iPhone and iOS 17 allow precise typing

iPhone and iOS 17 allow precise typing

Apple’s Improved Autocorrect Feature: Swearing Made Easy!

iPhone Keyboard

If you’ve ever been frustrated with your iPhone constantly autocorrecting your swear words, then you’re in for a treat. Apple’s latest iOS update, specifically iOS 17, brings an improved and more sophisticated autocorrect feature to make cussing on your iPhone a breeze. Finally, you can let out your colorful language to your heart’s content.

Autocorrect has been a long-standing feature on iPhones, but with the introduction of iOS 17, Apple takes it up a notch. Leveraging a transformer model similar to what OpenAI uses in its language models, the iPhone’s keyboard on iOS 17 learns from your typing habits to better predict what you might say next, including curse words. It’s like having your own foul-mouthed personal assistant.

The accuracy of autocorrect has significantly improved with the implementation of the transformer language model. This complex software program, trained with specific data, learns context and patterns to provide more accurate results. It mimics human thinking and speech, enabling it to give you suggestions and corrections that are customized to your style of communication. However, it’s important to note that this technology is currently only available on the English, French, and Spanish keyboards.

In addition to its improved accuracy, the autocorrect feature now allows you to incorporate curse words and explicit language into your personal vocabulary list. The keyboard learns your usage patterns across different applications. So, whether you’re more prone to curse in messages or keep it clean on Twitter, the keyboard will adapt to your preferences. You no longer have to worry about typing “duck” when you meant to say something else. And “shut” won’t replace your intended expletive. The list of potential autocorrect nightmares goes on.

But wait, there’s more! The new transformer language model also introduces inline predictive text. Now, as you type, the keyboard provides single- and multi-word predictions directly within the text field. For instance, you can start typing “Have you watched the new episode of The Wa…” and the autocorrect feature will offer an inline prediction of “The Walking Dead.” This can significantly speed up your writing process, helping you finish sentences faster. Simply hit the space bar to enter the predictive text into the text field. Unfortunately, inline predictive text is only available on iPhone 12 and later models.

Of course, autocorrect isn’t infallible, and there may be times when it “corrects” you when you don’t want or need it to. Perhaps you’re using slang or spelling a person’s name uniquely. To address these scenarios, iOS 17 has made it easier to edit autocorrections. Newly autocorrected words and sentences are now temporarily underlined, making it simple to identify the corrections. If you’re dissatisfied with a correction, you can tap on the underlined text to view what you originally wrote and explore alternative autocorrect options. This feature ensures that you maintain control over your own words.

Autocorrect Edit Example

Apple’s improved autocorrect feature in iOS 17 revolutionizes the way we communicate on our iPhones. With enhanced accuracy, personalized vocabulary settings, inline predictive text, and easier editing options, typing becomes a seamless experience. So, go ahead, let those swear words fly without worrying about your iPhone censoring you. Just remember to use this newfound freedom responsibly and considerately.