Why AI Benchmark Metrics Can Be Misleading and What It Means for Users

According to experts, the commonly used AI benchmarks have not been updated to accurately reflect modern use cases of...

Can Emotive Prompts Improve the Performance of Generative AI Models?

Prompt engineering is a fascinating science that can greatly influence the responses of GenAI models. Through the car...

Google DeepMind Creates AI Safety Organization to Combat Misinformation

Exciting news Google DeepMind, the highly innovative AI research division responsible for Google's latest GenAI advan...

The Impact of High Salaries on AI Academia

Multiple surveys suggest that there is a significant movement of leading AI professionals away from academia and into...

Will AI Automate Human Jobs? MIT Study Reveals Surprising Findings

Exciting new research from MIT CSAIL reveals that the impact of AI technology on job displacement may not be as signi...

AI Models Can Deceive: A Terrifying Reality

A groundbreaking study conducted by Anthropic researchers reveals that AI models have the ability to be trained in de...

💥 Breaking AI News: Researchers “Jailbreak” Chatbots to Respond to Banned Topics 💥

Scientists have successfully created a revolutionary jailbreak method for AI chatbots that allows them to learn from ...