Instagram’s Close Friends Feature Gets an Upgrade: Here’s How to Share Select Content

Exclusive Guide Posting on Instagram for Your Close Friends Only

Instagram Post Only for Close Friends!

Have you ever felt the need to share random and personal content with just a select group of people on Instagram? Well, say goodbye to the days of creating finstas because the game has changed, my friends.

Instagram’s “Close Friends” feature has already revolutionized social media by allowing you to share content exclusively with a chosen few. No longer do you have to worry about broadcasting your embarrassing moments to your entire network. This nifty feature lets you post Stories for just your close friends, making some of the pressures of Instagram a thing of the past.

But hold on to your hats because Instagram has now taken the existing Close Friends feature to a whole new level with a fantastic new update. Brace yourselves because it’s about to get even better.

Elevating the Close Friends Feature

Instagram recently announced that users can now share posts with only those on their Close Friends list. Yes, you heard it right. Whether it’s a Reel or a photo dump, you now have the option to share content on your feed that only a select few will get to see. It’s like having your very own VIP section on Instagram.

How to Share Select Content

So, how exactly can you unleash this newfound power and share exclusive content with your Close Friends on Instagram? Fear not, we’ve got you covered with this step-by-step guide:

  1. Update your Instagram app to ensure you have the latest version.
  2. Open the Instagram app on your device and navigate to your profile.
  3. Tap on the hamburger icon (three horizontal lines) located at the top right corner of your screen.
  4. From the side menu, select “Close Friends.”
  5. Tap the “+” icon to add friends to your Close Friends list. Choose wisely, my friend.
  6. Now, go back to your profile and create a new post as you normally would.
  7. Before sharing your masterpiece with the world, you’ll notice a new option called “Close Friends” at the bottom of the screen.
  8. Tap on “Close Friends” and voila! Your post will only be visible to those on your Close Friends list. It’s like having your very own secret society.

A Whole New Level of Sharing

Instagram’s enhanced Close Friends feature has opened up a whole new world of exclusive content sharing. Whether you want to showcase your latest adventures or share intimate moments, you now have the power to curate your feed to a select audience. It’s like hosting a private exhibition that only a lucky few get to experience.

So what are you waiting for? Update your app, curate your Close Friends list, and get ready to share epic content that will leave others wondering how they missed out. Happy sharing, social media enthusiasts!

*[CF]: Close Friends