Getty to provide AI-generated images.

Getty to provide AI-generated images.

Getty Ventures into the AI Image Business with Generative AI Tool


In a surprising turn of events, Getty is making a foray into the AI image business with its own generative AI tool. This comes after the company banned AI art just a year ago, showcasing its evolving stance on the integration of AI within its services. But what sets Getty’s AI tool apart is that it is trained on their own vast database of images, offering a unique and unparalleled experience.

One of the standout features of Getty’s AI tool is the inclusion of a royalty-free license for the generated content. This means that users need not worry about potential copyright issues down the line, providing a breath of fresh air for content creators and users alike. By leveraging their own image database, Getty has managed to create an AI tool that not only produces impressive results but also ensures legal peace of mind.

Getty’s decision to venture into the AI image business comes amidst growing competition from other photography services. Shutterstock, for example, is utilizing Open AI’s DALL-E model, while Adobe’s Stock relies on its own Firefly tool and also welcomes AI-generated art. With its generative AI tool, Getty is set to make a strong entry into this market, leveraging their unique assets and expertise.

Powering Getty’s Generative AI tool is NVIDIA’s Edify AI model, sourced from their Picasso cloud service. This provides the tool with the necessary computational muscle to deliver impressive results. While it remains to be seen how these results compare against the improved DALL-E 3 model, Getty’s entry into this space is a significant step forward for the company.

To further support this new endeavor, Getty is also introducing a “contributor compensation model for AI licensing.” This compensation model aims to acknowledge and reward creators for their contributions by offering payment based on the number of images they’ve uploaded, in addition to their existing earnings from licensing. This move not only incentivizes creators to engage with the AI tool but also ensures that they are fairly compensated for their efforts.

Getty’s venture into the AI image business marks an exciting chapter for the company. By embracing AI and incorporating it into their offerings, they are opening up new possibilities for content creators and users. With their extensive image database, powerful AI model, and fair compensation model, Getty has positioned itself as a strong contender in the AI image market.

So, whether you’re a creator looking for innovative tools or a user seeking visually stunning and copyright-safe content, Getty’s generative AI tool is definitely worth exploring. This new addition to their services promises to elevate the content creation and consumption experience.