The Future of Linux Kernel: Shortened LTS, Maintainers Burning Out, and Embracing Rust 🐧🚀

The Open Source Summit presents the latest developments and future direction of the Linux kernel.

Linux kernel long-term support to be reduced due to ongoing maintenance challenges.


Are you a Linux enthusiast or just someone with a curious mind? Well, I’ve got some fascinating news for you from the recent Open Source Summit Europe in Bilbao, Spain! Jonathan Corbet, the executive editor of Linux Weekly News and a Linux kernel developer, shared some exciting updates about the Linux kernel and its future direction.

💡 Shortened Long-Term Support (LTS) for Linux Kernels

One significant change coming our way is the reduction in LTS for Linux kernels. Currently, we have six LTS kernels, but going forward, the long-term support will be limited to only two years instead of the existing six. As we bid farewell to each kernel version, there will be no replacements. Why, you ask? According to Corbet, there’s simply no point in maintaining them for that long when hardly anyone uses them anymore. And I have to agree! It’s time to embrace the new and leave the old behind.

🛠️ Maintainers Burning Out

But that’s not the only challenge the Linux community is facing. The maintainers responsible for checking, fitting, and ensuring the code works correctly are burning out. While developers are plentiful, many maintainers maintain code as a side gig, burdened with increasing demands on their time. Additionally, the use of fuzzers to find bugs may be helpful, but it’s also overwhelming for maintainers. They’re constantly bombarded with minor bug reports that require their attention, resulting in burnout. Maintainers don’t scale, as Josef Bacik aptly put it. The good news is, they’re aware of the issue and actively seeking help.

❓ Q&A: What Do Readers Want to Know?

Q: What can be done to alleviate the burden on maintainers?

Corbet suggests that maintainers discuss with their employers the possibility of being paid for their maintenance work. Companies need to realize that contributing back to Linux is essential if they want to continue reaping its benefits. So spread the word and let employers know that maintaining Linux is a valuable investment!

Q: How will the introduction of Rust impact the Linux kernel?

Linux is now experimenting with Rust, which is great for eliminating certain classes of errors present in the C language. However, this poses a challenge for maintainers. Switching to Rust after working for decades in C can be a significant undertaking. On top of that, Rust is still evolving, requiring numerous patches to integrate it effectively with Linux. We mustn’t forget that some developers are also resistant to this change. But Corbet believes that once the first feature users depend on, which relies on Rust, is merged, there will be no going back.

🔮 The Impact and Future of Linux

The future of Linux is evolving rapidly, and we can expect some exciting developments. For instance, three new Rust-based additions are already in progress for the Linux kernel code, including the implementation of PuzzleFS, a Plan9 filesystem server, and a highly anticipated Apple M1 GPU driver. With these advancements, Rust’s permanent place in Linux seems inevitable. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!

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🤔 Which Kernel Should You Use?

The recent tweaks in Red Hat’s RHEL license have not only caused a licensing dispute but has also raised concerns about the Linux kernel choices available for your Linux distribution. You have two options: either run the latest stable kernel or stick with an old kernel that includes backported fixes. Enterprise Linux distributors tend to go with the latter option, resulting in vendor-specific kernels. While this approach offers stability, it moves these distributions away from community support, turning them into reliant entities. This situation has inspired the birth of CentOS alternatives like AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux. OpenELA, the Open Enterprise Linux Association, also aims to provide a RHEL clone that maintains the older patched kernel, fueling the ongoing conflict between Red Hat and OpenELA.

📸 In the Quest for Security

Security is always a concern, and Linux kernel developers are no strangers to this issue. An interesting aspect of kernel development is that almost anything can be a security bug, with a fix required before anyone realizes the bug’s security implications. To safeguard against such vulnerabilities, it is highly recommended that all patches be incorporated into Linux distros. Patching older kernels, like 4.14, might involve an overwhelming number of commits, but picking and choosing patches can undermine the security of your system. So remember, it’s better to have everything and stay secure!

💡 Fun Fact: Linux Training and Puppies

As Scott McNealy, the former CEO of Sun Microsystems, once said, “Open source is free like a puppy is free.” The essence of his remark lies in the fact that while Linux and open-source software are freely available, they require training and resources to truly harness their power. Just like adopting a puppy, using open-source software comes with responsibilities and a learning curve. So let’s not overlook the training aspect and embrace the potential of open source!

💬 Let’s Connect and Share!

What are your thoughts on the future of Linux kernel development? Share your excitement and concerns in the comments below! And don’t forget to spread the word by sharing this article on your favorite social media platform. Let’s keep the conversation going!
