I learned not to discard old phone chargers.

I learned not to discard old phone chargers.

Recycling Phone Chargers: A Humorous Look at a Common Mistake

We all like to think that we’re responsible citizens, doing our part for the environment. We recycle our bottles, return our grocery store carts, and tip generously. But here’s a confession: for years, I’ve been committing a grave sin of ignorance. I had no idea that throwing away my phone chargers was a big no-no in the recycling world. And I’m not alone in this ignorance.

According to a non-scientific poll conducted by refurbished tech seller Decluttr, a whopping 75 percent of the 2,400 people surveyed on Reddit admitted that they don’t dispose of their chargers correctly. Well, no surprises there, as I can’t imagine that the remaining 25 percent were fully aware of the proper way to dispose of these tiny pieces of technology either.

So, what do we do wrong? Apparently, 55 percent of respondents simply throw their old chargers away in the trash, while 17 percent choose to stash them in “other” places, like a messy drawer or an abyss of forgotten objects. Only 25 percent of the surveyed individuals take their chargers to recycling centers, and a mere three percent contact local authorities for disposal advice. Bravo to those three percent for being overachievers in charger recycling! I should probably call the mayor about my charger conundrum.

But why should we bother recycling chargers in the first place? Well, these seemingly insignificant items contribute to the vast amount of electronic waste, or e-waste, generated each year. CNN reports that a mind-boggling “66 million tons of electronic waste” are produced annually. Imagine being a tiny charger in that enormous mountain of electronic garbage! It’s no wonder that Apple, in its efforts to limit e-waste, has a global recycling program specifically designed for old charging bricks and cables.

Now, here comes the heart of the matter: if you want to recycle your chargers but don’t have an Apple product, how do you do it? Fear not, my fellow phone charger sinners! Lifehacker has come to the rescue with an article on environmentally friendly ways to dispose of your unwanted charging paraphernalia.

But let’s be real here – how many of us will actually take the time to visit an e-waste center? I confess that I’m not likely to embark on a charger pilgrimage myself. Instead, my old charging cables and bricks will probably join the ranks of my dead AA batteries in a forgotten drawer. They won’t go in the trash, but they won’t be of any use either. They’ll be left in a state of electronic limbo, waiting for a better afterlife.

So, my dear friends, let this be a lesson for us all. Recycling phone chargers may not be common knowledge, but it’s high time we spread the word. Let’s make an effort to bring those little charging warriors to recycling centers and give them the proper send-off they deserve. After all, every charger deserves a chance at a new life, even if it’s just powering up another device or two.