Elegoo Saturn 3 Ultra: Resin Printing at Its Finest 💥

If you are searching for a resin 3D printer, this is the one for you.

Elegoo Saturn 3 Ultra

Saturn 3 Ultra The Best 3D Printing Behemoth

Pros: – Insanely fast ⚡️ – Create beautiful models 🌟 – Excellent price 💰

Cons: – The lift-off lid is cumbersome 🙄 – It’s time for wireless monitoring 🔌

Printing with resin is like a roller coaster ride: filled with magical moments and dreadful experiences. Luckily, the Elegoo Saturn 3 Ultra effortlessly transforms the terrifying part into exhilarating fun. It’s truly the best resin 3D printer I’ve ever used. 🎢

Now, I don’t want to go overboard with my praise, but seriously, if you’re in the market for a resin 3D printer, this is the one you should get. 🙌

Elegoo Saturn 3 Ultra Spec Sheet 📝

  • Screen size: 10 inch 🖥️
  • Layer height: 0.01mm 🎚️
  • Screen resolution: 12K 🌄
  • Official print speed: 150mm/h 🏎️
  • Print volume: 218.88 x 122.88 x 260mm 📐
  • Printer size: 305.9 x 273 x 562.5mm 📏
  • Carbon filter: Yes ♻️
  • File transfer: USB and WiFi 📡

I’ve always admired Elegoo’s approach to resin 3D printers. Their Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter series have provided an affordable gateway to resin printing for years, consistently earning a place in my best 3D printer lineup. In my earlier review of the Saturn 2, I highlighted how it outperformed the original Saturn. And now, the Saturn 3 Ultra raises the bar once again. 🚀

Mechanically, it retains the familiar feel of its predecessors, with just a couple of standout changes. First, the UV lift-off lid has switched from red to a cloudy grey. Second, it features a four-point bed adjustment system. Oh, and there’s an added bonus: the power, USB-A port, and Wi-Fi antenna have moved to the side of the machine, making it more convenient to access. Goodbye, awkward reach-around! 👋

Now, let’s talk about wireless monitoring. The Saturn 3 Ultra does offer Wi-Fi connectivity, but it’s still lacking advanced monitoring capabilities. Personally, I’d love to see Elegoo develop a temperature gauge and an app that allows users to track the progress of their prints. I’m not asking for a full-fledged camera setup like you find on FDM printers, but some form of monitoring would be greatly appreciated. Currently, all you can do is send the print file and hope for the best. 📲

This seems to be a common theme among resin 3D printers. Meanwhile, FDM printers have embraced apps and cameras to enhance remote monitoring. Some even let you print directly from the app itself. While resin printing presents unique challenges that make app integration more complicated, there’s definitely room for innovation. It’s time for resin 3D printing to catch up with its filament-based counterparts in terms of user-friendly features. Let’s bridge the gap! 🤝

Speaking of improvements, the Saturn 3 Ultra boasts a screen resolution upgrade from 8K to an impressive 12K. While you might not notice the difference on larger, smoother models, it becomes apparent when working with small miniatures or highly detailed textures. Just take a look at the stunning Urban Cthulhu sculpt created by Fotis Mint. Each fabric divot and zipper tooth is crisply rendered, thanks to the 12K resolution. Fine details come to life! 👁️‍🗨️

Despite the resolution bump, the screen size remains at a comfortable 10 inches. This, combined with the generous 218.88 x 122.88 x 260mm build volume, makes the Saturn series perfect for creating armies of miniatures for tabletop games. Plus, thanks to resin printing’s layer-by-layer approach, you can print 15 minis in the time it takes to print just one. Efficiency at its finest! And let’s not forget the joy of seeing intricate details on your tiny figurines, like the sly grin on a 2-inch-tall wizard lady. 😏

But the true leap forward with the Ultra is its speed. Resin 3D printing has always been relatively fast since it involves shining light through each layer for just a few seconds. However, the process of mechanically peeling the model off the screen without causing damage can slow things down. Enter the Ultra, which utilizes a new film type instead of the standard FEP sheet, allowing for faster model separation and significantly reducing overall print time. ⚡️

According to Elegoo, the Saturn 3 Ultra, when paired with their Rapid Resin, can achieve a mind-blowing print speed of 150mm/h. That’s three times faster than the Saturn 2 and an absolute speed demon for a resin printer. While I haven’t reached those speeds myself, the prints I’ve produced have been noticeably faster than anything I’ve seen before. In fact, I managed to print an entire crown in less than 3 hours (1.5 hours per piece), which I would’ve deemed impossible prior to the Ultra. 🏅

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room: the lift-off lid. It’s no secret that lift-off lids are the bane of a 3D printing enthusiast’s existence. Sure, on a smaller machine like the Mars 3, they can be manageable. But on a larger printer like the Saturn, they’re just plain cumbersome. Give me a tilt-up lid or double doors—anything but a lid that requires a desk with four feet of airspace above it. It’s not only inconvenient but also a safety hazard, as a careless bump can knock the whole setup over. 🚫

Putting lid grievances aside, the Saturn 3 Ultra remains my top choice when it comes to resin printers. Its combination of exceptional print quality and unparalleled speed, all at a price tag under $500, is hard to beat. Trust me, if you’re considering diving into the world of resin 3D printing, the Saturn 3 Ultra checks every box. It’s a game-changer. 🌟

Additional Questions & Answers:

Q: Does the Elegoo Saturn 3 Ultra come with bundled slicing software? A: Yes, the Saturn 3 Ultra includes its own slicing software called Chitubox. It’s user-friendly, easy to navigate, and provides all the necessary tools for preparing your models for printing.

Q: What type of resin is recommended for use with the Saturn 3 Ultra? A: Elegoo suggests using their Rapid Resin to achieve optimal results with the Ultra. However, you can also experiment with other resins that are compatible with LCD-based printers.

Q: Can I print with third-party resin cartridges on the Saturn 3 Ultra? A: Yes, the Saturn 3 Ultra supports third-party resin cartridges. This gives you the freedom to choose from a wide range of resin formulations, catering to your specific printing needs.

Q: How does the Saturn 3 Ultra compare to its competitors in terms of print quality and speed? A: When it comes to print quality, the Ultra shines with its 12K resolution and remarkable attention to detail. In terms of speed, it outperforms most resin printers on the market, thanks to its innovative film technology. It’s truly in a league of its own.

Q: Are there any major downsides to resin 3D printing that I should be aware of? A: While resin printing offers incredible detail and speed, it does come with a few considerations. The smell can be strong, so proper ventilation is essential. Also, the post-printing process involves cleaning the prints with isopropyl alcohol (IPA) and curing them under UV light to ensure their full strength and stability.

The Future of Resin 3D Printing 🚀

The Elegoo Saturn 3 Ultra represents the evolution of resin 3D printing technology. With its exceptional speed, resolution, and affordability, it paves the way for an exciting future in this field.

Looking ahead, we can expect even more advancements in resin printing. As FDM printers embrace wireless monitoring and app integration, it’s only a matter of time before resin printers follow suit. We may soon see temperature gauges, progress tracking, and other convenience features becoming commonplace, bringing resin printing on par with its filament-based counterparts.

Additionally, the ongoing research and development of new resin formulations will continue to expand the possibilities and applications of 3D printing. From engineering prototypes to artistic creations, resin printing will play an increasingly significant role in shaping the world around us.

So, whether you’re a hobbyist, a professional, or simply curious about the world of 3D printing, the Elegoo Saturn 3 Ultra is your gateway to a world of creativity and innovation. Embrace the magic and unleash your imagination! ✨

🔗 Reference Links:Best 3D Printer – Check out other top printers on the market. – Review of the Saturn 2 – Dive deeper into the improvements from the previous model. – Bambu Lab – Learn about companies shaping the future of FDM printing. – AnkerMake – Discover how AnkerMake contributes to the advancement of FDM printing. – Fotis Mint – Explore the stunning sculpting work of Fotis Mint.

🎉 Now, it’s your turn! Have you tried resin 3D printing? Share your experiences, tips, or questions in the comments section below. Let’s engage and learn together! And don’t forget to share this article with your friends who might be interested in the exciting world of 3D printing. Let’s spread the knowledge! 🌐