Don’t Panic! OpenELA is Here to Save the Day for Linux Kernel 4.14 LTS!

The six-year-old Linux kernel was on the verge of failure until this collaboration between CIQ, Oracle, and SUSE came to its rescue. But what was the motivation behind such a concerted effort?

Linux 4.14’s long-term support continues due to an alliance.

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If you’re one of those businesses still clinging onto the old reliable Linux kernel version 4.14, fear not! OpenELA is here, cape flying in the wind, to rescue our beloved 4.14 LTS and keep it alive and kicking! 🦸‍♂️

The LTS Dilemma and OpenELA’s Superheroic Response

Until recently, the burden of maintaining long-term support (LTS) versions of the Linux kernel fell on the shoulders of the valiant Linux kernel developers. Alas, they decided to part ways with the older kernels due to the excessive workload and lack of support. 😔

But just when it seemed like the end of the road for Linux 4.14, our heroes from OpenELA, a trade association of Linux distributors, swooped in to save the day! CIQ, the company backing Rocky Linux, Oracle, and SUSE, join forces under the OpenELA banner to offer a new lease of life for our battle-worn 4.14 LTS kernel. 💪

OpenELA, the Unsung Hero

OpenELA, via its kernel-lts project, has resurrected the 4.14 kernel with a renewed version tagged as x.y.z-openela. Excitingly, the latest release, v4.14.339-openela, is already out and ready to shine! 🌟

While OpenELA expresses its gratitude to Greg Kroah-Hartman and Sasha Levin of the Linux Kernel Stable project, they make it clear that they are an independent entity not affiliated with them or other upstream stable maintainers. Nonetheless, they diligently pull most LTS-maintained stable tree patches from the upstream branches, with their skilled kernel-lts maintainers handling any issues that arise. 🛠️

OpenELA’s Noble Pledge

OpenELA ensures that its LTS kernel strictly adheres to the stable rules set by the upstream community. They also pledge not to target specific hardware, vendors, or users. Instead, they primarily select patches from ongoing upstream stable kernels, ensuring a collaborative effort between the OpenELA team, vendors, users, and the wider open source community. 👥

In a nutshell, OpenELA is not a fork, but a forum where enterprise Linux distribution vendors come together to preserve and support older kernels after their upstream support has ended. As Greg Marsden, Senior Vice President of Oracle Linux, puts it, “OpenELA is the first forum for enterprise Linux distribution vendors to pool our resources and collaborate on those older kernels after upstream support for those kernels has ended.”

Q&A: Your Burning Questions Answered

  • Q: Why did the Linux kernel developers stop supporting older kernels? A: Maintaining older kernels became an overwhelming task for the Linux kernel developers due to the workload and lack of sufficient support. They made the tough decision to focus their efforts on newer kernel versions instead.

  • Q: How does OpenELA ensure the stability and reliability of the LTS kernel? A: OpenELA closely follows the stable rules set by the upstream community and selects patches primarily from ongoing upstream stable kernels. This collaborative approach ensures that the LTS kernel remains solid and dependable.

  • Q: Can developers contribute patches to OpenELA’s kernel-lts project? A: Absolutely! OpenELA welcomes developers to submit patches either through their mailing list or via GitHub. However, they only accept patches that are part of the mainline Linux kernel, as patches not applicable to upstream Linux are considered out-of-scope.

Future Prospects: A Beacon of Hope

OpenELA brings a ray of hope to businesses still reliant on the Linux 4.14 kernel. They have committed to supporting version 4.14 until the end of 2024. And when the time comes for the next mainstream LTS kernel, Linux 4.19 LTS, to bid farewell in December 2024, OpenELA may extend its helping hand if the demand is high enough. 🌈

So, if you find yourself in the embrace of the trustworthy Linux kernel 4.14, take heart! OpenELA is your guardian angel, ensuring that your business can continue to thrive with a stable and well-maintained kernel. Embrace the power of OpenELA and let your Linux journey carry on! 💻

🔗 References:Linux kernel 6.8 offers exciting new features and fixes all overConservation Labs uses sound to diagnose plumbing issuesMaBox Linux proves that old-school Linux can stay fresh and free for useOracle’s new offerings bring AI and data management togetherThe best Linux distributions for beginners: Expert tested and reviewedStable Diffusion 3 arrives to solidify early AI imagery lead Sora GeminiLinus Torvalds on the state of Linux today and how AI figures in its future

🤝 Now it’s your turn! Share your thoughts on OpenELA’s heroic efforts and how they’ve come to your rescue in the comments below. Don’t forget to spread the word and click that share button to let others know about this savior of Linux kernels! 🚀