🤖 Say Goodbye to Ads: Google’s AI-Powered Search Revolution

Two newly added features to Google's mobile search tools utilize machine intelligence to enhance the efficiency of the search experience.

Can mobile AI improve Google Search’s messy state?

In recent years, Google has been on a mission to make everything in our lives “helpful.” From its search service to its voice assistant and even its Pixel earbuds, helpfulness seems to be the name of the game. But does Google’s main search service still live up to its helpful reputation? 🕵️

According to some critics, Google search has become a tragedy of epic proportions, bloated and cluttered with advertisements. It’s like flipping through the Yellow Pages instead of consulting an encyclopedia. 😱 One former Googler even blames the decline of the web itself for the lowered quality of search results. But fear not, for a recent study shows that Google still outperforms its competitors when it comes to product reviews. 🥇

Ads, Ads Everywhere!

Let’s be real here. When you do a simple Google search, the first few results are often ads. And the clutter only increases as you scroll down. 😫 It seems like Google, along with other tech giants, is torn between making search smarter and overwhelming us with more ads. Enter generative AI, the shiny new tool in Google’s belt.

To make search more convenient and accessible, Google is integrating generative AI into its mobile search features. High-end Android phones, such as the Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro, and Samsung’s Galaxy S24, will soon enjoy the benefits. One of these features is Circle to Search. With a touch of your finger, you can select images, text, or videos within an app and run a quick search. 🕵️‍♂️

Imagine you’re having a text conversation with a friend and they recommend a restaurant. Instead of switching between apps, you can Circle to Search the name of the restaurant and voila! Results appear without leaving the text app. The same goes for spotting a product in an Instagram video. Pause the video, Circle the product, and run a search right there. Convenience at its finest! 😎

While Circle to Search offers search efficiency, it also opens up a world of commerce opportunities. And of course, that means more ads for Google. Search and Shopping ads will continue to appear in dedicated slots on the results page. However, there’s a catch. Since the search overlay only occupies a small portion of your screen, too many ads could quickly turn convenience into frustration. 😤

The Rise of AI-Powered Multisearch

This is where generative AI really shines. Instead of bombarding you with a slew of links, AI-powered multisearch provides summarized responses that fit neatly on your screen. For example, using Google Lens, you can snap a photo of a board game and ask, “How do you play this?” Google’s AI will quickly provide an overview. Broken appliance? No problem. Snap a photo and ask, “How do I fix this?” 💡

Liz Reid, Google’s VP and General Manager of search, sees this as a step towards multi-modal output in search. It’s not just about how we interact with computers or AI models but also how they can produce more relevant results. These AI-powered multisearch results will be available on any iOS or Android phone in the US running the Google app. Sorry, international folks, you’ll have to wait a little longer. 🌎

The SGE Experience: Google’s Playground for AI Innovations

Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) is a portal where early adopters can test new AI tools before they’re widely deployed. AI-powered multisearch is just one of the incremental updates being tested in SGE. By involving users in the testing process, Google gathers valuable data to improve its AI models while ensuring a smooth user experience. Google knows it’s not about flipping a light switch but rather pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. 👨‍💻

As Google continues to experiment with generative AI, we might be entering a whole new era of search. In an ideal AI future, search will be more helpful than ever, whether we’re on our mobile devices or browsing the web. With Circle to Search and AI-powered multisearch, we’ll be able to find what we need without the hassle of switching between apps or sifting through endless links. 🚀

💁‍♀️ Reader Q&A: Bringing Clarity to Your Concerns

Q: Is Google search still trustworthy amidst the cluttered interface and ads? A: Despite its flaws, Google search still outperforms some competitors when it comes to search quality. However, the dominance of ads and cluttered interface can make the search experience less enjoyable. But fear not, Google is working on improvements like Circle to Search and AI-powered multisearch to make search more convenient and efficient.

Q: Will Circle to Search and AI-powered multisearch bombard us with even more ads? A: While Circle to Search and AI-powered multisearch may offer convenience, there’s always a concern about ads taking up precious screen real estate. Google has confirmed that ads will still be present, but they are aware of the fine balance between helpfulness and an overwhelming ad experience. The goal is to make search more enjoyable, not more frustrating.

Q: When will AI-powered multisearch be available internationally? A: Currently, AI-powered multisearch will be available on any iOS or Android phone in the US running the Google app. However, international users who are part of the Search Generative Experience (SGE) program can get a preview of this exciting feature. Rest assured, Google is working to expand its availability to users worldwide.

What the Future Holds

As we embrace the power of generative AI in search, the possibilities are endless. Google’s ongoing experiments with Circle to Search and AI-powered multisearch are just the beginning. Who knows, one day we might find ourselves searching the web and finding exactly what we need without even lifting a finger. 🤖🔮


  1. Google Bard – A Generative AI Tool
  2. Best Google Pixel Deals
  3. The Degradation of the Web Itself
  4. Product Reviews and Search Quality
  5. Nature Spotting with Google Lens

Hey, tech enthusiasts! What are your thoughts on Google’s quest for a helpful search experience? Are you excited about Circle to Search and AI-powered multisearch? Share your opinions and let’s start a discussion! 🗣️💬

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