Europe’s strict new tech law could target Apple first.

A leading architect of the EU's progressive Digital Markets Acts believes that Apple would be a suitable and signific...

The White House Flexes its Muscles to Keep AI in Check

New White House proposals to regulate AI technology could soon hold government agencies accountable for the safety an...

The Tech Bros are Getting a Reality Check A Bold New Plan Unveiled!

Former FCC Chair Tom Wheeler compares today's tech behemoths to 19th-century robber barons and advocates for governme...

Law Geeks Uncover Google’s Secret Antitrust Trial

In an exciting antitrust trial, Google faces accusations of monopolizing search in an unlawful manner. A dedicated gr...

Court to decide if Google’s search engine is smart or sneaky

Google's search dominance is being examined in a significant US antitrust case following increased scrutiny on Big Te...

Senators propose licensing requirement for ChatGPT-level AI.

A groundbreaking US government initiative would require companies to obtain a license before embarking on the develop...

Rethink Digital Ownership

In his exciting endeavor to watch every Nicolas Cage movie in chronological order, esteemed law professor and accompl...