TikTok user shares creepy ‘driverless Uber’ experience; step-by-step breakdown.

TikTok user shares creepy 'driverless Uber' experience; step-by-step breakdown.

The Future is Here: Riding in a Driverless Uber

By [Your Name]

Driverless Uber

Introduction: Embracing the Driverless Revolution

The idea of autonomous vehicles roaming our streets without a driver seemed like science fiction just a few years ago. However, recent developments in the rideshare industry suggest that this futuristic concept is becoming a reality. While there are still concerns about the safety and feasibility of self-driving cars, some adventurous souls have taken the plunge and experienced the thrill of a driverless ride firsthand.

One TikTok user, going by the name @brittanylindsay_, captured her rollercoaster of emotions during her encounter with a driverless vehicle. Although she mistakenly referred to it as an “Uber,” the vehicle was actually a Waymo autonomous car. Through her hilarious commentary, we are granted a glimpse into the intriguing world of self-driving rides. So, let’s dive in and explore the journey she embarked upon.

How to Hop Into a Driverless Ride

First things first, where exactly did our intrepid TikToker find this driverless wonder? Well, it remains a mystery, as she doesn’t explicitly mention the location or the service utilized. However, it’s worth noting that back in May, Uber announced the inclusion of Waymo self-driving cars in their app. Although Uber has clarified that driverless rides have not yet been launched, it’s exciting to see these innovations inching closer to becoming mainstream.

Based on @brittanylindsay_’s experience, here are the steps involved in getting into a driverless ride:

  1. Open the relevant app and enter your pickup and drop-off locations.
  2. If available in your area, you should see a “self driving” option, enabling you to request an autonomous car.
  3. The driverless car will meet you at the designated pickup location, and you’ll be prompted to unlock it from the app.
  4. Once inside, an interactive tablet will greet you with the words “Start the ride.” When you’re ready to go, simply tap on it.
  5. The doors will lock, and the self-driving car will smoothly transport you to your destination, with real-time updates on the estimated time of arrival displayed on the dashboard.

“This is the future,” exclaimed @brittanylindsay_. However, she did mention that the car’s adherence to the speed limit frustrated her, making her prefer a “driverless Uber” only when she had ample time to spare.

What makes the collaboration between Uber and Waymo even more intriguing is their history as legal adversaries. Uber saw Waymo, a subsidiary of Alphabet (Google’s parent company), as a formidable competitor in the emerging robotaxi industry. In response, Uber established its own autonomous car division in 2015 to directly compete with Waymo.

Trouble soon followed, as Waymo accused Uber of stealing their trade secrets in 2017. The legal spat shed light on Anthony Levandowski, a former Waymo employee who had joined Uber, revealing insider information about Google’s self-driving operations. Ultimately, the two companies settled their legal battle in 2018, surprising many when Uber announced its partnership with Waymo this year.

This collaboration proves to be mutually beneficial, with Waymo leveraging Uber’s vast user base while Uber delivers cutting-edge services to its customers. Of course, this raises questions about the potential threat to the livelihoods of millions of Uber and Lyft drivers, but that discussion deserves its own space—a topic for another day.

In conclusion, the era of self-driving rides is upon us. Adventures like @brittanylindsay_ showcase the evolving landscape of transportation and the thrilling possibilities that lie ahead. While there are still considerable hurdles to overcome, the emergence of driverless Ubers heralds a future where humans relinquish control of the wheel and let technology take the lead. So, buckle up and get ready for the fascinating journey that awaits us all!


  1. Original Article: Tech News Today
  2. Image Source: Example.com