Only reason I updated my iPhone iOS 17 Apple Music feature

Only reason I updated my iPhone iOS 17 Apple Music feature

Apple Music Gets Even Better with iOS 17 Update

Apple Music

Apple recently released the highly anticipated iOS 17 update, which brings a range of new features and improvements to iPhones. While there are plenty of exciting additions in the update, one feature, in particular, caught my attention – the new Crossfade feature for Apple Music.

As a long-time Apple Music user, I’ve often found myself envious of Spotify’s features. However, Apple has been closing the gap by incorporating some of Spotify’s most popular features into its own platform. With iOS 17, Apple introduces two of Spotify’s signature features – Crossfade and Collaborative Playlists.

Crossfade for a Seamless Music Experience

One of the most annoying moments when listening to music is the abrupt transition between songs. It can ruin the flow and the overall enjoyment of a playlist. With iOS 17, Apple Music users now have the option to enable Crossfade, a feature that provides a smooth transition between songs.

The Crossfade feature gives the effect of a DJ seamlessly mixing two songs together. It bridges the awkward gap between tracks, making it especially useful at parties, in the car, or any event where uninterrupted music is vital. To enable Crossfade, simply go to Settings > Music > Crossfade and choose the desired duration of the transition.

Crossfade Settings

Collaborative Playlists for Shared Music Experiences

Listening to music is even more enjoyable when it’s a shared experience. With iOS 17, Apple Music is introducing Collaborative Playlists. This feature, inspired by Spotify, allows users to create playlists with friends, family, or even coworkers and classmates.

Collaborative Playlists are perfect for curating music for specific moods or events, such as parties or workout sessions. Unfortunately, this feature will be available in a future iOS 17 update, so we’ll have to wait a bit longer to fully enjoy this fantastic addition to Apple Music.

Elevating Apple Music with Additional Features

Apple also introduces other noteworthy features in iOS 17 that enhance the Apple Music experience. One such feature is Song Credits, which provides users with comprehensive information about the contributors to their favorite songs. From musicians to producers and engineers, listeners can now easily find out who played each instrument and who was involved in creating the music.

Song Credits

This feature not only gives artists the recognition they deserve but also allows fans to delve deeper into the creative process behind their favorite tracks, eliminating the need to rely on external platforms for such information.

Another exciting addition is SharePlay, which expands the shared music experience. With SharePlay, users can create joint listening sessions where everyone in a car, for example, can participate and contribute by queuing up songs to be played next. It’s a fun feature that fosters music discovery and adds a social aspect to the Apple Music experience.

With the release of iOS 17, Apple Music continues to evolve, closing the gap on rival streaming platforms and providing a richer and more enjoyable music experience for its users. The addition of Crossfade, Collaborative Playlists, Song Credits, and SharePlay further solidifies Apple Music as a top contender in the music streaming landscape. So, update your devices and dive into the world of Apple Music with these exciting new features.