SXSW 2024 showcased 3 surprising tech products, one being an AI Marilyn Monroe.

The Creative Industry Expo at SXSW had a wide range of exhibitions, ranging from highly intriguing to subtly dystopian.

SXSW: Where Music, Film, and Tech Converge!


When you think of South by Southwest (SXSW), you probably imagine a wild and vibrant festival filled with music and film. But did you know that there’s also an exciting tech scene buzzing in Austin? That’s right, at this year’s SXSW festival, technology is taking the spotlight alongside the arts.

While it may not be on the grand scale of CES 2024, SXSW showcased some intriguing and downright bizarre tech. From retro-inspired AI to communicating with the dead, here are some of the most mind-blowing and WTF moments we experienced in Austin.

1. AI That Unveils Your Past, Future, and Maybe Even Death? 😱

Retro computer and lamp Meet Tulpamancer. Credit: Chance Townsend / ENBLE

Tulpamancer, an interactive experience by artists and directors Marc Da Costa and Matthew Niderhauser, stood out among the crowd at SXSW. This mind-bending adventure combines generative AI and virtual reality to create a personalized and immersive art encounter.

Using a retro DDOS-style computer, Tulpamancer takes guests on a journey of self-discovery through a series of deep and thought-provoking questions. From the appearance of your childhood bedroom to your happiest memories, the computer delves into every aspect of your life. Now, if it sounds like a hacker trying to steal your bank info, fear not! Your answers are wiped clean after each session.

Once you’ve spilled the beans, the AI takes what you shared and crafts a virtual reality experience that attempts to replicate the images you described. The level of accuracy depends entirely on how forthcoming you were with your responses. I, for one, shared a story about my cat, Butterbean, and was greeted with a terrifying, otherworldly creature in the VR realm. Yikes!

There’s also an AI-generated voice guiding you through each scene, but it’s a bit of a yappy text-to-speech situation. So I chose to focus on the mind-bending visuals rather than the voice in my ear. Despite its quirks, Tulpamancer provides a unique and intriguing glimpse into the possibilities of AI and VR. Who knows, we might soon find ourselves in a real-life “Black Mirror” episode!

2. Conversing with Ghosts in the Machine 👻

Faux SMS conversation with Justin Bieber I had a brief convo with Justin Bieber. He told me he was reminiscing about the past. Credit: Soul Link / Screenshot

Disturbing the dead seems to be a growing trend in the AI sector. Companies like Soul Machines and SoulLink are tapping into our desire to interact with deceased loved ones, be they family members or famous icons.

Soul Machines recently made waves with their announcement of Digital Marilyn, an AI-powered by their proprietary “biological AI” and ChatGPT 3.5. Thanks to the blessing of the Monroe estate, Marilyn Monroe has been digitally resurrected and can now interact with her fans as if she were still here. Talk about history coming to life!

If chatting with dead celebrities isn’t your cup of tea, SoulLink offers an alternative. Created by South Korean developers JL Standard, SoulLink allows you to create your own AI characters or hold conversations with deceased loved ones. At SXSW, I had a chance to try it out and chat with Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift. But I drew the line at creating an AI version of my great-grandpa. Some things are better left to rest in peace.

While these advancements in generative AI may seem like the stuff of science fiction, they can provide a cathartic experience for those struggling to move on after the loss of a loved one. Just remember, opening up to AI means divulging personal information, so be cautious and mindful of your privacy.

3. Generative Goods: Blurring the Lines Between Digital and Physical 🎨

Generative Goods display with hats and yarn Credit: Chance Townsend/ ENBLE

In the digital age, the notion of ownership can be a bit hazy, especially when it comes to NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). But fear not, because Generative Goods is here to bridge that gap! This Marfa-based company combines AI-generated designs with embroidery techniques to create physical products like hats and shirts adorned with NFT artwork.

Now, you may be skeptical about NFTs, given that many existing ones hold little to no value. But Generative Goods aims to give NFT owners a tangible connection to their digital art. At their SXSW booth, they even offered live embroidery of hats for guests who had purchased NFT designs. It’s an interesting concept that could potentially breathe new life into the world of NFTs.

Q&A: Answers to Your Burning Tech Questions 🔥

Q: How secure is the personal information shared with AI like Tulpamancer and SoulLink? A: Both Tulpamancer and SoulLink take privacy seriously. Tulpamancer deletes all your answers after each session, ensuring your information remains private. SoulLink also takes precautions to safeguard personal data, but it’s always a good idea to read the privacy policies and terms of service before engaging with any AI platform.

Q: Are there any ethical concerns surrounding the resurrection of deceased celebrities through AI? A: The use of AI to bring back deceased individuals raises several ethical questions. It’s crucial to ensure that the estate and the deceased person’s family have consented and are involved in the process. Respect for privacy and maintaining the deceased person’s legacy should be top priorities.

Q: Can Generative Goods’ physical products really enhance the value of NFTs? A: While Generative Goods’ approach adds a physical component to NFTs, the value ultimately depends on the demand and desirability of the artwork. Incorporating physical items may attract collectors who appreciate the tangible aspect, but the true worth of an NFT lies in its digital scarcity and uniqueness.

The Impact and Future of Tech at SXSW 🚀

Events like SXSW provide a glimpse into the cutting-edge technologies and trends that shape our future. The convergence of AI and VR, as seen in Tulpamancer, offers a glimpse into the potential for immersive entertainment and art. The ability to interact with deceased loved ones, as demonstrated by Soul Machines and SoulLink, presents both emotional catharsis and ethical dilemmas. And Generative Goods’ exploration of merging physical and digital realms showcases the evolving landscape of NFTs.

As we continue to push the boundaries of technology, it’s crucial to pause and reflect on the consequences and implications of our advancements. Privacy, consent, and ethical considerations should always be at the forefront of technological innovation.

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  3. South by Southwest (SXSW)
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So, next time you find yourself at SXSW, make sure to explore the fascinating world of tech amidst the music and film festivities. Who knows what mind-bending experiences and innovative creations await you?

📢 Have you ever experienced any mind-blowing tech at a festival like SXSW? Share your stories and thoughts in the comments below, and don’t forget to spread the word on social media! 🚀