Generative AI: The Wild West of the Workplace

64% of employees have falsified generative AI work as their own

Over 60% of employees have claimed credit for work done by generative AI.


Move over, cowboys. There’s a new sheriff in town, and its name is Generative AI. This cutting-edge technology is taking over workplaces across the globe, with more users than ever before. But here’s the kicker – a whopping 28% of workers are embracing this technology without their employers even knowing. Yeehaw!

According to the latest Generative AI Snapshot Research Series by Salesforce, over half of global workers are using generative AI without formal approval. And if that wasn’t enough, another 32% are planning to jump on the bandwagon soon, whether their employers like it or not.

But fear not, there’s still hope in this lawless AI frontier. The survey revealed the top three safe use cases for generative AI:

  1. Stick to company-approved GenAI tools/programs.
  2. Keep confidential company data out of generative AI prompts.
  3. Avoid using personally identifiable customer data in generative AI prompts.

It’s not all about safety, though. Ethics have their place too. The survey also identified the top three ethical uses of GenAI at work:

  1. Fact-check generative AI outputs before using them.
  2. Trust only validated and accurate generative AI tools.
  3. Stick to company-approved generative AI tools and programs.

But hold onto your hats, folks, because things are about to get even more interesting. The survey uncovered some eyebrow-raising revelations about generative AI in the workplace. For instance, a whopping 64% of workers have shamelessly passed off generative AI work as their own. And get this – 41% of workers would gladly exaggerate their generative AI skills just to secure a job opportunity. Talk about smooth talkers!

If you think the lack of training on using generative AI is shocking, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Brace yourselves, as 7 out of 10 global workers have never received any training on how to use this technology safely and ethically. It’s a jungle out there!

But before you start thinking that every industry has their act together, think again. The survey found that only 15% of all industries have vague rules for generative AI usage at work. In the United States, it’s a bit higher at 17%, but still not impressive. And hold on tight now, because nearly one-fourth of industries have no policies at all when it comes to generative AI in the workplace. Talk about uncharted territory!

However, amidst this AI chaos, there’s a glimmer of hope. The benefits of generative AI in the workplace are hard to ignore. According to the survey, a whopping 71% of the workforce believes that generative AI makes them more productive. And not just that, it also brings a spark of engagement to the workplace, with almost 60% of employees feeling more involved in their work thanks to GenAI.

But it doesn’t stop there. Mastering generative AI could provide a boost to your career too. Almost half of global workers believe that becoming a GenAI expert would make them more sought after in the job market. And let’s not forget the money! Over half of them believe it would increase job satisfaction, and 44% even think it would pad their bank accounts.

So, there you have it, folks. Generative AI may be unruly and untamed, but it’s also an exhilarating opportunity for the brave. Just make sure you follow those three golden rules, and you’ll be riding the waves of this AI revolution like a pro. Giddy up, partners!

Have you ever tried using Generative AI in your workplace without your employer knowing? How do you think generative AI will impact the future of work? Share your thoughts in the comments below!