Exposing Our True Selves: The Unfiltered World of Banking Apps

Monzo Reflects A Personalized Version of Spotify Wrapped That Reveals Our True Selves

Monzo’s Spotify Wrapped reveals our true selves.

We’ve all experienced the annual tradition of tech companies bombarding us with neatly packaged reviews of our consumer habits. They gleefully present us with colorful infographics, showcasing just how much of a deteriorating heap we’ve become. Want to know your Spotify listening personality? Or perhaps what everyone was watching on Pornhub? Maybe even the latest dating trends on Tinder? They’ve got that covered. But there’s one place where our unadulterated, unhackable behavior is laid bare for all to see—the notorious banking apps.

This year, our beloved British online bank, Monzo, takes the stage with an undeniably well-animated, yet deeply unsettling year-end wrap-up. As the app shamelessly parades the aggregated data of its whopping 7.5 million customers, it confronts you with the cold, hard truth of where your hard-earned cash went. And trust me, behind that cute design lies a not-so-pretty revelation.

“This is the story of how you Monzo’d your way through 2023 like nobody else,” the app declares, before mercilessly bombarding you with the categories in which you shamelessly splurged, the unsuspecting mates who fell victim to your bill-splitting shenanigans, your preferred shopping destinations, and the questionable restaurants from which you most frequently ordered food (seriously, no thank you).

Needless to say, the screenshots of my own spending are far too mortifying to share, but a few brave souls have bared their monzo’d souls on Twitter/X. Take a look at these examples of financial exhibitionism:

Certainly, Monzo’s intention here is to inject some life into your finance hub, offering personal data that some might genuinely find helpful for budgeting. But let’s face it, staring at the harsh, unequivocal evidence of my take-out gluttony isn’t exactly the triumphant year-end air punch I was hoping for. As Twitter/X user Sasha hilariously writes (opens in a new window), “why does Monzo wrapped feel like I’m in my underwear in the town square and all the villagers are pointing and laughing at me?”

On the flip side, let’s acknowledge the underlying privilege that comes with having a “fun” wrap-up of your spending habits. We can’t overlook the ongoing cost of living crisis in the UK. If you’re fortunate enough to be in a stable financial position, the lightly amusing Monzo wrap-up serves as a gentle reminder of your good fortune.

So, while we nurse our wounded pride, let’s take solace in ENBLE’s wrap-ups for the year. They remain blissfully unaware of where you ordered that 2am burger from, sparing you that ultimate embarrassment.

Have you experienced the Monzo year-end wrap-up? Share your embarrassing spending stories or hilarious reactions in the comments below!