Bird Scooters Rebrands as Bird: A Journey of Legacy and Disruption 🦜🛴

No, don't associate it with Bird Scooters. Think of Bird as its previous name, MessageBird. The Amsterdam-based tech company, which is valued at over $1 billion, is now undergoing a re-branding after reportedly acquiring

MessageBird rebrands as Bird, cuts SMS prices by 90% to compete with Twilio.

Remember Bird Scooters? Well, forget about them. We’re talking about Bird, the Amsterdam-based unicorn formerly known as MessageBird. And guess what? They’ve just rebranded. 🎉 Turns out, a few years ago, they acquired the domain name for a hefty sum, allegedly in the millions. Talk about commitment to the brand! 💸

Founded in 2011 by Adriaan Mol and Robert Vis, Bird, now reimagined under a new name, is more than just a cloud communication platform for enterprises. They’ve got something up their sleeves – new products and a jaw-dropping pricing cut that will make their competitors, especially Twilio, green with envy. 💼

Vis, in a phone interview, shared the thought process behind the rebranding: “Our goal is to build a legacy company that will withstand the test of time. And let’s face it, the scooter company was never going to last fifty years.” He’s got a point there. Scooters might be fun in the short term, but in the long run, it’s all about establishing an enduring brand. 🏢

Now, here’s the exciting part. Bird CRM, their cutting-edge platform for marketing, sales, and payments through Email, SMS, and WhatsApp, is getting a massive price drop – a staggering 40-90% discount! 🤯 In fact, they intend to charge SMS at a whopping 90% discount. This move is no coincidence. In an audacious new marketing campaign, Bird plans to throw shade at Twilio by quoting none other than Jeff Bezos himself: “Your margins are my opportunity.” Ouch! That’s gotta sting. 💥

According to insiders, MessageBird’s ambition to disrupt Twilio’s colossal $1.3 billion profit on SMS was mentioned by Vis during his 2016 YC Demo Day. But let’s be honest, that’s how entrepreneurs roll – they dream big! And now, with their groundbreaking price reduction, Bird aims to make Twilio’s profit on SMS a big fat zero. 📉

Now, you might be wondering, what differentiates Bird from Twilio and their sea of competitors? It all comes down to one word – convenience. Bird believes that the ability to do something with a communication channel is far more valuable than the channel itself. They’re not merely a channel provider; they want to offer convenience on top of the channel. 📱

Vis explained their strategy with gusto: “We’re dropping prices considerably. It’s time to move away from the space of API providers on top of channels, which we could probably agree is a completely commoditized. That’s truly the differentiation between Twilio and us and probably 10 other SMS providers or WhatsApp providers. Our view is much more that the ability to do something with the channel is way more important than actually the channel in itself, so we’re basically giving away channel costs, which, if your only business as a channel provider, probably really sucks, which obviously is kind of our intention. But if you provide any type of convenience on top of the channel, then I think that’s what the next 10 years is going to be about.” 🔥

In a blog post, co-founder Vis articulated their vision: “It is no longer about the abstraction layer of API’s. AI changed the game and flipped everything – the next 10 years will be all about infrastructure + application – or how we like to look at it: what you can do with the channel versus merely access to the channel.” Bird is setting its sights on revolutionizing the communication infrastructure, and it’s clear that their ambitions reach far beyond the limits of traditional channels. 🚀

Speaking of Vis, he’s been making waves on LinkedIn lately. A recent post in which he expressed his desire to acquire companies with Electronic Money Institution (EMI) and/or Payment Institutions (PI) licenses has gone viral on the networking platform. This guy sure knows how to make headlines! 💼

And as for Bird Scooters, the folks who rented out scooters for a joyride, well, let’s just say they’ve hit a roadblock. They’ve recently filed for bankruptcy. It seems their journey on two wheels has come to a screeching halt. 🚫

Q&A with Bird: Answering Your Burning Questions 🕊️🔥

Q: How is Bird planning to compete against Twilio with their new pricing strategy?

A: Bird believes that the real value lies in what you can do with a communication channel, rather than just providing access to it. By drastically reducing prices, Bird aims to disrupt the SMS market and challenge Twilio’s dominance. They intend to offer convenience and innovative solutions on top of the channel, setting themselves apart in a crowded market.

Q: How will Bird’s rebranding as Bird impact their long-term strategy and market presence?

A: Bird’s rebranding is a testament to their commitment to building a long-lasting legacy company. By distancing themselves from the scooter business and focusing on their core communication platform, they signal their intention to be a leader in the industry for years to come. This strategic move not only strengthens their brand but also positions them as a formidable competitor against Twilio and other SMS providers.

Q: What role does AI play in Bird’s future plans?

A: AI is a game-changer for Bird. They believe that the next decade will be all about infrastructure + application, shifting the focus from API’s to what can be accomplished with communication channels. Bird aims to leverage AI to enhance their platform’s capabilities and create new opportunities for their customers. By embracing cutting-edge technology, they are paving the way for the future of communication.

Looking Ahead: A Trailblazing Future ⭐

Bird’s rebranding as Bird marks a significant milestone in their journey as a communication platform provider. With a bold pricing strategy, they are set to disrupt the SMS market and challenge industry giant Twilio. By delivering convenience and innovative solutions on top of communication channels, Bird solidifies their position as a game-changer in the industry. Their focus on AI and the power of infrastructure + application heralds a promising future where communication becomes more than just a means to an end.

So, buckle up and get ready for a wild ride with Bird. The future of communication is about to take flight! ✈️


Hey readers! What do you think about Bird’s rebranding and their ambitious plans to dominate the communication industry? Share your thoughts in the comments below and let’s start a conversation! 🎉

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