Giant X removed from Twitter HQ after safety complaints

Giant X removed from Twitter HQ after safety complaints

Elon Musk’s Mysterious X Logo on Twitter Headquarters Stirs Controversy

Twitter X Logo

The recent unveiling of the giant X logo on Twitter’s San Francisco headquarters, marking Elon Musk’s rebranding of the social media platform, has become a short-lived saga of controversy and complaints. The metal structure, which had been erected in a matter of days, was just as quickly deconstructed and removed due to safety concerns raised by Musk’s neighbors and the local community.

Musk had decided to rename Twitter as simply “X” and replaced the iconic bird logo with the enigmatic X symbol. In a video posted on the platform, Musk showcased the glowing X sign atop the main building of Twitter’s San Francisco headquarters, captioning it as “Our HQ in San Francisco tonight.”

However, the surprise introduction of the X logo did not sit well with the neighborhood. Videos started to circulate on social media, capturing the bright lights and strobe effects emanating from the structure. Concerns were raised about the potential danger the strobe lights posed, particularly for individuals with photosensitive epilepsy.

“This is my life now,” tweeted @realchrisjbeale, sharing a video from an apartment next door, displaying the vivid lighting effects permeating through the window.

Adding to the worries was the apparent lack of structural stability, with overhead photos revealing sandbags being used to secure the giant X structure. This raised concerns among pedestrians and passersby, leading some to avoid walking down the street altogether.

The situation escalated when the San Francisco Department of Buildings sent an inspector to Twitter headquarters, only to be turned away by the company. The inspector reported that rooftop access was denied, and the representative stated that the lighted sign was a “temporary structure for an event.” Frustrated, the inspector issued a notice of violation, noting the absence of a permit for the structure, potentially resulting in fines.

The controversy didn’t end there, as more complaints flooded in after the structure was dismantled. People documented issues related to the use of sandbags, problems with the strobe lighting, and even instances where the lighting on the logo began to “droop off.”

This is not the first time Musk’s company has faced building-related issues. When attempting to remove the old Twitter logo sign from the side of the building, police temporarily halted the operation due to safety concerns arising from the lack of proper closure of the sidewalk and street.

In the end, the grand unveiling of the X logo proved to be more of a spectacle than intended. Musk’s desire to rebrand Twitter as “X” faced resistance from the community, with safety concerns and permitting issues undermining the short-lived experiment. While Musk’s vision for the rebranding may have been well-intentioned, it serves as a reminder that even the most innovative and influential figures can sometimes encounter unexpected hiccups along the way.