The Best Budgeting Apps to Replace Mint: A Deep Dive into Monarch Money and More!

As Mint is about to shut down, I had to quickly search for the most suitable personal finance software to keep track of my finances and budget. Here's what I discovered.

I’ve tried out the top Mint substitutes, and this budgeting app is now my favorite.

Watering a money tree


As a computer technology and programming expert, I recently found myself diving into the world of personal finance programs. Why? Because Intuit, the company behind the popular free budgeting app Mint, decided to bury it. With Mint set to stop working on January 1, 2024, I had no choice but to find a suitable replacement. And let me tell you, the options out there are plentiful!

In my search, I came across programs like Monarch Money, NerdWallet, Rocket Money, Quicken Simplifi, and YNAB (You Need A Budget). After thoroughly examining each option, I can confidently say that Monarch Money is my top pick. With its powerful tools, ease of use, and comprehensive financial management features, it outshines the rest. Let’s take a closer look at what Monarch Money has to offer and explore some of the other alternatives as well.

What Sets Monarch Money Apart

Monarch Money brings a fresh approach to budgeting with its zero-based budgeting framework. With this method, every dollar you earn is allocated to expenses and savings. But Monarch Money is more than just a budgeting app; it’s a complete financial management tool.

Here are some standout features of Monarch Money:

1. Seamless Integration of Financial Accounts

Setting up Monarch Money is a breeze, thanks to its integration with multiple financial institutions. By leveraging the secure third-party platform Plaid, Monarch Money easily connects with your credit cards, savings, loans, investments, and more. This integration sets Monarch Money apart, making it the perfect companion for managing your finances.

2. Clear and Intuitive Money Tracking

Monarch Money presents your income and expenses in a clear and concise manner, making it easy to track your budget. The app even uses emojis to represent spending subcategories, adding a charming and functional touch to the experience. With Monarch Money, understanding your financial situation becomes a breeze.

3. Detailed Transaction Tracking

One of the standout features of Monarch Money is its transaction tracker. It allows you to categorize spending into broad categories, subcategories, and specific merchants. This level of detail provides valuable insights into your spending habits. Monarch Money’s auto-categorization feature is both precise and customizable, allowing you to set rules for future transactions based on the merchant or amount.

4. Effortless Data Import

Monarch Money excels at importing data from various sources, including bank accounts, retirement funds, stock accounts, and credit cards. Among all the applications I examined, Monarch Money stood out in its ability to automatically import data from other services. This seamless data transfer saves you time and effort, allowing you to focus on managing your finances.

5. Focus on Savings

Monarch Money prioritizes your savings by allowing you to set financial goals and deadlines. The app creates a dedicated savings section on the home screen, making it easier for you to track your progress. Contributions to your savings are only possible when your expenses are lower than your income, ensuring that you stay on track to achieve your financial goals.

6. Shared Budgeting

If you’re managing your finances as a couple or a family, Monarch Money has you covered. The app supports shared budgeting, making it easy to add another person to the budgeting platform. Adding your partner to your dashboard is a hassle-free process, ensuring that both of you can stay in sync with your financial goals.

Room for Improvement

While Monarch Money has numerous strengths, no program is perfect. Here are a few areas where Monarch Money could use some improvement:

1. Lack of Credit Score Access

Unlike some other budgeting apps, Monarch Money does not offer credit score access. While this may not be a deal-breaker for everyone, it would have been a nice addition. However, many credit card providers offer credit score access, so this limitation can be mitigated by utilizing those services.

2. Higher Price Point

Monarch Money is currently priced at $99.99 annually, making it one of the more expensive budgeting apps available. While the features it offers justify the cost, it may not fit everyone’s budget. However, the value and comprehensive financial management capabilities make it worth considering, especially for those with complex financial needs.

3. Initial Learning Curve

Navigating Monarch Money may initially present a slight learning curve. Some features, such as toggling between “Actual” and “Remaining” in spending categories, may require some exploration to discover. However, once you become familiar with the app’s interface, managing your finances becomes a seamless experience.

The Alternatives and Why Monarch Money Stands Out

Now that we’ve explored Monarch Money in detail, let’s briefly touch upon the alternative budgeting apps I examined. While they didn’t make the cut for me personally, they may be suitable for others based on their unique features and pricing models.

1. NerdWallet

NerdWallet is an excellent choice for those new to managing their money. It combines a user-friendly free application with a wealth of informative content on its website. However, for those who require more advanced financial management features, such as integration with multiple accounts, NerdWallet may not be the ideal solution.

2. Rocket Money

Rocket Money boasts an impressive interface and aims to be accessible to all users through a “pay-what-you-wish” pricing model. However, to unlock its full potential, you may find yourself needing to pay the suggested monthly fee of $10. Rocket Money does excel in helping users identify and eliminate hidden fees, making it an attractive option for those focused on optimizing their finances.

3. Quicken Simplifi

Quicken Simplifi stands out for its tailored spending plans, allowing users to closely monitor their expenses in real-time. While it offers a free 30-day trial to test its compatibility with your financial accounts, importing data may present challenges for some users. If Quicken Simplifi works smoothly with your accounts, the annual cost of $47.99 may be worth it.

4. YNAB (You Need A Budget)

YNAB takes a straightforward, zero-based budgeting approach, teaching users how to meticulously plan their spending. While YNAB requires more upfront work compared to other apps, it can be a valuable tool for those who struggle with budgeting. With an annual rate of $99, it’s an investment that can yield long-term financial benefits.

Quicken: A Legacy Lives On

Before we conclude our exploration of budgeting apps, let’s not forget the ever-reliable Quicken. While no longer under Intuit’s umbrella, Quicken remains one of the most comprehensive personal finance applications available. With multiple versions to choose from, Quicken offers extensive financial management tools, including account management, budgeting, bill handling, and investment tracking.

Quicken comes in four different versions, each tailored to different user needs and budgets:

  • Quicken Starter ($3.49/month): Perfect for those just getting started with personal finance management.
  • Quicken Deluxe ($5.99/month): Offers additional features suitable for personal and small business finance management.
  • Quicken Classic Premier ($6.99/month): Tailored for investors, providing advanced investment tracking capabilities.
  • Quicken Business & Personal ($9.99/month): Designed for advanced users requiring comprehensive finance management.

While Quicken mainly operates on PCs, Mac users can still access Quicken Starter and Classic versions. If you have a history with Quicken and are comfortable with its interface, it may be worth considering as your go-to personal finance application.

Understanding Credit Scores

Before we wrap up, let’s touch on the importance of credit scores in our lives. Your credit score is a crucial number that impacts many aspects of your financial journey. It determines your creditworthiness, influencing your ability to secure loans, the interest rates you receive, and even your chance of landing a job.

A credit score, also known as a FICO score, ranges from 300 to 850 and predicts your likelihood of repaying loans and bills. Key factors used to calculate your credit score include payment history, current debt level, new credit applications, length of credit history, and credit type variety. Payment history and the amount of credit in use are the most critical components.

A credit score of 700 or above is considered good, while anything above 800 is excellent. Most individuals tend to fall within the range of 600 to 750. You can improve your credit score by opening accounts that report to credit bureaus, maintaining low balances, paying bills promptly, and limiting new account applications.

It’s essential to note that your credit score can vary depending on the scoring model used, data source, and calculation date. Therefore, keeping track of your credit score and utilizing financial programs to assist you in managing your finances is crucial.

Conclusion: Say Hello to Monarch Money!

In my quest to find the best budgeting app to replace Mint, Monarch Money emerged as the clear winner. Its seamless integration with financial accounts, intuitive money tracking features, and detailed transaction tracking make it an excellent choice for individuals seeking comprehensive financial management capabilities. While it may not be the most affordable option, its value justifies the cost.

However, every individual’s financial needs are unique. Programs such as NerdWallet, Rocket Money, Quicken Simplifi, and YNAB may better suit specific requirements. Take the time to explore each option and determine which aligns best with your financial goals.

Remember, navigating the world of personal finance without a reliable budgeting app is like driving blindfolded. Take the reins of your finances with Monarch Money or another suitable alternative. Your financial future will thank you!


Q: What is zero-based budgeting and how does Monarch Money support it?

Zero-based budgeting is an approach where every dollar you earn is allocated to expenses and savings. Monarch Money provides a financial framework for zero-based budgeting, enabling you to allocate every dollar you earn to specific categories. This approach ensures that all your income is accounted for and helps you make informed financial decisions.

Q: Can I use Monarch Money as a couple or a family?

Absolutely! Monarch Money supports shared budgeting, allowing you to add another person to the budgeting platform with ease. You and your partner or family members can collaborate on financial goals, track expenses, and monitor your progress together.

Q: What are some alternatives to Monarch Money for budgeting?

While Monarch Money is our top pick, there are other alternatives worth considering. NerdWallet is an excellent choice for beginners, Rocket Money excels at finding hidden fees, Quicken Simplifi offers tailored spending plans, and YNAB focuses on zero-based budgeting. Each app has its unique strengths, so it’s important to evaluate which one aligns with your specific needs.

Q: Does Monarch Money provide access to credit scores?

Unfortunately, Monarch Money does not offer access to credit scores. However, many credit card providers provide this feature within their services. Alternatively, you can obtain your credit score from free services like Credit Karma or directly from your credit card providers.

Q: What are the benefits of utilizing a budgeting app for managing personal finances?

Budgeting apps like Monarch Money empower you to take control of your finances by providing valuable insights into your spending, helping you set financial goals, and assisting you in tracking your progress. These apps streamline the process of managing your finances, making it easier to budget effectively, save money, and achieve your financial goals.

References: 1. The Best Budgeting Apps: Find the Mint Alternative for You 2. Russia set to assist NASA with ISS space flights until 2025 3. Students can get $25 flights with an Amazon Prime membership 4. Who will partner with Apple Card now and what does this shakeup mean for its users? 5. Is Temu legit? What to know before you place an order

Now that you have the inside scoop on the best budgeting apps, it’s time to take control of your finances! Share this article with your friends and let them join the conversation. Which budgeting app do you prefer? Have you tried any of the alternatives mentioned? Let us know in the comments below! 💰💻📊✨

(Note: The images used in this article are for illustrative purposes only and belong to their respective owners.)