Supermassive Games Faces Layoffs in 2024: The Impact on the Gaming Industry

Supermassive Games, the developer of Until Dawn and the Dark Pictures franchise, has joined a growing list of studios that are laying off staff.

Supermassive Games trims 90 staff members in a cost-cutting move.

Supermassive Games

Supermassive Games, the developer behind the popular Until Dawn and Dark Pictures franchise, is the latest studio to join the growing list of companies making staff redundant in 2024. According to the BAFTA-winning studio, they plan to reduce their staff size by 25%, which equates to approximately 90 employees leaving the company.

In a somber statement released by Supermassive Games, the company acknowledged that they are not immune to the challenges faced by game publishers and large multimedia companies in recent years. The decision to downsize was not taken lightly, and the studio made every effort to avoid this outcome. However, despite their efforts, the layoff process became inevitable.

“We are all too aware of how unsettling and difficult this process is going to be for all our employees and will be working closely with all those involved to ensure the process is conducted as respectfully and compassionately as possible,” the statement from Supermassive Games said.

This unfortunate trend of company layoffs is not limited to the gaming industry. Major names in digital media and technology, such as Google, Ebay, and Tik Tok, have also announced a reduced headcount due to financial challenges, the rise of remote work, and advancements in artificial intelligence technology.

The Impact on the Gaming Industry

While these factors certainly play a part in shaping the future of the gaming industry, it is crucial to remember that they should not define it. The individuals who contribute to the creation, design, and delivery of our favorite games are what truly make the industry thrive.

The layoffs at Supermassive Games and other companies are undoubtedly challenging for those directly affected. However, it is essential to examine the broader impact on the gaming industry as a whole. The loss of talented individuals and their unique perspectives can hinder the diversity and innovation necessary for the industry’s growth.

As players, we should continue to support the developers and studios who create the games we love. By doing so, we contribute to the preservation of a vibrant gaming landscape that fosters creativity and pushes the boundaries of what is possible in interactive entertainment.

The Future of Gaming

The gaming industry is resilient and constantly evolving. Despite the setbacks caused by layoffs and other challenges, it continues to thrive and captivate a global audience. The advancements in technology, such as virtual reality, cloud gaming, and artificial intelligence, open up new possibilities for immersive experiences.

To stay relevant in this ever-changing landscape, game developers must adapt and embrace these emerging technologies. Embracing remote work and finding innovative ways to collaborate and create together will also become increasingly important.

The current wave of layoffs may be a reflection of the gaming industry’s transitional period, as companies navigate the changing landscape. However, it is crucial for both developers and players to remain optimistic and find opportunities for growth and collaboration.


Q: What steps can Supermassive Games take to minimize the impact of layoffs on their employees?

A: Supermassive Games expressed their commitment to conducting the layoff process as respectfully and compassionately as possible. They can further support their employees by providing resources for career transition, networking opportunities, and assistance with job placement. Emotional and mental health support should also be made available to those affected.

Q: How can players support game developers during these challenging times?

A: Players can support game developers by continuing to play and recommend their games. Leaving positive reviews, engaging with the community, and purchasing games directly from the developers or official platforms can also make a significant difference. Additionally, understanding and empathizing with the challenges faced by developers can help foster a more supportive environment.

Q: Are there any measures in place to prevent future layoffs in the gaming industry?

A: While it is difficult to predict the future, there are steps that can be taken to minimize the likelihood of extensive layoffs. Diversifying revenue streams, exploring new game development models, and fostering a culture of innovation and adaptability are some strategies that companies can employ. Additionally, government support for the gaming industry and collaborations between companies can create a more stable ecosystem.

In Conclusion

The recent layoffs at Supermassive Games serve as a reminder of the challenges faced by game developers and studios in an ever-changing industry. While these layoffs may have a temporary impact on individual employees and the industry at large, it is crucial to remain optimistic about the future.

As players, we have the power to support and uplift the developers who create the games we love. By doing so, we contribute to the continued growth and innovation of the gaming industry.

Let’s celebrate the creativity and passion that fuel the gaming world and continue to share our excitement with fellow gamers everywhere. 🎮✨


  1. BAFTA-winning studio
  2. Reduced headcount at Google
  3. Layoffs at Ebay
  4. Tik Tok layoffs
  5. Advancements in artificial intelligence technology

Brian-Damien Morgan is an award-winning journalist and features writer with extensive experience in both print and digital media. His keen insights and expertise have made him a respected voice in various industries, including technology, gaming, and legal topics.

Follow Brian-Damien Morgan on Twitter[^1^] for more industry updates and commentary.

Brian-Damien Morgan

Freelance Journalist