Safari is Stepping Up its Game with MacOS Sonoma

Sonoma Elevates Safari to a Competitive Main Browser Choice

Sonoma makes Safari a competitive choice for your main browser.

As a devoted Google Chrome user, I never thought I would see the day when I would be singing the praises of Safari. But with the release of MacOS Sonoma, Apple has managed to capture my attention and make me reconsider my browser allegiance.

Let’s dive into some of the exciting new features that Safari has introduced with MacOS Sonoma.

Welcome to the World of Profiles

Browser profiles are not a groundbreaking concept, but Safari has given them a refreshing twist. While other browsers typically use profiles for shared computers or multiple users, Safari’s profiles are all about enhancing your personal browsing experience. Apple offers profiles tailored for different contexts like “School” and “Home” to keep your browsing organized and efficient. Of course, if you’re sharing a computer, you can still create separate profiles for each user.

Creating a profile on Safari is a breeze. Simply open Safari, click on the Safari menu in the menu bar, and select “Create Profile.” (Once you’ve created your first profile, the option will change to “Manage Profile.”) From there, you can give your profile a name, choose an icon and color, and decide whether to create a new folder for bookmarks or use an existing one.

Switching between profiles is a piece of cake too. Just click on the profile name next to the search bar, and you can seamlessly transition between your different browsing contexts. It’s like having multiple personas in one browser!

Web Apps Get a Spot on Your Dock

In the past, if your favorite app wasn’t available for download on your Mac, you were out of luck. But now, thanks to MacOS Sonoma, Safari has introduced web app versions that can be placed right on your Dock. These web apps offer a separate, dedicated experience, allowing you to access specific websites without the need for the Safari browser. It’s like bookmarks on steroids!

You might be wondering how web apps differ from regular Safari browsing. Well, Apple ensures that web apps remain entirely independent. They have their own browsing history, cookies, website data, and settings, keeping everything contained within the app itself.

Setting up a web app is a walk in the park. Simply navigate to the website you want to turn into a web app in Safari, then go to “File” and select “Add To Dock.” Alternatively, you can click the share button, resembling a square with an arrow, and choose “Add to Dock.” Once added, you can customize the app’s name and start enjoying its dedicated presence on your Dock.

Safari Wants to Win You Over

With these new features and enhancements, Safari is making a compelling case for itself. Whether it’s the convenience of profiles or the freedom of web apps, Apple is raising the bar for browser functionality.

For more tips and tricks on MacOS Sonoma and other exciting Apple developments, check out our article here.

Are you ready to give Safari a chance? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!