Slack’s biggest redesign is coming.

Slack's biggest redesign is coming.

Slack Unveils Redesign to Enhance Workday Experience

Slack Redesign

Your workday might look a little different soon, as the popular workplace collaboration platform Slack has unveiled its rolling out a redesign. The company hopes the changes will help you stay organized, focused, and productive.

For starters, Slack wants to reassure users that some things will remain the same. The “home” section will still be there, and you’ll still be able to see all your channels, direct messages, and apps from a single view. Clicking on any of those will open them in a column to the right.

But what’s new? Well, the interface might not seem drastically different at first glance, but there are some exciting updates to look forward to.

A More Streamlined Interface

In the redesigned Slack, the left column will now have separate tabs for your channels, direct messages, and notifications. This new layout will make it easier to navigate between different aspects of your workday. Additionally, a “later” tab is available for posts you’ve indicated you don’t want to deal with right away. You can even set a reminder to ensure you tackle them at a more convenient time.

Another helpful addition is the search button at the bottom of the column. The updated search feature allows users to click into a search result to see the full message without constantly jumping back and forth.

Enhanced Direct Messaging Experience

The redesign also brings improvements to the direct messaging experience. Now, direct messages have a dedicated hub, known as the “inbox,” which displays the latest message in each conversation. Moreover, you have the option to focus solely on unread messages, ensuring you never miss an important update.

Effortless Management of Multiple Workspaces

If you find yourself in multiple Slack workspaces, you’ll be glad to know that the redesigned Slack allows you to see all of those channels in the home section without constantly toggling back and forth between different workspaces. This improvement will make managing multiple projects across various workspaces much more seamless.

A Focus on Distraction-Free Work

The goal behind these changes, according to Slack, is to help users navigate channels and conversations more easily and find what’s important for work without unnecessary distractions. The redesign aims to create a streamlined and efficient work environment where users can focus on their tasks without being overwhelmed by clutter.

The redesigned Slack will begin rolling out to new teams starting today and will gradually reach existing users over the coming months. These changes promise to enhance the user experience, making Slack an even more valuable tool for productivity and collaboration in the workplace. So get ready for a revamped Slack experience that will help you stay organized, focused, and productive.