The PlayStation 5 Pro: A Rumor Worth Salivating Over

Specs of PlayStation 5 Pro leaked on rumor mill

PS5 Pro specs rumored

The online rumor mill is at it again, churning out whispers that have the gaming community buzzing with excitement. This time, the speculation revolves around the existence of a potential Pro version of the beloved PlayStation 5. While the information is still unverified, there might be a kernel of truth hidden within the tantalizing details.

Recently, a user going by the name of RandomlyRandom67 dropped a list of specs on the videogame discussion forum, ReseEra. This detailed rundown delves into the technical nitty-gritty of a console that, as of now, lacks any concrete evidence of its existence. Oh, the joys of the rumor mill! Take it all with a liberal pinch of salt.

For those who find themselves slipping into a technobabble-induced coma, fear not! There’s a standout nugget of information that even the least tech-savvy among us can appreciate: a potential reveal slated for September 2024. That means we’ve got a solid nine months for the rumor mill to churn out more juicy tidbits. Brace yourselves!

The Alluring Specs of the PS5 Pro

Let’s dive into the rumored specifications, shall we?

Existing Information:

  • Back in July 2023, the resident rumor-monger, Tom Henderson, spilled the beans about the elusive PS5 Pro, code-named “Trinity.” According to him, this wondrous beast is armed with 30WGPs, 18 gbps GDDR6, and an anticipated release date in November 2024. Oh, and brace yourselves, folks—it’s got “accelerated ray tracing.” How fancy!

  • Enter a reliable hardware leaker, Kepler_L2, who dropped the bombshell in July that AMD’s SoC is lovingly dubbed “Viola.” Yes, even hardware components need snazzy codenames.

  • Fun fact alert! Both “Trinity” and “Viola” draw inspiration from Shakespearean works, fitting seamlessly into the rich tapestry of Sony’s console repertoire. Viola, the protagonist of the play “Twelfth Night,” and Trinity, an homage to the Holy Trinity Church—Shakespeare’s spiritual sanctuary. The Bard would be proud!

New Information:

  • Viola’s fabrication rests in the capable hands of TSMC N4P. It’s like Viola is getting its own custom designer suit.

  • Enter the GFX1115. Sounds intimidating, doesn’t it? Well, buckle up!

  • Viola’s CPU still bows to the Zen2 architecture, ensuring compatibility with its PS5 sibling. However, its frequency remains dynamic, with a peak clock speed of a jaw-dropping 4.4GHz. The CPU comes adorned with 64 KB of L1 cache per core, 512 KB of L2 cache per core, and a generous 8 MB of L3 shared cache, making it the belle of the gaming ball.

  • Let’s talk cores! Viola struts its stuff with a whopping 30WGPs when fully enabled. However, the retail PS5 Pro units might only pack 28WGPs (56 Compute Units). Still, that’s plenty of compute power to make your head spin.

  • Trinity is the holy trinity of technological advancements—a triple threat! It boasts fast storage, thanks to its hardware-accelerated compression and decompression. And let’s not forget about that glorious accelerated ray tracing. Last but not least, upscaling technology enters the stage, rounding out Trinity’s impressive repertoire.

  • Prepare for architectural brilliance. RDNA3 takes center stage, but it couldn’t resist snatching some ray-tracing improvements from RDNA4. Trinity elevates its game by offloading BVH traversal to dedicated RT hardware. No more relying solely on shaders for this console! And let’s not overlook the tantalizing thread reordering, reducing data and execution differences. It’s a technological tango—Ada Lovelace SER and Intel Arc’s TSU would surely approve.

  • Brace yourselves for the numbers game. 3584 shaders, 224 TMUs, and 96 ROPs. Phew! This console is packing some serious heat.

  • Memory, glorious memory! Viola comes equipped with a tantalizing 16GB of 18 gbps GDDR6, boasting a 256-bit memory bus and an envy-inducing 576 GB/s memory bandwidth. It’s a feast for the eyes, and certainly a feast for gamers.

  • Let’s talk speed. The GPU frequency target dances its way to a cool 2.0 GHz. This translates to dual-issue TFLOPs ranging from a mind-boggling 28.67 TFLOPs peak (224 TMUs * 2 operations * 2 core clock) to a still-impressive 14.33 TFLOPs if we disregard the dual-issue factor. Prepare for liftoff!

  • Buckle up, because there’s more! Trinity boasts a jaw-dropping 50-60% rasterization uplift compared to Oberon and Oberon Plus. And that’s not all—its raw RT performance more than doubles its predecessors. Prepare to be blown away!

  • But wait, there’s more! The PS5 Pro is not skimping when it comes to artificial intelligence. The XDNA2 NPU takes the stage, accelerating Sony’s bespoke temporal machine learning upscaling technique. Just like checkboard rendering for the PS4 Pro, this feature will be at the core of the PS5 Pro. We’re talking mind-blowing 4K output, elevated framerates above 30 FPS, and temporal stability. Are your gaming senses tingling yet?

  • Mark your calendars, folks. The grand reveal of the PS5 Pro is rumored to grace us in September 2024. Get ready to have your minds blown!

Separating Fact from Fiction

Now, there’s only one burning question left. Is any of this glorious gossip true? Time will be the arbiter of truth. And hey, if it turns out to be mere fiction, we’ll all laugh it off and pretend it never happened. But let’s not forget—the GPU specs alone seem to fall just short of the mythical 7800XT. Impressive, isn’t it?

In the meantime, let’s soak in all the juicy possibilities and indulge in the ensuing speculation. Dive into the comments section and witness the true wonders of gamer imagination. After all, where could Sony be taking us on this fantastical adventure? Together, let’s revel in the thrilling prospect of a revamped PS5!

So, fellow tech enthusiasts and gaming aficionados, buckle up and prepare for the tantalizing possibility of a PlayStation 5 Pro. The journey is just beginning, and the future looks mighty bright. Stick around, stay tuned, and let’s prepare for gaming greatness. The Pro era awaits!