What’s the Deal with Black Friday?

Upgrade Your Bird-Watching Game with Our Backyard Birdcam on 25% Discount this Black Friday

Get the birdcam you didn’t realize you needed for 25% off this Black Friday.

You may have heard about the Bird Buddy, a revolutionary bird feeder equipped with a rechargeable camera. Well, hold onto your binoculars because this Black Friday deal is not to be missed! Originally priced at $279, you can now grab this feathered friend for just $209! That’s a savings of $70! So, what are you waiting for? Fly over to the Bird Buddy website to check out this amazing offer and other exciting Black Friday deals! Click here to take advantage of the deal and here to learn more about the Bird Buddy.

Why Should You Give a Hoot?

If you’re a fan of technology and a sucker for bird feeders like me, then you’re in for a treat! When it comes to birdwatching from the comfort of your own home, the Bird Buddy takes it to a whole new level. This adorable bird feeder comes equipped with a 720p-resolution camera module, strategically positioned to capture stunning footage and photographs of our feathered friends. But wait, there’s more! The Bird Buddy app sends you notifications on your smartphone whenever a new bird visitor pays a visit. Talk about bird-watching made easy! You can relish in the recorded footage, browse through photos, and even learn about the species that graced your feeder with their presence.

Bird Buddy Specifications


Dimensions 9 x 6.3 x 6.9in
Photos 5MP
Video 720p HD
Field of view 120 degrees
Battery 4000mAh rechargeable lithium ion
Connectivity 2.4GHz Wi-fi, Bluetooth
Operating temperature -5°F to 120°F
Material BPA-free new and post-consumer recycled plastics
Seed capacity 3.8 cups

After its successful Kickstarter campaign in 2020 (talk about perfect timing during the COVID-19 pandemic), the Bird Buddy became a soaring success. In fact, it became the most funded project in the Gadgets category, a title it still holds to this day. This innovative bird feeder is a hit amongst bird enthusiasts and is set to revolutionize the way we indulge in the wonders of nature.

Why Get a Smart Bird Feeder?

You may be wondering, “Why invest in a smart bird feeder when I can simply sprinkle some seeds in my backyard?” Well, let me tell you, my feathered friend, the Bird Buddy brings more to the table than just convenience. As someone who enjoys bird watching from the comfort of my couch, I know the struggle of capturing those perfect shots. But fret no more! The Bird Buddy’s up-close and personal camera captures HD video and snaps high-resolution photos that will make your bird-loving heart flutter. Plus, it’s always on the lookout, even when you’re not at home. So, you’ll never miss a moment, whether it’s a gorgeous cardinal or a sneaky squirrel stealing some snacks.

“Chirp Up and Learn”

There’s more to bird watching than meets the eye, or ears. When my six-year-old insisted on learning about the different bird species we spotted, I found a solution that didn’t involve dusty old books. Enter the Merlin Bird ID mobile app with its audio recognition feature. It’s like Shazam for birds! Just point your phone at the chirping creature, and it will identify the species for you. Trust me, if you’re a bird lover, this app will ruffle your feathers with excitement. And guess what? The Bird Buddy goes above and beyond by identifying each bird that stops by your feeder. Not only can it snap photos and videos, but it also provides information about their diet, favorite foods, lifestyle habits, geographic locations, and even audio recordings of their beautiful songs. It’s a birdwatcher’s paradise!

Warbler enjoying snacks

But wait, there’s more! The Bird Buddy also has a mission to contribute to bird conservation. Through the Heartbeat project, it tracks different bird species to study migration patterns and populations. This initiative provides valuable data that can be used by conservationists and ornithologists to protect our beloved avian friends. So, by purchasing a Bird Buddy, you’re not only getting up close and personal with your feathered pals, but you’re also becoming a contributor to bird conservation efforts. It’s a win-win situation!

Setting the Stage for Feathered Friends

Now that you’re convinced this smart bird feeder is worth its weight in birdseed, let’s talk about setting it up. When I received my Bird Buddy, I was eager to dive right in, but there was one tiny problem. There was no instruction manual! Don’t worry; if you’re not as bird-savvy as I am, the setup is a breeze. The Bird Buddy comes mostly assembled, with the house-shaped feeder, camera module, USB-C charging cable and adapter, and all the necessary hardware. You can choose to mount it on a pole or hang it with the included cord. Just make sure you have a suitable place to put it within Wi-Fi range.

Bird Buddy Installation Options

It’s time to get creative with bird food! I started with a delicious mix of dry oats, dried cranberries, raisins, and walnuts, creating the perfect menu to attract a variety of birds. Just remember to avoid wet oats, as they become sticky and can pose a hazard to our feathered friends. The camera module charges up in just a few hours, and it easily attaches to the feeder with a strong magnet and a small screw.

Speaking of a perfect spot for your Bird Buddy, choose wisely! I opted for a holly bush right outside my home office window. This way, I could witness the avian action even during tea breaks. Just make sure there’s a Wi-Fi signal within range for the Bird Buddy to connect to your smartphone.

Fine-Feathered Performance

With my Bird Buddy all set up, I eagerly waited for my avian visitors to make an appearance. The first day went by without any feathered friends gracing my feeder. I began to wonder if my backyard had become a bird-free zone. But fear not, my fellow bird enthusiasts, on the second day, success finally arrived! A majestic tufted titmouse cautiously approached, probably suspicious of all the gourmet treats I had set out. I held my breath, waiting for the perfect shot to pop up on my Bird Buddy app. But alas, disappointment struck. Instead of a stunning snapshot, all I got was an animation of a tiny bird bouncing a ball, taunting me with the words “Nothing to see here.” It seemed my camera had missed the shot.

Walter the Tufted Titmouse

But, dear reader, don’t let this deter you. The Bird Buddy is capable of capturing incredible photos and videos—it just had a slow start. On the third day, it finally sprung into action. From then on, it rarely missed a visitor. My beautiful tufted titmouse, who I named Walter, became a regular visitor, with occasional cameos from a yellow-rumped warbler and, of course, a mischievous squirrel. The app may have had its quirks, occasionally slowing down and struggling to load photos and videos, but it was a small price to pay for the joy of up-close encounters with these delightful creatures.

Everyday Adventures with Our Avian Friends

Having the Bird Buddy in my backyard has been an absolute delight for our entire household. The app sends us charming “postcards” every time a new visitor pays us a visit. These postcards include information about the bird, a video, and a selection of ten photos to choose from. So, whether you’re an amateur ornithologist or just love showing off your winged guests to friends and family, this feature is sure to be a hit.

The battery life of the Bird Buddy holds up admirably, enduring about a week of regular use. So, just like you recharge your own batteries, remember to recharge your Bird Buddy’s camera module when needed. That’s also an excellent opportunity to clean the feeder and refill the seed reservoir.

Feather Your Nest at an Unbeatable Price

Now, my fellow bird enthusiasts, let’s talk about the price. The Bird Buddy is typically priced at $279, which might raise a few eyebrows for a bird feeder. But trust me, it’s worth every penny. However, due to the overwhelming demand, this avian companion is often out of stock. So, seize the opportunity this Black Friday and grab this innovative device for the discounted price of $209. It’s a steal of a deal for all the bird-watching enthusiasts out there.

Extra Perks for Our Bird Buddies

But wait, there’s more! The Bird Buddy company also offers a range of add-ons to enhance your bird-watching experience. Consider adding a detachable solar panel to the roof of your Bird Buddy for just $70. This smart addition reduces the frequency of recharging the camera module, making it even more convenient. You can also opt for a handy wall mount for $24, a suet ball holder for $14, or even a bird water fountain priced at $22. These extra goodies make your Bird Buddy experience even more customizable and enjoyable.

The Final Flock

After spending a couple of weeks getting up close and personal with the Bird Buddy, I must confess, I’m smitten. While the price tag might deter some, it’s an ideal gift for your bird-loving relatives or even yourself if you’re feeling extra feathery. The stunning photos, the AI-powered species recognition, and the contribution to bird conservation make it an unforgettable addition to any birdwatcher’s arsenal. Of course, like any gadget, there is room for improvement. The app could use some fine-tuning, ironing out the occasional bugs and streamlining the user experience. But let’s not forget, the Bird Buddy managed to capture the hearts of both young and old in my home and kept us entertained and informed about our feathered friends. So, spread your wings and embrace the wonders of the avian world with the Bird Buddy!

Alternatives to Consider

If the Bird Buddy doesn’t quite tickle your fancy, fear not, there are other options worth exploring:

  1. Wasserstein Bird Feeder for Ring Stick Up Cam + Solar Panel: This bird feeder enclosure, priced at $200, is a perfect match for those with a Ring subscription. It seamlessly integrates with your existing Ring cameras and includes a solar panel for consistent power. It’s also compatible with the Blink Outdoor camera and Wyze cams. Although it may lack the Bird Buddy app’s features, it presents an excellent alternative for those already invested in the Ring ecosystem.
Wasserstein Bird Feeder for Ring Stick Up Cam
  1. Netvue Birdfy Smart Bird Feeder: For a similar price range as the Bird Buddy, you can explore the Netvue Birdfy Smart Bird Feeder. Unlike its feathery competitor, the Netvue Birdfy is ready to order and promises an enjoyable bird-watching experience.
Netvue Birdfy Smart Bird Feeder
  1. BirdDock Hummingbird Feeder: If you’re looking to attract hummingbirds, the BirdDock Hummingbird Feeder is the perfect 2-in-1 solution. It offers space for seeds and nectar, all powered by a rechargeable battery that can last up to 20 days on a single charge. This option provides a unique experience for those who adore these delicate creatures.
BirdDock Hummingbird Feeder

So, whether you choose the Bird Buddy, one of these alternatives, or explore other options, keep your feathered friends close and your enthusiasm for birdwatching even closer!

Now, I’d love to hear from you! Are you ready to take your birdwatching game to new heights? Or do you have your eye on a different gadget? Share your thoughts and stories in the comments below!