🎮 Lights, Camera, Venture Capital! The Hidden Gold in Movies and Gaming 💰

Review of SuperScale’s $5.4 million Series A presentation deck by ENBLE.

Movies and gaming might not be the first industries that come to mind when you think of venture capital. But guess what? These two entertainment powerhouses made a ton of money last year! 🤑 In fact, movies raked in a whopping $33.9 billion, while global gaming revenue reached an incredible $184 billion! 💥

You might be wondering why venture capitalists have largely ignored these lucrative industries. Well, the answer lies in the inherent unpredictability of movies and gaming. It’s the kind of rollercoaster ride that venture capitalists are not accustomed to. They prefer safer bets like tech startups or healthcare innovations with predictable growth patterns and measurable metrics. Traditional venture capital theses rarely embrace the unpredictability of these hit-or-miss industries. 😬

However, when a company like SuperScale comes along with a promise to make game marketing easier, it caught my attention. After all, great marketing could be the difference between an average game and a smash-hit success! 🎯 So, I eagerly delved into their pitch deck, excited to see what they had to offer.

But wait, there’s more! If you’ve got a unique pitch deck you want us to analyze, we’re all ears. Stick around to find out how to submit your own deck for a teardown! 📨

Slides in SuperScale’s Deck 📑

SuperScale submitted a 22-slide deck for our scrutiny. However, they redacted some customer details and case studies due to lack of approval for distribution. Let’s take a sneak peek at the slides that made the cut:

  1. Cover slide
  2. Problem slide
  3. Solution slide
  4. Macro market size prediction slide
  5. Market size prediction slide
  6. Market size slide (2027)
  7. Target customer slide
  8. Platform interstitial slide
  9. How it works slide

And many more. But we won’t bore you with a slide-by-slide breakdown because that’s too mainstream for SuperScale. Instead, let’s focus on what makes their pitch deck stand out and what they could improve. 💼

Three things to ❤️ about SuperScale’s pitch deck

These are the elements in SuperScale’s pitch deck that really spark joy:

Making your own market 🎮

Gaming is a juggernaut of an industry, and everyone knows it. So, the question becomes, how can you get a slice of that lucrative digital pie? SuperScale takes a bold leap here by presenting projections for 2027, showcasing anticipated growth rather than dwelling on current numbers. It’s a strategic move that piques investor interest and sets the stage for a compelling argument about SuperScale’s potential role in a booming industry. 📈

A new lease on life 🔄

As a games optimization company, SuperScale has a smart approach that holds the promise of massively increasing the profitability of existing games. Imagine turning a game that’s past its prime into a thriving moneymaker. SuperScale’s clever model could bring new life to legacy games, creating a win for both the gaming studios and SuperScale. By highlighting this potential, SuperScale shows its strategic prowess and ability to adapt. Investors will appreciate that! 🎮💸

That’s how you do a summary ✅

Design quibbles aside, SuperScale nailed it with their summary slide. It provides all the necessary talking points, neatly packaged for investors to digest at a glance. A good summary slide is worth its weight in gold, and SuperScale delivers precisely that. Bravo! 👏

Three things SuperScale could have improved

Every rose has its thorns, and even the impressive SuperScale deck has room for improvement. Here are a few niggling issues that caught my attention:

Wait, how big is your team? 🤔

Raising around $5 million usually goes hand in hand with a team of 10 to 15 members. So, when SuperScale’s team slide reveals over 70 team members across five business units, it raises questions about the startup’s seriousness. Sustaining such a large team requires significant revenue, yet SuperScale doesn’t delve into that aspect. Their revenue mentions are limited to case studies, which fail to convey the traction and growth potential effectively. An investor-friendly approach would be to showcase revenue graphs and growth projections over time. 📊

Why is SuperScale raising money? 💸

It’s puzzling why SuperScale aims to raise around $5 million when they already generate substantial revenue. On one slide, they boast $7.5 million in revenue solely from case study clients. But there’s no clarity on the number of clients and the total revenue. The slide discussing their funding needs is vague and unclear. While they mention building an M&A machine for acquiring rights to legacy games, a specific plan is sorely missing. The inconsistencies in revenue goals and the lack of concrete information leave investors scratching their heads. 🤨

Tell a coherent story! 📖

SuperScale initially seemed like an exciting investment, but deeper analysis reveals a lack of coherence. Their deck hints at acquiring companies, but the 70-strong team and a mere $5 million raise don’t add up. The absence of past successes and a clear growth strategy becomes glaring. A more convincing approach would be to share a comprehensive story that connects the dots for investors. Displaying end-to-end success scenarios, revenue figures from investments, and a clear vision for a sustainable portfolio of games would paint a vivid picture for potential backers. 🖼️

The Full Pitch Deck 🎥

If you’re curious to see the entire pitch deck, we’ve got you covered. Just head over to ENBLE to get an inside look! But hey, don’t forget that if you want your pitch deck in the spotlight, we’d love to feature it. Check out our website for more details! 🚀

🔗 Check out some relevant links for more information on venture capital, gaming, and movies: 1. Movies made $33.9 billion last year 2. Global gaming revenue was $184 billion 3. Traditional venture capital investment theses 4. 16 slides for an optimal pitch deck 5. Layla acquires AI itinerary-building bot

Phew! That was quite a ride through the world of movies, gaming, and venture capital. Now it’s your turn! What are your thoughts on SuperScale’s pitch deck? Do you have any burning questions about the industry or investing? Share your insights and let’s start a conversation! 🎉

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