Embracing Diversity in Tech: A Home for the LGBTQIA+ Community

TNW City Hosts LGBTQIA+ Tech Startup Meet-Up on February 29; Sabine Schoorl Seeks to Find Her Queer Community

TNW and Queer Funders and Founders collaborated.

📷 Image Source: Unsplash

For the average individual, work makes up about ⅓ of their life. Everyone should have the freedom to not have to hide essential parts of their identity from their colleagues, business partners, or, in the case of startup founders — investors. Unfortunately, this is still far from reality.

While the tech industry is supposedly at the forefront of humanity’s drive for innovation, many people in the LGBTQIA+ community working in tech suffer as a result of archaic and obsolete prejudices. Often, given the lack of external markers of mutual recognition, they do so in isolation, to the detriment of both health and creativity. One investor is hoping to change that.

🌈 Finding the Queer Tribe

“I want to find my Queer tribe,” says Sabine Schoorl. “Because when we are together, there’s such creativity, such energy, and such talent.” Schoorl is senior partner at LUMO Labs, an impact-driven multi-stage venture capital fund based in The Netherlands. She is also one of the initiators of the Queer Funders and Founders community, with a meet-up event taking place at TNW City on February 29, 2023.

While there is plenty of data on the gender gap and other diversity issues in funding, there is very little on how much investment goes (or doesn’t) to Queer founders. One significant reason for this is that as many as 75% of LGBTQIA+ founders are hiding this part of their identity from investors.

🏠 A Home for the LGBTQIA+ Tech Community

When Schoorl decided to be explicitly open about her Queer identity (she is married to Ingrid Tappin, founder and director of Diverse Leaders in Tech) in her professional life, the magnitude of the response she received served as inspiration for the community she hopes to build.

“I get the most amazing responses. People say ‘oh, I’m so happy that you are open. I would love that too, but I don’t know any other Queer people in the tech industry’,” Schoorl states. “And so I thought that apparently it is important to do this as an investor — to be open about it, and to attract people who also want to be open about it.”

To that effect, Schoorl began working together with Til Klein, German entrepreneur and investor based in Switzerland, to build an LGBTQIA+ community in continental Europe for the tech startup ecosystem. Klein is co-founder and general partner of Identity Ventures, Europe’s first VC fund that invests in LGBTQIA+ led early-stage (seed and Series A) startups.

Another partner in this endeavor is TNW’s own director of events, Zach Butler. The idea that TNW should host the Queer Founders and Funders meet-up at the company’s spaces in Amsterdam arose when Schoorl and Butler shared a snowy taxi ride during the SLUSH conference in Finland last year. “I’m excited that TNW will host the first Queer Funders and Founders meet-up, and hope that other LGBTQIA+ community members will benefit from having a warm home for sharing stories and connections,” Butler says.

“Sabine mentioned this idea when we were on our way to an LGBTQIA+ meet-up in Helsinki together, and I really see the need, but also the big value that Queer Funders and Founders can unlock from a new niche community platform.”

💡 Flipping the Script

Schoorl adds that investors can be really brutal, even telling LGBTQIA+ founders to hide this part of their identity not to “scare people off.” LUMO Labs is a strong advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).

“We have a lot of female founders in our portfolio companies, and now I want to add LGBTQ+ founders to our portfolio,” Schoorl says, emphasizing the importance of representation. “Now that I’m out and proud and vocal about my own queerness, the Queer community knows ‘okay, I’m safe there, I can be myself — I can be my best self’,” she says, adding that bicultural founders are also most welcome to come work with LUMO Labs.

While funding gaps for founder minorities is a systemic problem, and closing it is, unarguably, the right thing to do, for an investor like Schoorl, it is also a big opportunity. “I always like to flip the script here,” she adds. “For me, it is a great opportunity to meet [LGBTQIA+ founders] and find them to add quality deal flow.” Just in case you missed the link to sign up for the event earlier in the article, you can find it here.

💬 Q&A: Addressing Readers’ Concerns

Q: What are some potential benefits of an LGBTQIA+ community in the tech industry? A: An LGBTQIA+ community in the tech industry can provide a safe and inclusive space for individuals to be their authentic selves. It can foster creativity, encourage collaboration, and unlock untapped talent. Additionally, it has the potential to attract diverse perspectives and promote innovation.

Q: Why is it important for investors to be open about supporting LGBTQIA+ founders? A: Investors being open about supporting LGBTQIA+ founders is crucial because it creates an environment of trust and acceptance. By openly embracing diversity, investors can attract diverse talent and foster an inclusive culture that allows founders to flourish and reach their full potential.

Q: How can events like the Queer Founders and Funders meet-up benefit members of the LGBTQIA+ community? A: Events like the Queer Founders and Funders meet-up provide a platform for LGBTQIA+ community members to connect, share experiences, and build a supportive network. They offer an opportunity for mentorship, collaboration, and potential funding, ultimately empowering LGBTQIA+ individuals in the tech industry.

🔍 Recommended Reading: 1. The Importance of Diversity in Tech 2. Inclusive Culture: A Catalyst for Innovation 3. Closing the Funding Gap: Advancing Diversity in Venture Capital 4. The Power of Representation: LGBTQIA+ Leaders in Tech 5. Fostering Inclusive Ecosystems for Startup Success

🗣️ Engage with us on social media! Share your thoughts on embracing diversity in the tech industry and the importance of LGBTQIA+ representation. Let’s create a more inclusive future together! #TechWithPride

Note: The original content contained no videos or images.

Original Source: ENBLE