ubisoft asserts that players must adapt to the concept of no longer owning their games and embrace digital downloads.

Ubisoft tells gamers to accept that they no longer own their games.

Prince of Persia

Remember the good old days when you proudly displayed your CD or DVD collection on a bookshelf, like trophies of your entertainment conquests? Well, those days are quickly fading away. According to a top Ubisoft executive, the future of gaming lies in the realm of digital distribution, much like how Spotify and Netflix revolutionized the music and movie industries.

But just as PlayStation owners discovered last year, the convenience of digital collections can have its downsides. Imagine waking up one day, excited to play your favorite game, only to find out that it has mysteriously vanished from your carefully curated digital library. The pain is real.

Ubisoft’s Director of Subscriptions, Phillippe Tremblay, acknowledges the shift in consumer behavior and the need for a change in mindset. He states, “One of the things we saw is that gamers are used to, a little bit like DVD, having and owning their games. That’s the consumer shift that needs to happen.”

Now, let’s be honest here. While some gamers have embraced the convenience of digital ownership, there are still many of us who hold on tightly to physical copies of games. We don’t want to rely on boardroom decisions to determine the fate of our beloved titles. Plus, there’s the whole preservation argument. The Video Game History Foundation and other organizations are passionate about preserving gaming history, and physical copies play a significant role in that.

But hey, we can’t deny the allure of digital distribution. Platforms like Steam, Xbox Game Pass, and PlayStation Network have made it easier than ever to access a vast library of games without a shelf full of discs. The convenience is undeniable. And Tremblay reassures us by saying, “You don’t lose your progress. If you resume your game at another time, your progress file is still there. That’s not been deleted. You don’t lose what you’ve built in the game or your engagement with the game. So it’s about feeling comfortable with not owning your game.”

Sure, the ability to resume our progress across devices is nothing new. But the rise of digital distribution has raised concerns about the permanence of our gaming experiences. We’ve all had that horror story of losing hours of progress due to a corrupted save file. So it’s understandable that some gamers are hesitant to fully embrace the digital future.

But let’s not despair just yet. Tremblay believes that as more people adopt the digital distribution model, they’ll realize that these games will continue to exist, and access will always be available. And while that may be reassuring for some, the desire to collect physical items will likely persist. Just look at the recent resurgence of vinyl records. People still want to hold something tangible and build their personal collections—just because.

🕹️ Q: Will physical game collections really become obsolete? A: While the industry is shifting toward digital distribution, physical game collections won’t become obsolete overnight. Many gamers still have a strong attachment to physical copies and value the sentimentality and potential preservation aspects they offer.

📚 Q: Is there a risk of losing games with digital distribution? A: While digital distribution offers convenience, there is always a slight risk of games being removed from platforms. However, game progress is typically saved, so you won’t lose your achievements and engagement with the game. The key is feeling comfortable with not physically owning the game.

💿 Q: Is there a place for physical game collections in the future? A: Absolutely! Just like vinyl records, physical game collections will likely continue to have a place for those who enjoy the tangible aspect of ownership. The desire to collect and curate personal gaming treasures is not easily replaced.

Game Over

Meet Paul McNally: Gaming Enthusiast and Expert

Allow me to introduce you to our gaming aficionado, Paul McNally. With a history stretching back to his parents buying him a Mattel Intellivision in 1980, Paul has been immersed in the world of consoles and computers ever since. He has been a prominent games journalist, serving as the editor of numerous print-based video games and computer magazines.

Throughout his career, Paul has written captivating gaming content for various esteemed publications, including GamePro, GQ, and more. His expertise and passion for gaming have led him to host panels at retro-gaming conventions, guest on gaming podcasts and Twitch shows, and even collaborate with major brands in the 3D printing realm.

Paul’s approach to gaming journalism prioritizes the reader’s enjoyment, elevating the sites he works on above the norm. His goal is to ensure that you not only gain valuable insights but also have a great time reading his content.

👉 Reach out to Paul McNally on LinkedIn and join the conversation!

What Lies Ahead for Gaming?

The future of gaming will inevitably continue to evolve, driven by technological advancements and changing consumer preferences. While digital distribution is here to stay, physical game collections are not simply fading away. Gamers still cherish physical copies and their ability to preserve gaming history. The coexistence of both digital and physical formats provides choice and caters to the preferences of different gamers.

As technology continues to advance, we might see new forms of gaming experiences emerge. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are already making strides in the gaming world, offering immersive and interactive gameplay. The possibilities for the future are limitless, and we can expect gaming to become even more integrated into our daily lives.

💡 Q: What impact will emerging technologies like VR and AR have on gaming? A: VR and AR have the potential to revolutionize gaming by providing more immersive and interactive experiences. They can transport players into virtual worlds and enhance gameplay in ways we’ve never seen before. As these technologies continue to advance, we can expect gaming to become even more exciting and realistic.

💫 Q: What other trends or developments might shape the future of gaming? A: Cloud gaming, where games are streamed directly from servers, is gaining traction. This technology allows gamers to play high-quality games on any device with an internet connection, eliminating the need for expensive hardware. Additionally, the rise of esports, the integration of artificial intelligence in games, and the exploration of blockchain technology in the gaming industry are all trends worth keeping an eye on.

📚 Further Reading: 1. Gaming Without Borders: The Rise of Cloud Gaming 2. The Future of VR in Gaming: Unlocking Immersive Experiences 3. Esports: The Evolution of Competitive Gaming

Now, it’s your turn! What are your thoughts on the future of gaming? Are you more inclined to embrace the convenience of digital distribution or hold onto your physical game collection? Share your opinions and join the conversation. And don’t forget to share this article with your fellow gamers! 🎮✨