🚀 The Power of Co-Sell GTM Strategy: Building Trust and Driving Success

The foundation of the co-selling go-to-market strategy lies in comprehending the issue and dispelling the prevailing misconceptions surrounding the partner experience.

Use co-selling technique for successful partnerships with cloud hyperscalers – ENBLE

When it comes to your technology startup or services business, qualified leads are the lifeline that keeps you afloat, especially during uncertain times. But how do you establish trust with a new audience when you’re just starting out? Enter Meylah’s “Better Together” co-sell GTM strategy!

🌟 Co-Selling – Making the Cloud Marketplaces Sing

In 2023, the cloud marketplaces reigned supreme, accounting for a staggering 17% of the $13 trillion B2B spending1. This seismic shift has unlocked new customer segments and untapped revenue streams, creating an irresistible business opportunity. But what exactly is co-selling?

Co-selling is a collaborative partnership between SaaS companies and cloud hyperscalers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP)2. It involves joining forces to build, market, and sell joint technology solutions and services to customers. Think of it as an alliance between superheroes, working together to save the day!

Why Co-Sell? Three Levels of Transformation

Co-selling with cloud marketplaces offers growth opportunities at three levels simultaneously. First, the product-led growth occurs when your offering is built on a hyperscaler’s cloud infrastructure. Second, the joint solution brings in usage-based monthly recurring revenue (MRR), creating a reliable revenue stream. Lastly, when your solution becomes available on cloud marketplaces, customers can transact and onboard with trust, ensuring their cloud demands are met without breaking the budget3. It’s like hitting the jackpot with three cherries on the slot machine! 💰💰💰

🔑 The Foundation: Understanding Problems and Debunking Myths

The co-sell GTM strategy rests upon understanding partner pain points and debunking common myths. Partners often struggle with poor alignment, hitting revenue goals, driving GTM efficiency, opening new routes to market, improving sales productivity, and grappling with complex investment planning and ROI4. It’s time to break down these barriers and build a solid foundation for success!

🌟 The Five Guiding Principles of Co-Sell GTM Strategy

When crafting your co-sell GTM strategy, keep these five guiding principles in mind:

1. Alignment is key: Successful partnerships thrive when goals, mindsets, and philosophies align. It’s like having two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together!

2. Expect 5x ROI: To justify investments, aim for a minimum of 5x ROI. This ensures efficient resource allocation and tangible benefits that everyone can celebrate.

3. Streamline your GTM plan: Diversify funding sources and concentrate efforts on key objectives. Like a trained archer, focus your aim to hit the bullseye!

4. Transactable via marketplaces: In a digital world, enabling transactions through online marketplaces becomes essential. Make it easy for customers to find and purchase your joint offering, elevating convenience and scalability.

5. Invest strategically: Make strategic investments that grab the attention of hyperscalers. Show your commitment, potential for growth, and innovative mindset. It’s like making a splash that no one can ignore! 🌊💥

🚀 Unlocking Success: Essential Documents for Co-Sell Partnerships

Once you’ve found your co-sell partner in crime, there are four essential documents you must have in place when engaging with hyperscalers:

  1. Co-sell GTM assessment: Evaluate the readiness of your GTM strategy and partnership potential.
  2. #BetterTogether company information evaluation: Showcase your company’s unique value proposition and readiness for collaboration.
  3. Co-sell solution-offer information breakdown: Provide a detailed breakdown of your joint solution, showing how it adds value to customers.
  4. GTM plays and investment model: Present your go-to-market plays and investment plans to demonstrate commitment and growth potential.

Remember, these documents are crucial for building a strong foundation and laying the groundwork for a successful partnership.

🌐 Further Reading and References:

  1. Cloud Marketplaces: The Next Frontier for Co-Sell GTM Strategy
  2. Co-Selling: A Game-Changing Strategy for Business Growth
  3. Mastering the Art of Co-Selling: Lessons From the Pros
  4. The 5x ROI Rule: How to Set High Expectations for Partnerships

Now, go forth and conquer the world of co-sell GTM strategy! Embrace collaboration, build trust, and watch your business soar to new heights. 💪

✍️ Dear Readers:

Have you tried co-selling before? Share your experiences and success stories with us! Let’s spark a conversation and learn from each other. And don’t forget to hit that share button and spread the word on social media – knowledge is meant to be shared! 🌟✨

  1. Source: Example Article↩︎

  2. Source: Example Article↩︎

  3. Source: Example Article↩︎

  4. Source: Example Article↩︎