Google shuts down Jamboard

Google shuts down Jamboard

Google Jamboard: The End of an Era in Whiteboard Technology


In a surprising announcement, Google revealed this week that it will be winding down its popular whiteboard device and app, Jamboard, by the end of 2024. For many users who have relied on Jamboard for their education and work purposes, this news comes as a disappointment. However, Google is not leaving its users high and dry; it is redirecting its focus towards integrating third-party whiteboard tools into its Google Workspace suite, ensuring that teams can continue to collaborate seamlessly.

A Farewell to Jamboard

The Jamboard device, a 55-inch digital whiteboard, has gained popularity among educators and professionals alike for its versatility and innovative features. However, as of September 30, 2024, all license subscriptions for Jamboard devices will come to an end, and users are advised to backup their data before this date. On October 1, 2024, the device will no longer receive software updates, marking its Auto Update Expiration.

But that’s not all. The Jamboard app, which is currently accessible in Google Drive and can be used without a physical Jamboard device, will also be phased out. After October 1, 2024, users won’t be able to create new or edit existing Jams (whiteboard slides) on any platform. From then until December 31, 2024, Jamboard will enter “view-only” mode, allowing users to access and backup their existing Jams before they are permanently deleted.

Embracing Collaboration in New Ways

While the discontinuation of Jamboard may leave some users feeling nostalgic, Google is not abandoning the whiteboard concept altogether. Instead, it is shifting its focus towards third-party whiteboard tools that have proven to be popular among customers. Google will be integrating tools such as Figjam by Figma, Lucidspark by Lucid Software, and Miro into Google Workspace, ensuring that users have access to advanced whiteboard features and enhanced collaboration capabilities.

According to Google, these partner ecosystem tools provide features such as an infinite canvas, use case templates, voting, and more, which have received positive feedback from teams using them. By leveraging these tools, Google aims to enhance core content collaboration across its suite of productivity tools, including Docs, Sheets, and Slides.

The Future of Whiteboard Technology

As Google bids farewell to Jamboard, it welcomes the Avocor Series One Board 65 and the Desk 27 as its successors in the whiteboard technology realm. These new devices are expected to be seamlessly integrated with Figjam, Lucidspark, and Miro, ensuring a smooth transition for users who have grown accustomed to the collaborative power of whiteboarding.

For those who are curious to learn more about the transition or have questions regarding Jamboard, Google has provided a comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page for additional information.

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, we bid adieu to Google Jamboard, a device and app that has revolutionized the way we collaborate and brainstorm. As we embrace the future of whiteboard technology, we can look forward to new and exciting integrations that will enhance our productivity and fuel our creativity.