X’s New Policy on Anti-Trans Harassment: A Roller Coaster Ride 🎢

Musk Reassures Right-Wing Users that the Policy Won't Affect Them and Officially Changes It Over the Weekend

Elon Musk’s company X has already retracted its new anti-trans hate policy.

X, formerly known as Twitter, recently introduced a new policy to discourage anti-trans hate and harassment against transgender users on its platform. However, just days after rolling it out, X quickly backtracked on this policy. Let’s dive into the details and try to make sense of the twists and turns of this roller coaster ride.

The Original Policy vs. the Updated Policy: A Drastic Change 🔄

Initially, the policy stated that X would reduce the visibility of posts that purposefully misgendered or used the former names of transgender users. The targeted user had to report the post for X to take action. However, within 24 hours, the policy underwent a significant update.

The original policy: “We will reduce the visibility of posts that purposefully use different pronouns or previous names of transgender users. We must hear from the target to determine if a violation has occurred.”

The updated policy: “Where required by local laws, we will reduce the visibility of posts that purposefully use different pronouns or previous names of transgender users. We must hear from the target to determine if a violation has occurred.”

By adding the phrase “where required by local laws,” X clarified that this policy would only apply in countries where legislation demanded it. Users outside those particular countries would not be affected by this policy change.

What Led to the Reversal? 🔄

Before X came under Elon Musk’s management, the platform (known as Twitter at the time) had a strict policy against misgendering or dead-naming transgender users. Violating this policy could result in the removal of the offensive content and suspension of the user responsible. However, this policy was later removed entirely after Musk’s acquisition of the company.

The recent “Use of Prior Names and Pronouns” policy seemed like a step towards reinstating a version of the old policy. However, it’s important to note that the original version of the policy only discouraged anti-trans harassment. The posts in question would have their reach minimized, but they would still be allowed on the platform, and the users who posted them would not face suspension.

Influencers and Backlash ⚡

A number of right-wing users on X, including conservative commentators and influencers, directly voiced their concerns and complaints about the policy to Elon Musk. They were worried about the limitations imposed on their content. Musk attempted to assuage their fears by reassuring them that they would not be suspended for spreading anti-trans hate.

However, Musk’s attempts were met with resistance. Influencers like YouTuber Tim Pool threatened to stop advertising on the platform as a response to the reinforcement of the misgendering policy. Musk, in an effort to address these concerns, responded by claiming that the policy was necessary due to a specific court judgment in Brazil but should not apply outside the country.

The Flip-Flop: Policy Adjustment in Line with Musk’s Statements 🎢

As a result of public pressure and concerns raised by influencers, X ultimately decided to change its official policy to align with Elon Musk’s statements. This flip-flopping journey has left many confused about the company’s commitment to combating anti-trans harassment on its platform.

The Impact and Future Developments 🔮

The rapid reversal of X’s anti-trans harassment policy raises questions about the platform’s dedication to fostering an inclusive environment. It’s clear that X is striving to find a balance between respecting local laws and protecting its users from hate and harassment. However, it remains to be seen how this latest turn of events will shape the platform’s future decisions and policies.


Q: Why did X backtrack on its anti-trans harassment policy?

A: The decision to backtrack on the policy came after right-wing users and influencers expressed their concerns and complaints directly to Elon Musk. In response to this backlash, Musk assured them that they would not face suspension and mentioned a specific court judgment in Brazil as the reason for the policy. As a result, X adjusted its policy to align with Musk’s statements.

Q: Will X’s new policy impact users outside of countries where it is required by law?

A: No, the updated policy states that it will only apply where required by local laws. Users outside of those specific countries will not be affected by this policy change.

Q: What was the original policy like before it was updated?

A: The original policy aimed to reduce the visibility of posts that misgendered or used the previous names of transgender users. However, it did not prohibit users from publishing such content, and the users responsible would not be suspended.

Q: What impact does this policy reversal have on X’s reputation?

A: The flip-flopping of the policy raises questions about X’s commitment to combating anti-trans harassment. It remains to be seen how this will affect the platform’s reputation and future decisions.


✨ That’s the roller coaster journey of X’s new policy on anti-trans harassment. Let’s continue the discussion! Share your thoughts in the comments below and don’t forget to hit that share button to spread the word on social media. ✨