The Unmatched Brilliance of the First-gen Apple MacBook Pro 14

ENBLE | This 2021 laptop remains my ultimate favorite

This laptop from 2021 is still my fave | ENBLE

I’m constantly getting my hands on new laptops, diving into the world of cutting-edge technology and sharing my experiences with all you tech enthusiasts out there. In the wild year of 2023 alone, I’ve had the pleasure of reviewing nearly 40 laptops, from budget-friendly powerhouses to mind-blowing innovations like the HP Spectre Foldable PC. But amidst all the flashy releases, there’s one laptop that stands tall, a true champion from an era gone by. Surprisingly enough, it’s not a 2023 superstar, but a 2021 legend – the first-gen Apple MacBook Pro 14. Believe it or not, this beauty has defied time and competition, leaving no room for replacements. Stick around to find out why.

Hold Your Breath for the Breathtaking Display

A MacBook Pro 14 display. Image: Mark Coppock / ENBLE

I’ve witnessed some mind-boggling displays on my laptop expeditions. Incredible IPS panels, mesmerizing OLED screens with vibrant colors, and even the much-hyped mini-LED displays. But sadly, those mini-LEDs on Windows machines failed to live up to their true potential, suffering from dimness and dullness. Thankfully, Apple’s MacBook Pro 14 has dodged that bullet, taking mini-LED to new heights with MacOS optimization.

Let’s talk contrast, folks. The MacBook Pro 14’s display flaunts crisp, black text against a white backdrop, making every word pop. As someone who stares at text all day long, this display is nothing short of a visual feast. Not only that, the text is buttery smooth, devoid of any hint of pixelation. It’s no wonder I save my best writing moments for this beauty. And let’s not forget its awe-inspiring high dynamic range (HDR) video playback. Those dark scenes in sci-fi and fantasy shows? Oh, they come to life on the MacBook Pro 14!

Apple hasn’t felt the need to tweak their display game in the next couple of generations, and can we just appreciate that for a moment? The MacBook Pro 14’s display continues to reign supreme, the undisputed champion of laptop screens.

Oh, and before I move on, let’s not overlook the MacBook Pro 14’s divine audio quality. With six speakers, including force-canceling woofers, the sound quality delivers a knockout punch to any other 14-inch laptop on the market. It boasts incredible volume without a trace of distortion, crystal-clear mids and highs, and bass that rumbles your very core. Forget headphones, my friends. This laptop has got you covered.

The Keyboard to Rule Them All

Apple MacBook Pro 14 top-down view showing keyboard and touchpad. Image: Mark Coppock / ENBLE

Now, let’s dive into the realm of keyboards. Apple’s Magic Keyboard is, without a doubt, a keyboard wizard. The keycaps are spacious, the spacing is impeccable, and the snappy precision of the switches is unmatched. Oh, and did I mention every keystroke feels like pure magic?

Writing thousands of words each day can be taxing, my friends. On an inferior keyboard, it’s an invitation to fatigue and frustration. But fear not, for the MacBook Pro 14’s keyboard is as light as a feather. It keeps up with my typing frenzy, providing a delightful typing experience without tiring me out. In fact, I’ve actually found myself typing faster on this keyboard than any other, boosting my productivity to stratospheric levels.

And let’s not forget the MacBook’s Force Touch touchpad. Smooth as silk, it is undoubtedly one of the best touchpads in the laptop kingdom. The ability to press a little harder for additional functionality adds a touch of finesse to your workflow. It’s a touchpad so comfortable, you’ll forget it’s there. However, I must confess, a touch display would be the icing on the cake. Apple, take note!

The Battery That Refuses to Quit

The port selection of the MacBook Pro 14-inch. Image: ENBLE

Raw power is not my prime need in a laptop. The Apple M1 Pro in my trusty MacBook Pro 14 manages to exceed my requirements effortlessly. I’m unswayed by the allure of the incredible speeds offered by Apple’s latest M3 CPUs. However, for those who crave portable power, the MacBook Pro 14 M3 Max is a fantastic choice.

Here’s the real game-changer, though. I have a daily routine where I put my workhorse desktop to sleep around noon and switch to portable mode for the rest of the day. I work on and off until midnight, demanding a laptop with excellent battery life. And let me tell you, the MacBook Pro 14 exceeds my expectations. Most days, this beast lasts the whole day and still has ample juice left when I hit the pillow. I might encounter a minor hiccup if I indulge in a marathon of HDR content, pushing the display brightness to its limits. But hey, that’s a small price to pay for such reliable longevity.

An Upgrade-Free Love Affair

Now, here’s a confession for you all. I happen to prefer Windows 11 over macOS, and boy, would I love to have a Windows machine with the same display brilliance, keyboard magic, and battery life. Unfortunately, that’s yet to become a reality. As of now, my two-year-old MacBook Pro 14 reigns supreme and shows no signs of relinquishing its crown anytime soon.

So, my dear readers, join me in celebration of this timeless masterpiece. Let us revel in the brilliance of the first-gen Apple MacBook Pro 14, where the display mesmerizes, the keyboard dances to your fingertips, and the battery thrives like a marathon runner. Long live this titan of technology!

Are you still in awe of the MacBook Pro 14? Or have you found your true laptop love in another model? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below! Let’s geek out together.